Additionally, Microsoft Edge shipped with the "Internet Explorer mode" feature, which enables support for legacy internet applications. This is possible through use of the Trident MSHTML engine, the rendering code of Internet Explorer.[47][48] Microsoft has committed to supporting Internet Explorer mode at least through 2029, with a one-year notice before it is discontinued.[49]

After 25+ years of helping people use and experience the web, Internet Explorer (IE) is officially retired and out of support as of today, June 15, 2022. To many millions of you, thank you for using Internet Explorer as your gateway to the internet.

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As a developer, I found the new Internet Explorer version to be a complete nightmare. I turned the windows feature off, but I wasn't able to install Internet Explorer 10. It says that it's already installed which it is not. Is there a file or a registry entry I should delete as well?

The problem remains, many internet explorer references in the registry. Do you know of a way to search for and remove selective registry entries at one time? Or better, what kind of registry entry would trigger the error message:

I bring this up as I purchased a new PC with Windows 11 and installed Civil 3D 2022 on it. I also have a laptop that I upgraded and regardless of this. We've known for well over 1 year now that this was coming from Windows. So they do NOT install Internet Explorer when you upgrade or get a new Windows 11 box. There are features within Civil 3D 2022 such as Volumes Dashboard that use Internet Explorer to read the XML that is created when you select to create a Cut/Fill report. There are also Toolbox features that do a similar process, run the Executable and Civil 3D access Internet explorer to read the XML file. Now we've been told for at least 5 years that IE (Internet Explorer) is going away and well Windows finally did this. So how do I fix this in Civil 3D? Is there a way to force Civil 3D to use Edge or Chrome instead? If so I'd love to know this fix. If now when are we getting a service pack to address this very long outstanding issue which should've been addressed back in 2018 when we were informed that IE would be retired.

Nor sure if this works as I don't have Windows 11 yet (wasn't windows 10 the FINAL version, never to be replaced only upgraded?). Can you install Internet Explorer under windows 11? Or possibly just copy? I know I still use the Windows 7 calculator under window 10 and in the past used older discontinued/obsolete applet/programs in newer versions of windows.

Clearing the cache and cookies from a web browser is an important first-step for almost any troubleshooting for internet browsing. The 'cache' is a tool used by your internet browser to speed up the page loading process. However, sometimes it can cause a problem when websites are updated and developed as files saved in the cache may conflict with what's actually coded into the website. Clearing cache and cookies is a way we can be sure that any issues you may come across are actually something wrong with the website, rather than inconsistencies caused by using different browsers.

The site i am loading loads a new popup that I use. This page is brought to the front. And there are no settings in internet explorer that allow me to keep it hidden. Such as opening in current window, bring to front, switch to new tab, open it in a tab, etc. No luck.

It ranges from Block All Cookies to Accept All Cookies. The default setting is Medium, which provides a balance of being permissive enough with Cookies to have a good experience on the internet while still blocking certain types of Cookies which could leak private information about you.

The dialog box's Privacy tab includes options that can block pop-ups, enable private browsing and prevent sites from accessing the user's physical location. The dialog box also includes a Content tab with settings related to certificate use, autofill, feeds and web slices. The Connection tab allows users to configure connectivity to the internet, but the mechanisms on this tab are relics from the 1990s and are seldom used today. The Programs tab lets users manage add-ons, file associations and the applications that are used for web-related services, such as email. Finally, the Advanced tab provides fine granular control over almost every aspect of the browser. It lets users completely customize the browser's behavior. ff782bc1db

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