In this article, you learn how to install .NET on Windows. .NET is made up of the runtime and the SDK. The runtime is used to run a .NET app and might be included with the app. The SDK is used to create .NET apps and libraries. The .NET runtime is always installed with the SDK.

There are three different .NET runtimes you can install, however, you should install both the .NET Desktop Runtime and the ASP.NET Core Runtime for maximum compatibility with all types of .NET apps. The following table describes what is included with each runtime:

Download Desktop Runtime

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This runtime supports Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Windows Forms apps that are built with .NET. This isn't the same as .NET Framework, which comes with Windows. This runtime includes .NET Runtime, but doesn't include ASP.NET Core Runtime, which must be installed separately.

This runtime runs web server apps and provides many web-related APIs. ASP.NET Core Runtime allows you to run apps that were made with .NET that didn't provide the runtime. You must install .NET Runtime in addition to this runtime. The following commands install ASP.NET Core Runtime, In your terminal, run the following commands:

The script defaults to installing the latest long term support (LTS) version, which is .NET 8. You can choose a specific release by specifying the Channel switch. Include the Runtime switch to install a runtime. Otherwise, the script installs the SDK.

The runtime is used to run apps created with .NET. When an app author publishes an app, they can include the runtime with their app. If they don't include the runtime, it's up to the user to install the runtime.

There's a ".NET Runtime" and a ".NET Desktop Runtime" - please ensure you've installed the ".NET Desktop Runtime" and not the other. The .NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.6 installer can be found here: -us/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-desktop-6.0.6-windows-x64-insta...

This may sound slightly convoluted so I'll try and describe my problem as clearly as possible.

Recently, I noticed I had an older program called Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime 5.0.10 (x86), and Microsoft recommended updating to Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime 6.0.12 (x86), so I uninstalled the program. I was notified during the uninstall process that Kaspersky is dependant on this runtime to function, but I thought, that's okay as I will be installing the latest version of this Runtime. I promptly installed Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime 6.0.12 (x86), but Kaspersky ceased to function and I received this:

The Microsoft .NET Core Runtime and Hosting Bundle 2/3/5/6 is already available in the catalog; however the Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime is a seperate package. Windows desktop applications written for .NET Core will require this runtime instead.

The .NET Core Runtime and Hosting Bundle package ends up installing the Windows Server Hosting bundle, even when deployed to desktops, so the existing packages aren't ideal for most desktop estates.

If you are an organization using Chocolatey, we want your experience to be fully reliable. Due to the nature of this publicly offered repository, reliability cannot be guaranteed. Packages offered here are subject to distribution rights, which means they may need to reach out further to the internet to the official locations to download files at runtime.

.NET 6 introduces Android, iOS, and macOS SDKs for developing native applications. These provide the foundational mobile and desktop pieces for the new .NET MAUI. See documentation for additional setup instructions and creating your first .NET MAUI application.

Looks like I incorrectly downloaded and installed the console, not the desktop, .NET variant the first time. Just now I made sure to download and install the desktop one and now the designer starts up fine.

I downloaded a few mods and wanted to install USSEP and I always get the Error message saying I need .NET Desktop Runtime to run this application. I know about needing to install it, but when clicking "Yes" in the error box, nothing happens. The box closes and Vortex just says installation failed.

Okay, I thought, I will just install it manually. I went to the official website -us/download/dotnet/6.0/runtime , downloaded and installed it. Same error. 

I also looked if it really is installed and looked in Windows Control Center>Programs and "Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime - 6.0.8 (x64)" is installed. I installed also the (general?) version "Microsoft .NET Runtime - 6.0.8 (x64)". Still same error.

I don't know what to do anymore. The only related problem I found on Google was fixed by switching the Vortex version from beta to stable, but I already had it selected. So no fix for me :(

Does somebody know what to do here?

No, what was holding me back was the issue on how to distribute the application without undue bloating of the download installer sizes or effectively getting the shared .NET Core runtimes installed. The Runtime Distribution is the focus of this post:

Moving to .NET Core isn't a major change in terms of product features, but it is one that I had to make at some point as .NET Framework code - while it still works - is slowly but surely falling behind in functionality and features compared to .NET Core. For desktop applications I'd say most of the improvements are more developer focused, but nevertheless it seems prudent to move forward to the currently recommended platform rather than holding out and hope things don't break or key libraries no longer support full framework (and there are more and more of those!).

Technically I could have moved to Core quite a while ago as I've long ported the application to run, but my biggest issue has been balancing the pros of improved tooling, performance and being 'up to date' vs the increased complexity or potential size penality of runtime distribution.

The existing version of Markdown Monster 2.x runs on .NET Framework (NetFX) and as such takes advantage of the fact that the .NET Framework is always available and pre-installed on Windows. This means I can just ship my binaries and not worry about additional installers, huge install size or making sure that a particular runtime is installed and stays installed. The Runtime is just there.

.NET Core supports several options to deploy from self-contained (ie. ship all the runtime files as part of the app) to using an installed shared framework, to a trimmed down version that attempts to ship only what it uses (very limited) or can even create self-contained executables.

So as you can see by the error message in Figure 1, the shared runtime requires that the Runtime version that is required for your application to run is installed on the machine. The runtime is installed in a global location (%programFiles%\dotnet\shared) and shared by any application that uses the same runtime version.

This allows your application to run on higher patch versions than what is specified for the application's runtime in yourapp.runtime.json. So if you built your application for a runtime of 7.0.3 you can run on 7.0.7, but you can't run on 7.0.2 (lower patch) or 7.1.0 (because the minor version changed). You could make the latter work by using LastestMinor but you might run into problems with breaking changes in that scenario as Patch releases are generally bug fixes while minor releases include updated and changed functionality and possibly breaking APIs.

For a custom runtime installer, I'll discuss a small tool that you can call from your installer to check for and optionally install the .NET Desktop Runtime if not installed. The tool waits for completion of the runtime install so that you can continue with the remainder of the install or launch of the application as you would expect.

I've already been down this path with West Wind WebSurge which was also updated from .NET Framework to .NET Core a couple of years ago. It's a much more developer centric tool, so the shared runtime install requirement and semi-automated built-in process that prompts to install the runtime is less of an issue.

There's no special installer support so WebSurge relies on the runtime install dialog which as I mentioned is not the greatest way for end users. I will probably update that installer with the launcher I'll describe below in future updates.

Install with a Package Manager (Chocolatey WinGet etc.)

These tools have support for installing dependencies so you can set them up to install the required desktop runtimes for you. The downside I found is that these tools will install whatever version you choose to reference, even if a newer compatible version is already installed causing more wasted space.

Manual Installation Prerequisite

This is what I described with WebSurge: Application has a pre-requisite for the runtime, and if it's not present the EXE launcher dialog then can direct for download and installation of the runtime. The downside is that it's not very nice UI for end users having to download and install a runtime manually, and then explicitly restart.

Using a Custom Runtime Installer

I've created a custom Runtime Installer that can be launched from an Installer or interactively from the command line that checks for the installed runtime and if not found, optionally downloads and installs it. e24fc04721

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