Wenn Sie Fragen zu unserer Cookie-Richtlinie haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an support@loungebuddy.americanexpress.com. Mglicherweise finden Sie auch unsere Datenschutzrichtlinie hilfreich. Diese Cookie-Richtlinie wurde auf Englisch (amerikanisch) verfasst. In dem Mae, in dem eine bersetzte Version dieser Cookie-Richtlinie mit der englischen Version in Konflikt steht, hat die englische Version Vorrang.

If you would like more information regarding the rights you may have, if you want to exercise any of your rights, if you have questions about how we process information about you, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us at support@loungebuddy.americanexpress.com.

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If you have questions, you may reach our Data Protection Officer at loungebuddy.dpo@aexp.com, or our member representative by clicking here or emailing datainquiry@dpr.eu.com quoting LoungeBuddy, Inc. in the subject line.

To exercise your rights or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at support@loungebuddy.americanexpress.com. We may need to validate certain information about you to verify your identity before we can fulfill your request. If you are making a request for access, deletion, or correction rights on behalf of another person, we may require you to provide proof that you have been designated as their authorized agent.

If you have any questions regarding our Cookie Policy, please contact us at support@loungebuddy.americanexpress.com. You may also find our Privacy Policy helpful. This Cookie Policy was written in English (US). To the extent any translated version of this Cookie Policy conflicts with the English version, the English version controls.

Finding a lounge after a long flight can help you regain focus, recharge your devices, or even work remotely using free Wi-Fi. Booking a lounge pass using LoungeBuddy is not complicated. You can use either the loungebuddy.com website or your mobile app to purchase a pass.

Using the loungebuddy app, you can either enter your itinerary and the app will list available lounges during your trip or you can search by airport. If you enter your frequent-flier status, credit cards, etc., the app will show you which lounges are free to use, as well as lounges you can pay to access. e24fc04721

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