I seem to be missing the setting that allows me to open Dropbox folders in finder instead of in a browser. Can someone please tell me how to open a Dropbox link in Finder? My Mac is: macOS Monterey; Version 12.5.

Has that ever been an option? Dropbox links have always opened in a browser because they're links to a website. To the best of my knowledge, you could never click a link and have it open in Explorer or Finder.

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Oh no, that's super frustrating! I store everything in Dropbox and have links to folders saved for quick access. But the issue is that when I click the link, it takes me to a browser window, and I'm not able to drag and drop images, etc. like I need to be able to do. How can I adjust whatever settings need to be adjusted, so that I have the option to click a Dropbox link and open the folder in Finder?

Oh I see. It would still be incredibly helpful if I could open a link from my own Dropbox account in a Finder window, instead of just in a browser tab. I don't understand how this is not already an option.

I store everything in Dropbox and have links to folders saved for quick access. But the issue is that when I click the link, it takes me to a browser window, and I'm not able to drag and drop images, etc. like I need to be able to do. It would be much preferred to be able to click a link and open my own folder in Finder.

This is extremely unfortunate and did not happen in the previous versions of Dropbox. Why did you remove the feature to open a dropbox link in Finder? This is product decision is not understandable for me.

Guys, imagine you have that massive folder tree with tons of slides, videos, etc. sorted out by topics. Finding the right thing may be a problem, especially without tags. So the Big question 1) Is it possible to link each file and folder in my Finder (Mac) to the Evernote 2) If yes, can you explain with screenshots how exactly it works? with/ without Google drive?

I'm imagining a custom link structure that can fill in the file path as an argument to a variable that is the local Dropbox location, thereby ignoring the computer-specific directory hierarchy and just looking at our individual Dropbox folders as the root

Going with your idea... I think it'll work, although since I have two computers with different Dropbox locations, the macro would have to translate incoming links based on my computer's Name (e.g. nrightnour's MacBook Pro), and on my co-worker's computer, be able to translate links from either of my computers' file structures with no user input. Should be possible.

Then "~/Dropbox" should work for everyone, since the tilde (~) represents the user's home folder.

If Slack (or other app, like email) does NOT auto-convert the path to an actual link, then you will need to create a KM Macro to select the path, and use the "Open File in Default App", OR "Reveal File", whichever you prefer.

As far as links, each draft has a unique URL that can be used to open it from outside the app. The link for a draft can be copied to the clipboard using commands in the contextual menu on a draft in the draft list (press and hold on iOS, right-click on the Mac).

Search Less. Focus more.?: You repeatedly search for information scattered across different apps and folders.?: Hookmark puts links to task-relevant information at your fingertips, regardless of where it's stored.?: Stop struggling. Stay...

Non-working links are annoying and reflect poorly on your professionalism. They not only deter visitors from staying on and returning to your site, but they can also negatively impact your search engine rankings. Even worse than a broken link is a link to a website that causes harm through malware or phishing.

From a high-level report summarizing the results all the way down to the exact locations of the found links in the code, Dr. Link Check provides easy access to the information you need to locate and fix the links on your website.

Dr. Link Check allows you to control various aspects of a link check. For instance, you can specify rules for which URLs to include or exclude from being checked, limit the crawl speed so as not to overwhelm your server, or specify recipients to email the results to.

Is there a way to get the same functionality as the unix command ln -s in the Mac OS X Finder (OS 10.5)? I want to be able to create symbolic links while working in Finder windows without opening the Terminal.

Note that the Make Alias command in Finder is not what I want because those aliases cannot be navigated in the Terminal (but links created with ln -s can be navigated by both the Terminal and Finder).

Just paste it into AppleScript Editor and save it as an application. Then you can drag it over your finder's toolbar or link it on the dock.

Have you ever wondered: Where does this link go? The URL redirect checker follows the path of the URL. It will show you the full redirection path of URLs, shortened links, or tiny URLs. Also referred to as a link checker, url checker, redirect checker, link tracker, url tracker, redirect tracer, link follower, 301 redirect checker, redirect tracker, URL tester, and so on.

When the link checker traces a link, the results display all the links that you are being redirected through including php redirects, htaccess redirects, NGINX redirects, JavaScript redirects and meta-refreshes eventually leading you to the final destination. Learn about 301 redirects.

This tool is like a link redirect detective that will follow your URLs and help you diagnose complex linking problems. As you migrate your website or rename URLs on your website, you need to forward that old URL address to a new URL address. It is best to test your URLs to ensure they go to the correct places and do not encounter an error 404 along the way. Keep in mind, if you end up creating redirect chains, any error encountered during the redirect process could prevent the user from reaching the final destination.

If you are an affiliate marketer, then you likely use short links or tiny URLs to mask or shorten your links for social media platforms and other websites. If one of your redirects break then your affiliate income for that particular URL ceases. WhereGoes can help you with check your affiliate links to ensure they are redirecting to the correct places.

If you want to know where a tiny link goes, then you can also use WhereGoes as a link expander. It will show you exactly where that tiny URL goes and the full path of it. This is great to use if you are unsure where the link will take you or you want to see what affiliates are involved in the redirection process.

As an affiliate marketer, you want to keep your profit margins as high as possible. To do this, you need to cut out all the middle-men affiliates. The WhereGoes link tracer will show you all the affiliates involved in the link redirection process. To get the path to the affiliate, look at the final destination. The link directly before it would be the real affiliate program. Everything else is getting a piece of the affiliate revenue. So, trace all your current affiliate programs and make sure you are signed up directly with the source, not a sub-affiliate program, and you will make more money.

I don't believe this is possible as of Yosemite 10.10.5. The sharing menu would be a sensible place for this, but it doesn't have an option to send or copy a link to the file, choosing Mail or Messages will attach the full file:

I am a returnee, trying to figure out a best workflow. I anticipate continuing to maintain a finder folder structure outside of DT and then also having a structure of folders in DT to correspond to particular projects (e.g. for notes, email capture, and smaller documents).

This Link Checker looks for issues in links, anchors and referenced objects in a Web page, CSS style sheet, or recursively on a whole Web site. For best results, it is recommended to first ensure that the documents checked use Valid (X)HTML Markup and CSS. The Link Checker is part of the W3C's validators and Quality Web tools.

Automator let's you make services that run any shell script and also can ask you for a path to the destination for the hard link (since it won't be in the same location as the original presumably). I suppose you could default the link location somewhere like a desktop too.

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