Welcome to the 2024 Boston Marathon Training Plan. Developed by B.A.A., these plans will help guide you to success. These training plans are specifically geared towards preparing for the Boston Marathon, and are not necessarily intended for other events. The 20-week plans culminate at the 128th Boston Marathon presented by Bank of America in April.

There are four levels of training plans designed to help you whether you are running over five hours or going for a sub-three hour marathon. In addition to the number of days per week, additional information (a weekly mileage range and long run distances) is provided to allow you to select the training plan that best suits you:

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The step by step increase in daily and weekly mileage is designed to challenge you while also minimizing the risk of training too hard. All four plans build a solid base of running fitness, and will help try to maximize your race potential. As with any training plan, what is outlined is merely a guide on how to build and structure your weekly running routine.

The B.A.A. Boston Marathon Training Plan material is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute any fitness and/or medical advice. You should always consult a qualified and licensed medical professional prior to beginning or modifying any exercise program. Please use personal judgment when participating in any training or exercise program. Information contained within the B.A.A. Boston Marathon Training Plan may not be reproduced or repurposed without approved written consent from the Boston Athletic Association.

Athletes' Village features free monthly challenges, paid training programs, and a community to connect with fellow runners! It is also your central location for B.A.A. race & volunteer history, results, updates, registration.

Among my most enjoyable activities is helping runners train for the marathon. I estimate that I have assisted more than a half million runners reach the finish line of 26 mile 385 yard races. Even that estimate may be low given the number of people who have purchased copies of my best-selling book, Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide, who have signed up for my interactive training programs or who, like you, have surfed this site.

Many experienced runners doing their second, third and fourth marathons stick with the Novice 1 program, because it fits well into their busy lives. Or they choose Novice 2, which provides a slight bump upward in difficulty. Recently at an Expo where I was signing copies of my book, one woman told me that she had used my Novice 1 program for 13 consecutive marathons!

For those hoping to improve, to set Personal Records, or to qualify for The Boston Marathon, I also offer two Intermediate and two Advanced programs, each one a logical step upward in difficulty and intensity. And for those who have more than 18 weeks to train, I also offer two 30-week programs: Novice Supreme, aimed at runners new to the sport, and Personal Best, aimed at runners seeking peak performance. Consider also Marathon 3, featuring only three days of running a week and slightly more cross-training.

You can become my virtual training partner by using the free schedules here on this site, or you can sign up for the interactive version of all my programs, available through TrainingPeaks. Each day I will send you e-mail instructions telling you what to run each day, offering also tips on your training. You will learn much, much more about how to train for a marathon by signing up for one of my interactive programs. I strongly urge that you consider to do so. Never before has it been easier to run a marathon. Never before has it been more fun! Good luck with your training.

Subscribe to our mailing list for advice from Hal, training tips, and updates on our programs and apps. By submitting your email address, you are consenting to receive communications from halhigdon.com. You may opt out at any time.

I want to keep progressing towards a full marathon. I've responded really well to Tommy's training style and philosophy: 6x per week, lots of light intensity volume, training by RPE/heart rate and not pace, don't get dead :). Does anyone have a recommendation for a marathon training plan that might check some of those boxes?

The program is intended for anyone looking to experience the fun, excitement, and camaraderie of training for the marathon. This program is being led by experienced runners and is open to everyone. The 2024 program is geared to not only marathoners, but half marathoners, relay, and 5K participants as well.

*Please consult a physician before beginning any exercise program. The KTC and the Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon Group Run Program are not responsible for injuries. We are simply offering a schedule of organized runs for individuals training for the marathon.

NUTRITION was my secret weapon to a successful first marathon. More to come on this in a future blog post! I have a lot to say on this topic (excited to share so much go info in my live cooking class this Sunday).

This surprises a lot of people, but with marathon training, it is more about the accumulation of miles in total that really gets you ready; the long run of 2-3 hours and the workouts faster than race pace for more than a few miles.

As much as it seems to make logical sense in our minds (and I am guilty of this too), you cannot just take someone elses training, make a few adjustments to pace or distance, and think it will work magic for you.

