ArcGIS Online Assistant is a great tool, but in my case it is a bit to limited and to slow. I need to edit some Web App Config.json files, and they contain thousands on lines so the AGOL-Assistant is very slow and there is no find and replace functionality etc.

I've found what I thought was the solution. If I get the id from my portal item I can go to ...\arcgisportal\content\items where there's a folder for each of my items named by it's id. And inside the folder there is a file with no extension namned by the item id. When I open this it looks just like it's supposed to be the json-file I'm looking for. This file is changed when I make changes to my item (configure my web appbuilder app). But editing this file in a texteditor and save it doesn't affect my web app. I've cleared browser cache and tried other browsers but still no change.

Download Json File From Gst Portal

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I wouln't have to go this road if it was possible to either add a custom theme to web appbuilder to the portal, or if it was possible to add custom on-screen widgets to the portal. But this seems impossible through the portal and its web app builder interface.

I've been trying to add a JSON file containing fields with coordinates (not sure if that is the only criteria for calling JSON files GeoJSON). This JSON file comes from an external real-time server but is saved locally. The steps I took are as: My content > Add item > From my computer. Everytime I try to add the concerning JSON file, it says: "invalid url". Extra information: the JSON file is a saved output from the HERE Traffic REST API. The corresponding URL to get the output contains parameters like the desired incidents categories, bounding box, and the API ID and key.

@Derek: Just to clarify this. By 'We don't support directly adding a JSON' you mean a JSON file not in the GeoJson format or files ending with .json in general? As you also say: 'You can add a GeoJSON file to Portal, but not a JSON file.' Yet the 'supportet-items' page states: 'GeoJSON file (.geojson, .json)'

I'm trying to upload a GeoJson file to ArcGIS Portal. For testing purposes I use the 'example' provided in the wikipedia article about GeoJson Derek referenced in his post. I saved this in a file called test.json.

> Just to clarify this. By 'We don't support directly adding a JSON' you mean a JSON file not in the GeoJson format or files ending with .json in general? As you also say: 'You can add a GeoJSON file to Portal, but not a JSON file.' Yet the 'supportet-items' page states: 'GeoJSON file (.geojson, .json)'

> I'm trying to upload a GeoJson file to ArcGIS Portal. For testing purposes I use the 'example' provided in the wikipedia article about GeoJson Derek referenced in his post. I saved this in a file called test.json.

Hi, I also have this question, but am working with a dynamic dataset provided as a REST API in json format. Is there a way to access this dynamic data in our Portal? I found some information on Koop, but not sure if that will work for us behind our firewall (the json REST API is also behind our firewall). I'm not a programmer, but can do some scripting if needed. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Becky, Data Interoperability extension can read JSON via REST, transform it into rows or features (if that is what the endpoint abstracts) and write to a portal feature service with truncate or update. An ETL can be called via Python on any schedule.

Hi Bruce, I recently submitted a ticket and worked with an ESRI tech on this issue and he found that there is a bug in Arcmap 10.5 that does not allow for json or geojson to be read via REST utilizing the Spatial ETL Tool. v10.5.1 however, fixes this bug. Since I will not be able to upgrade soon, I was hoping that you might know of another fix for this issue?

"We have developed an Azure function using Visual Studio 2019. Every time we update the host.json file in Visual Studio and publish it, it takes a lot of time. We have tried updating the host.json using the Azure portal, but we are getting an error. Please let me know if there is any way to update the host.json using the Azure portal." 

h. Note: If you wish to update the function.json, in the same wwwroot folder you can navigate to your function and find your function.json file and edit it accordingly.

Please note editing the code from the Azure portal is not a good practice though. You could try testing your code on the Visual Studio Dev environment locally and check if your app works fine. Then you can deploy your function app to Azure as explained here.

@Raguram Manokaran Thanks for getting back. Please note, When your app is currently in read only mode you cannot edit it directly. You seem to be running your function app from package. Running directly from a package makes wwwroot read-only. Your app will receive an error if it tries to write files to this directory. More Info here and here.

Rather than manually building an entire ARM template, let's start by retrieving a pre-built template that accomplishes our goal. The Azure Quickstart Templates repo repo contains a large collection of templates that deploy common scenarios. The portal makes it easy for you find and use templates from this repo. You can save the template and reuse it later.

You can use the portal for quickly developing and deploying ARM templates. In general, we recommend using Visual Studio Code for developing your ARM templates, and Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell for deploying the template, but you can use the portal for quick deployments without installing those tools.

The portal generates a template for you based on the current state of the resource group. Notice that this template isn't the same as either template you deployed earlier. It contains definitions for both the storage account and virtual network, along with other resources like a blob service that was automatically created for your storage account.

In this tutorial, you learned how to generate a template from the Azure portal, and how to deploy the template using the portal. The template used in this Quickstart is a simple template with one Azure resource. When the template is complex, it's easier to use Visual Studio Code, or Visual Studio to develop the template. To learn more about template development, see our new beginner tutorial series:

Settings in the local.settings.json file are only used by Functions tools when running locally. By default, these settings are not migrated automatically when the project is published to Azure. We could use the Azure Functions Core Tools to publish the local.setting.json to Azure easily.

This means you can dynamically control what's in host.json this way. Not quite an answer to the OPs question, since it's not accessing but overriding, but I think it's a somewhat valid way to control what's in host.json. If it's a good practice, or not - not me to decide :-)

My group uses Cloud Endpoints for our project to host a number of APIs and we use the Endpoint portal to test and ensure that our production APIs are working as they should. However, with the deprecation of the portal we are looking for an alternative.

After a bit of digging I can see that one should be able to use the in built Swagger UI on the deployment of the API. Is there anyway that we can open the swagger.json to the greater internet so we can access it from our project app url? e.g.

What would be the required changes to the openapi.yml to do so? After which we can use a simple locally hosted swagger ui and point it to the deployed swagger.json, or alternatively have the UI hosted on the deployed app and use the /ui or /docs path to access the swagger portal.

The host.json file contains the configuration values affecting all functions in a function app. As soon as we add an Azure Function project, this file is created with at least one field indicating the runtime version of Azure Functions. You can find out more about the features of the hosts.json file from the Azure Functions documentation.

You can edit the host.json file from the App Service Editor in Azure Portal to test changes quickly without republishing the function app. However, it is essential to note that the App Service Editor should only be used for non-production applications. For production deployments, you should use CI/CD pipelines.

The host.json file is located underneath the WWWROOT directory within the app. The file contains the details of the platform version and, in some cases, the extension bundle installed in the function app.

It is essential to know that the editor will automatically save changes to the hosts.json file. If you are making changes to a production application, you must be extremely careful since typos or misconfigurations can cause the application to go down.

ArcGIS Online allows the sharing of items from ArcGIS Server within an organization for collaboration and management of data between organizational members. However, adding or accessing an item from ArcGIS Server via a GeoJSON URL fails, and returns the following error message:

Your use cases for exploring resources will likely vary from my use cases. But, at least it's straightforward and easy to get the underlying structure and information for most resources in Azure this way.

The virtual_portal table consists of a single serial number field beginning with 1, and currently has 500 records. If you ever need to display more than 500 rows in any of the portals in this demo, you will need to add more records to this table. Note that for the portals to display their contents correctly, records in this table must have a sequential value in ID starting with 1, and there can be no gaps. Since there are 500 records, the IDs are 1-500, and the next serial value for ID is 501.

To make the point that these fields are used for display and data entry purposes only, and are not connected with the virtual_portal table in any meaningful way, I have defined them in the picker table, rather than in the virtual_portal table. ff782bc1db

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