Mysqldump is a command-line utility that is used to generate the logical backup of the MySQL database. It produces the SQL Statements that can be used to recreate the database objects and data. The command can also be used to generate the output in the XML, delimited text, or CSV format.

Note: By default, mysqldump command does not dump the information_schema database, performance_schema, and MySQL Cluster ndbinfo database.

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There are lots of options and features that can be used with mysqldump. You can view the complete list of options here. I am going to some of the basic features. Following is the syntax of the mysqldump utility.

Restoring a MySQL database using mysqldump is simple. To restore the database, you must create an empty database. First, let us drop and recreate the sakila database by executing the following command.

When you restore the database, instead of using mysqldump, you must use mysql; otherwise, the mysqldump will not generate the schema and the data. Execute the following command to restore the sakila database:

What I have is a MySQL Dump file of a database. I need to know if there is anything out there that can read in a MySQL dump file and then allow me to perform selects (to lookup data), without my having to have an actual MySQL database. Almost like a virtual MySQL database as a file sort of thing. Basically, I'm trying to cross reference data, and I don't exactly want to create a new database, do the import, and then read the data like that. I will if I have to, but was just wondering if there was some sort of program that would read my dump file and let me just view it as if I was connected to the database.

There are a few tools out there for viewing the dump files out there. Keep in mind that it's just a huge text-file with sql commands. Any SQL Query Analizer tool out there can typically open and view the files. There is no tool (that I've seen) that will let you treat the txt file as an editable database. Even the MYSQL Workbench GUI has one built-in.

As a slightly-easier method of importing/modifying/etc the dump files, just use the mysql workbench to import the dump file into a locally running DB server... and export it back out when done. No need for the entire php framework with myPHPAdmin... and apache... and everything else.

I keep coming back to this question of how to query a DB snapshot and ended up throwing together a collection of Docker calls that pull up phpmyadmin for a .sql dump file. This isn't exactly a lightweight solution, but it's quick (after bringing in the Docker images the first time, anyway) and the created databases and servers are disposable.

With the (imperfect and OSX-specific) script below, it's a one-liner to pull in or start up the relevant Docker machines, load in the dump file to the mysql server, and pop open a browser with phpmyadmin pointed to the relevant database:

This isn't really different from the original answer to load the file into a local mysql server. But it's three years later and containers make the provisioning and... well, containerization a little easier.

If you don't want a full fledged local mysql installation you could also import your mysql-dump into a sqlite database and (temporarily) work with this. For converting the mysql-dump you could use this ...

I don't think it's a password problem; instead, it looks like the mysqldump command put some extra stuff in there that only makes sense if you're importing the data into a server as the superuser. We normally suggest adding the command-line switch --set-gtid-purged=OFF to your mysqldump commands, which generally suppresses that kind of thing.

I'd suggest just taking a copy of the dump file for safety, then deleting those two lines from the file; there will also likely be another SET @@SESSION.SQL_LOG_BIN later on, which can also be deleted.

I downloaded the MYSQL dump file from _db.

I want to read the downloaded dump file from KNIME.

I want to do this without accessing the Mysql database.

I ask how to read MTSQL dump file directly from KNIME AP.

So im trying to write a batch script to emulate that ability. but im running into alot of issues.. i found the following script and tried to modify it a tad and while it creates the .sql file it doesn't actually connect to the database i just get the following error "mysqldump: Got error: 2026: SSL connection error: SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths failed when trying to connect"

:: FILE HISTORY ----------------------------------------------

:: UPDATE 11.7.2012 Added setup all folder paths into variables at the top of the script to ease deployment

:: UPDATE 7.16.2012 Added --routines, fix for dashes in filename, and fix for regional time settings

:: UPDATE 3.30.2012 Added error logging to help troubleshoot databases backup errors. --log-error="c:MySQLBackupsackupfilesdumperrors.txt"

:: UPDATE 12.29.2011 Added time bug fix and remote FTP options - Thanks to Kamil Tomas :: UPDATE 5.09.2011 v 1.0

Managing and backing up servers and databases can all be done in MySQL.

To help these complex processes run smoothly, utilities have been developed. Mysqldump is one of those tools meant to make the lives of developers easier.

In this guide, we are going to walk you through what mysqldump is, how to use it, identify some common errors, and provide some clear examples along the way so that you will be able to use mysqldump effectively.

Let's first dive into the world of MySQL and why 'mysqldump' should be your trusty sidekick. You already know how vital it is to safeguard your data in the digital realm, and 'mysqldump' is your ally in achieving just that.

Plus, whether you're shifting to new servers or setting up different development environments, 'mysqldump' is your assurance against data loss. It's like moving your tech world without misplacing a single piece. Your digital realm stays intact and always ready for action. Make 'mysqldump' your go-to companion in the world of data security.

Mysqldump is part of the relational database package for MySQL.

It is used to back up all the data in a database into a single text file. These files or "dumps" can be generated for individual databases or a collection of them. The text in the file is displayed as a set of SQL statements that can later be reconstructed into its original state.

The purpose of this tool is to export a database to a backup file or to move the database to another web host. Other delimited text formats like XML and CSV can also be generated with mysqldump. These simple queries make the backup process easier.

As a developer, you can leverage mysqldump to get a hold of the .sql file, which acts as a comprehensive database backup.

To use this tool, you'll require access to the MySQL server running the database instance, along with the necessary privileges for exporting data. Don't forget to have your database user credentials handy, including the username and password.

The mysqldump command-line tool typically comes bundled with either the MySQL client or MySQL server installation. To verify if mysqldump is available on your local system, you can run the following command:

For each of these tasks, we will provide the command line to use, and we will also explain the different options you can use to customize your mysqldump command.

Make sure you are on a machine that has mysqldump is installed.

It's important to note that mysqldump provides options that allow you to customize the dump behavior. For example, you can use the --ignore-table option to exclude specific tables from the dump, including regular user-created tables. You can also use the --no-data option to exclude table data while preserving the table structure.

You will then provide the password for the database user because it is not passed along with the -p flag.

The > character indicates the output redirection that will create the dump file. Here, file_name is what the final file will be called.

Ever needed to restore a MySQL backup on a remote server? Well the simple solution is to use, a free tool that allows you to privately restore a MySQL database from a backup dump directly to a remote MySQL server.

The second method is important when dealing with large tables.

By using the --quick flag, mysqldump reads large databases without needing large amounts of RAM to fit the full table into the memory.

This ensures that the databases will be read and copied correctly on systems with small amounts of RAM and large data sets.

In short, the --single-transaction allows MySQL InnoDB dumps to have a consistent state of the database. It tells MySQL that we are about to dump the database, thus, breaking changes like table structure queries will be blocked to preserve data consistency. Note that this only applies for InnoDB tables.

Yes, this clause works with the command line.

This makes it easy to set conditions on the data you need to dump from the database.

If there is a large enterprise that has been in business for decades that wants to pull the information after April 27, 2017, then this clause allows that to happen.

The where clause passes a string for the condition and grabs the specific records requested.

This error can be fixed by going into the MySQL configuration file and increasing max_allowed_packet value in the [mysqld] and [mysqldump] sections. Save and close the file when finished, then restart MySQL for the changes to take effect.

There may be times when you delete a table during backing up. If this is the case, you can restrict certain tables from the mysqldump command with the --ignore-table option. To identify the table, you will have to state both the database and table names.

If the user trying to do the dump doesn't have the privileges necessary to access the database, this error occurs. Logging into MySQL and assigning those privileges to the user will fix the issue. Enter command: 17dc91bb1f

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