When I create plans for my clients, I try to curate their workouts based on what will best serve them, but I give them a good deal of easy miles. Burnout is a very real thing, for brain and body, and overtraining is very hard to fight against once you are in the thick of it! Congrats to your sister and your family!

Our goal is to offer you coaching and guidance, as well as motivation to get you across the finish line. Whether it is your first race or a personal best, our free training tips and schedules are for athletes of all ages and levels of fitness.

Since 2003, our veteran RRCA coaches Hobbit and Tom Singleton, have trained more than 37,000 athletes. Because of their passion and unselfish devotion to new athletes, our training program has contributed an estimated $2.7 million back into the world running community.

I find that when I am only training for running events, I miss cycling and get hurt. I also find that when I am cycling only, I miss running. I want to be great at both. In searching the forum, this has been addressed to some degree before, such as: -for-half-marathon-while-racing/14715 and -3hr-marathon-training-with-trainerroad/7713.

When well trained, I can run at a fairly decent level (~16:30 5k, 3-hour marathon, although that is soft) and want to continue to run fast and improve. I can also attain a fairly high FTP (336 watts, around 4.5 w/kg) again, with room to grow.

I have been alternating between the two sports the last few years. 2018 early I tried for my first half ironman so I was doing both sports till April and finished the HIM. Then went back to my passion of mountain biking. Bike got stolen In September so I switched back to only running for a BQ in September 2018. From there I ran around 45-50 miles a week till the end of February and BQed with a 2:55. Then I dropped running to go back to mountain biking with a new bike, with the aim of leadville. With 6 weeks of bike training I qualified at the austin rattler, and continued till August and finished leadville in 8:33.

Matt Dixon of PurplePatch had this situation discussed in a fairly recent podcast. His wife wanted to do a marathon but kept getting injured. This time, he had her cycling as well to build more fitness without the ground impact on the body. Worth a listen. You can do both. I bike 3x a week and run 3x a week. Try to do both on the same day so the recovery day is where I can recover.

I will try to keep the 2 sweet spot sessions until the last few weeks before the marathon. I guess I will start doing some short bricks, and also start running in the morning of the biking days, to maximise my running whilst still having some biking in my legs.

The great thing about having a printable training plan is that it keeps you motivated. I love to check things off or cross them out. When I printed this out, I was able to actually cross out the runs after I completed them. But to have a digital copy on you phone is nice to as a quick reference to what mileage you have to do.

This first week was a killer. A few weeks ago when I chatted with my coach about training, she recommended kicking things off with a 10 day, 10 mile challenge. 10 miles/day for 10 days would give me my first ever 70 mile week. I felt up for it. 10 miles is about an hour and 20 minutes per day. That's a lot of time. No rest days. I was running 35 miles/week for the month of January, so it would be a big jump. When training for NYC, I hit 64 miles in my peak week, so I was amped to get my peak week up to 70 miles this cycle. We decided to go with 8 miles/day for 8 days to see how my body handled the sharp increase. I still have 1 day left in the challenge, but here's how the week went down:

This was a GREAT first week though. My body held up with the mileage and I was able to run decent paces even though my muscles felt tired. The tired was strange though - it wasn't like I ran 20 miles and it hurt to move, walk, sit/stand. My legs really only felt tired when I was running. I could tell they were fatigued when putting in miles, but they felt fine throughout the day. Very happy to have logged a solid first week of training!

Upon registration to the class, participants will receive training guides to Missoula Marathon & Half Marathon training as well as your training schedule. Class participants will receive their training material packet following the timelines outlined below:

Running has always been a part of her life, from sprinting on the track to training for road races to playing in the mountains on trail runs. She completed her first marathon in June 2022 at the Missoula Marathon after being a participant in the RWM Marathon Training class. She did her second marathon the following October at the Chicago Marathon. Both were incredible experiences and races, and neither would have been as successful without the RWM Marathon Training Class. Now, though, Braelynne is excited to continue focusing on races like the half marathon distance, and supporting athletes who also find joy in running. 17dc91bb1f

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