Domestic partnerships, or civil unions, provide some of the same benefits of marriage, and before the right to marry was extended to same-sex couples, such couples often entered into these legal arrangements. Unlike common law marriage, a domestic partnership is typically a formal legal arrangement that must be registered to be recognized. In a domestic partnership, the gender of the partners is irrelevant, but both partners must be over 18, not related to each other, not involved in another domestic partnership or marriage, and cohabitate or share a permanent residence. Domestic partners possess some of the benefits enjoyed by spouses; they may be entitled to health insurance coverage or medical leave, depending on the law in their jurisdiction. Some states, such as Washington, legally converted most or all domestic partnerships registered in the state to marriages when they began to recognize same-sex marriage. To learn more about domestic partnerships, click here.

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VA is dedicated to serving all eligible Servicemembers, Veterans and their families and providing them the benefits they have earned. We encourage all Veterans in same-sex marriages who believe they are entitled to benefits (including those whose claims were previously denied on a ground related to their marriage) to promptly apply for benefits.

A:VA will require the same evidence for claims and applications involving same-sex marriage as claims based on opposite-sex marriage. Generally, VA will accept a claimant's or applicant's assertion that he or she is married as sufficient evidence to establish a Veteran's marriage for the purpose of VA benefits and services. However, consistent with current policy (applicable to all marriage-based benefits), VA may pursue further development if an assertion concerning a marriage appears unreliable, but will not treat assertions regarding same-sex marriages any differently than assertions regarding opposite-sex marriages.

For the purpose of assigning an effective date for a compensation or pension claim that was not pending as of September 4, 2013, provided that the claimant met all of the eligibility requirements for the benefit by that date, and the claim was received within the following year, VA generally will assign an effective date of September 4, 2013.

A:VA will require the same evidence for claims and applications involving same-sex marriage as claims based on opposite-sex marriage. Generally, VA will accept a claimant's or applicant's assertion that he or she is married as sufficient evidence to establish a Veteran's marriage for the purpose of VA benefits and services. However, consistent with current policy, VA may investigate further if an assertion concerning a marriage appears unreliable, but VA will not treat assertions regarding same-sex marriages any differently than assertions regarding opposite-sex marriages.

A: Once VA has recognized a marriage for the purpose of one VA benefit or service, it will usually recognize it for other benefits or services unless there is a factual change in marital status, such as divorce or separation. The Veteran need not submit evidence of the already-recognized marriage with an application for a new benefit.

A: Enrollment of Veterans in Priority Groups 5, 7, and 8 is based on income of both the Veteran and the Veteran's spouse, if married. For Veterans in these priority groups, the impact of VA recognizing a same-sex spouse and including spousal income will vary. For example, inclusion of a spouse's income may result in the Veteran being moved to a lower priority group (e.g., from 5 to 8) and being required to make copayments for care the Veteran receives. Recognition of marriage could also result in the Veteran being moved to a higher priority group, for example, if the spouse does not have income to report. The inclusion of spousal income would not result in a Veteran who is currently enrolled in VA health care being disenrolled. Information on income thresholds is available here

If the Veteran indicates that his or her same-sex marriage is a common-law marriage, claims processors must determine whether the same-sex relationship qualifies as a common-law marriage under the standards applicable to all common-law marriages.

A: VA will treat all married couples the same, regardless of the sex of the spouses. The Veteran does not have to die before a spouse can be eligible for burial or memorial benefits. The spouse or surviving spouse of an eligible Veteran is eligible for interment in a national cemetery even if that Veteran is not buried or memorialized in a national cemetery. The surviving spouse of an eligible Veteran who had a subsequent remarriage to a non-Veteran and whose death occurred on or after January 1, 2000, is eligible for burial in a national cemetery, based on his or her marriage to the eligible Veteran. For more information, please refer to the NCA website and the fact sheet "Arranging Burial in a National Cemetery."

A:VA will apply the same standards for recognizing the children of a Veteran in a same-sex marriage as it does for recognizing the children of a Veteran in an opposite-sex marriage. VA accepts as evidence documentation, such as birth certificates, adoption decrees, or other judicial decrees.

In the novel Pride and Prejudice, intelligent Elizabeth has determined that only the deepest love will induce [her] into matrimony. Luckily, she then finds her Mr. Darcy and lives happily ever after. However, the writer, Jane Austen, who has the same determination as Elizabeth, failed to marry in her lifetime. The relationship between marriage and happiness seems to be a perpetual topic for people, especially for women. They cannot help but ask which process of mate selection will lead to happy lives. For instance, Firoozeh Dumas, an Iranian- American, shows her good hope of the American-style romantic love in the article The Wedding. Romantic love is attractive, whereas the existence of the tight family relationship in Eastern culture makes the arranged marriage more reliable and rational; therefore Chinas partially arranged marriage stands in a good middle ground.

If you enter your marriage with a less than stellar credit rating, you can improve your financial health by being added to your more fiscally fit partner's credit card and work to improve your credit score slowly but surely.

Entering into a marriage gives you and your spouse the benefits, protections and obligations of marriage under state and local laws in Wisconsin. These benefits and duties are too numerous to list, but a few of them are described here.

There are several forms of domestic partnership in Wisconsin, none of which are directly affected by the Wolf decision. The State operates a domestic partner registry that provides same-sex couples some, but nowhere close to all, of the protections of marriage, such as inheritance rights and the right to hospital visitation. A number of municipalities around the state have also passed domestic partnership ordinances that provide some additional protections. Finally, the State of Wisconsin, some municipalities, and several private employers provide health insurance and other employment benefits for the domestic partners of their employees.

The domestic partnership statute does not appear to specifically address this circumstance. Your marriage is now definitely recognized. While it is possible that your domestic partnership also will remain in effect, it is unlikely to matter to a married couple, since marriage includes all the benefits of domestic partnerships.

No. In fact, Wisconsin law says that couples who are already married cannot get another marriage license.[2] The Wolf decision requires that marriages of same-sex couples performed in other states be recognized by Wisconsin, so you should not need to take any other steps for your marriage to be recognized.

If you are a same-sex couple and marry in Wisconsin, then your marriage will be recognized in all the states that currently recognize the marriages of same-sex couples. In addition, even in those states where marriages of same-sex couples are not currently recognized, some private business and others may recognize your Wisconsin marriage.

We were married in Wisconsin between June 6 and June 13, 2014. We tried to do a name change with Social Security, but were refused. I thought the federal government had to recognize lawful same-sex marriages?

In the weeks after the Supreme Court rejected the appeals in Wolf and the State announced it was recognizing June marriages of same-sex couples, some federal agencies, including the Social Security Administration, did not immediately process requests by married same-sex couples for federal benefits and other forms of recognition, such as name changes. However, on October 26, the federal government clarified that it would recognize the June 2014 marriages as well as other marriages of same-sex couples in Wisconsin. If a federal agency previously would not recognize your marital status, we suggest you try contacting the agency again. If you continue to have problems, please contact the ACLU.

If your employer offers spousal health insurance (or other spousal benefits) to employees with different-sex spouses, it should offer the same insurance and benefits to employees with same-sex spouses. Federal, state, and local government employers must provide married same-sex partners the same benefits they provide to married different-sex partners. Ensuring that private employers provide same-sex couples spousal employment benefits is more complicated. Because of the complexity of this issue, we encourage you to contact the ACLU of Wisconsin if you are denied health insurance or pension benefits for your spouse. 17dc91bb1f

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