In the Or select a place in this document box, under Cell Reference, click the worksheet that you want to link to, type the cell reference in the Type in the cell reference box, and then select OK.

You can use the HYPERLINK function to create a link that opens a document that is stored on a network server, an intranet, or the Internet. When you click the cell that contains the HYPERLINK function, Excel opens the file that is stored at the location of the link.

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Friendly_name is the jump text or numeric value that is displayed in the cell. Friendly_name is displayed in blue and is underlined. If friendly_name is omitted, the cell displays the link_location as the jump text.

The following example creates a link to cell F10 on the worksheet named Annual in the workbook Budget Report.xls, which is stored on the Internet at the location named The cell on the worksheet that contains the link displays the contents of cell D1 as the jump text:

The following example creates a link to the range named DeptTotal on the worksheet named First Quarter in the workbook Budget Report.xls, which is stored on the Internet at the location named The cell on the worksheet that contains the link displays the text "Click to see First Quarter Department Total":

To create a link to a specific location in a Microsoft Word document, you must use a bookmark to define the location you want to jump to in the document. The following example creates a link to the bookmark named QrtlyProfits in the document named Annual Report.doc located at

In Excel for Windows, the following example displays the contents of cell D5 as the jump text in the cell and opens the file named 1stqtr.xls, which is stored on the server named FINANCE in the Statements share. This example uses a UNC path:

In Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, the following example displays "Click here" in the cell and opens the file named First Quarter that is stored in a folder named Budget Reports on the hard drive named Macintosh HD:

You can create links within a worksheet to jump from one cell to another cell. For example, if the active worksheet is the sheet named June in the workbook named Budget, the following formula creates a link to cell E56. The link text itself is the value in cell E56.

To jump to a different sheet in the same workbook, change the name of the sheet in the link. In the previous example, to create a link to cell E56 on the September sheet, change the word "June" to "September."

When you click a link to an email address, your email program automatically starts and creates an email message with the correct address in the To box, provided that you have an email program installed.

You can also create a link to an email address in a cell by typing the address directly in the cell. For example, a link is created automatically when you type an email address, such as

You can insert one or more external reference (also called links) from a workbook to another workbook that is located on your intranet or on the Internet. The workbook must not be saved as an HTML file.

The options that you select in the Format Cells dialog box appear as selected under Style includes in the Style dialog box. You can clear the check boxes for any options that you don't want to apply.

By default, unspecified paths to hyperlink destination files are relative to the location of the active workbook. Use this procedure when you want to set a different default path. Each time that you create a link to a file in that location, you only have to specify the file name, not the path, in the Insert Hyperlink dialog box.

A link opens another page or file when you click it. The destination is frequently another web page, but it can also be a picture, or an email address, or a program. The link itself can be text or a picture.

When a site user clicks the link, the destination is shown in a Web browser, opened, or run, depending on the type of destination. For example, a link to a page shows the page in the web browser, and a link to an AVI file opens the file in a media player.

A relative URL has one or more missing parts. The missing information is taken from the page that contains the URL. For example, if the protocol and web server are missing, the web browser uses the protocol and domain, such as .com, .org, or .edu, of the current page.

It is common for pages on the web to use relative URLs that contain only a partial path and file name. If the files are moved to another server, any links will continue to work as long as the relative positions of the pages remain unchanged. For example, a link on Products.htm points to a page named apple.htm in a folder named Food; if both pages are moved to a folder named Food on a different server, the URL in the link will still be correct.

In an Excel workbook, unspecified paths to link destination files are by default relative to the location of the active workbook. You can set a different base address to use by default so that each time that you create a link to a file in that location, you only have to specify the file name, not the path, in the Insert Hyperlink dialog box.

Hi I hope someone can help with this probably simple problem. I have an excel spreadsheet that I want to share links to documents with. I find my document in dropbox, right click, share link get the address and then post this into excel as a hyperlink. Once the hyperlink opens it opens my dropbox to a blank page not to the specified document. How to do do this properly?

The help says

 If the person you share the link with already has the file or folder saved in their Dropbox, they will be taken directly to that file or folder's location.

I obviosuly have the file in my dropbox but the link takes me to a blank dropbox page inside my dropbox, doesnt show me the location or file at all

So simply create a hyperlink (Ctrl + K) within the cell in Excel and select the file you want to hyperlink to. Excel actually stores this as a RELATIVE path to that file, so even if someone else clicks that link it will open correctly. Here is the example:

If you then tell Bill to open the Excel file and he clicks it, the relative link will correctly find "C:\Users\Bill\Dropbox\Excel\MyFile.xlsx" - in fact it won't matter where Dropbox is stored it will always work.

Thankyou very much Phil for your answer I do appreciate your time.

That was the first way I was trying it, but then I can not seem to access these "mylinkedfile" from another device or computer.

My aim is to create an excel spreasheet that has hyperlinks to my important documents and files that I can access not only at home, but anywhere. I can currently obviuosly open my files anwhere by searching in dropbox, but I thought a planning document with the files listed in it in the catergories I need it would suit my needs this time. Eg I am a teacher, I want to link these documents into my lesson plans and be abel to access it through the excel sheet at school too???

I am having the same problem, too. Uploaded to my Dropbox are an Excel Spreadsheet containing links to photos, and the photos themselves. When I click on the links in the Excel file, however, I get a message window saying that I can't access the photo files. I can go directly to and open the photos, of course, but I need to be able to see where they each tie in to the Excel file. -Eric

Hey Katherine and Phil and everyone,

I'm struggling with kind of the same issue but with external links to Excel files.

I created links between my Doc1 and my Doc2, so that whenever I update Doc1, Doc2 is updated too. I need all my partners to be able to do the same: edit Doc1, and check the modifications in Doc2.

During the first trials, what Phil said worked: Excel stored the path as relative path, and when Bill edited Doc1 he could see that Doc2 was updated as the path was the one on his computer.

But now, and especially since I converted the files from xlsx to xls, this does not work anymore. Excel stored the path of my computer and does not update it on Bill and everyone else's computer.

I am having the same issue - I want to link photos and compliance docs to a tender master list but the links seem to fail. I need to rework the business document library into a workable process - currently we are utilising an over complicated process due to this probelm

I have the same problem to... I have a Excel spread sheet we use to track estimates.. We have one folder on Dropbox with all our estimates in as pdf's, we want to email the Excel spreadsheet tracker out to colleagues allowing them to click on the shared hyperlink we have pasted on to the spread sheet taking them to each individual pdf, but when they click on the link they receive an error message "Cannot open the specified file" we know the links are live & the spread sheet is fully active with no restrictions, but what i find even more strange is if i email the the spread sheet back to myself, using the same PC i made the spread sheet with & me being spreadsheet author and Dropbox owner i to receive the same error message...

It sounds like you've actually used relative links Lea - as in the work on that one machine only as they point to local folders (le. Lea's Work\Dropbox\Excel\Quotes). As soon as the excel file is ANYWHERE else those links fail.

 Did this post not resolve your issue? If so please give us some more information so we can try and help - please remember we cannot see over your shoulder so be as descriptive as possible! 152ee80cbc

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