EB: This last harvest was 40 percent less due to the excess of rain in Colombia. For quality it was actually a little higher because we were able to concentrate on less quantity and more on improving our processes and installations.

LC: You mentioned recently that the harvest seasons had flipped in your region, that the main harvest now takes place when the Mitaca used to and vice versa. Can you talk a little about the multiple yearly harvests in Colombia, why it is different from other origins, and what changes and challenges your environment has presented in recent years?

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Jakarta is also the city where you will see some Dutch colonial history, so if you are interested, you should really go here. I visited a number of monuments, museums, an amusement park and a theme park. I suggest you do some exploring in the old city center and visit some museums after your arrival. End the day with some drinks in the evening accompanied by an amazing view over the city. For the next day I recommend visiting the national monument, and pay a visit to a minitiature park to get an idea of Indonesia, the different building styles and cultures.

Yogyakarta, or Yogya as the locals call it, is an important city in central Java. Known for its location close to the important temples Prambanan and Borobudur, but it is definitely worth a visit and the city is very much loved by the tourists. For example, visit the royal palace, watch a traditional show, or go shopping for some great souvenirs!

The reason most tourists travel to Yogyakarta is to visit the world-renowned Borobudur complex. Watching the sunrise from the top of Borobudur is really a once in a lifetime experience, and so I wrote an extensive article with tips about it. You can spend the morning at Borobudur, take a little nap (you will have to wake up at 4.30 am!), and then spend the afternoon exploring the rice fields around Borobudur.

Indonesia is a country which is known for tourism as it is known for its delicious food, culture, islands, and java is one of the best islands to visit in Indonesia as this island offers a lot to appreciate a must visited the island for every 1.

In this resource pack, you may construct a miniature city out of re-textures minecraft blocks, similar to miniland at LEGOland parks, and any other model towns! From busy downtowns to sprawling suburbs, build massive metropolises at a fraction of the size and time!

Java[a] is one of the Greater Sunda Islands in Indonesia. It is bordered by the Indian Ocean to the south and the Java Sea to the north. With a population of 151.6 million people, Java is the world's most populous island, home to approximately 56% of the Indonesian population.[3] Indonesia's capital city, Jakarta, is on Java's northwestern coast.

Four main languages are spoken on the island: Javanese, Sundanese, Madurese, and Betawi. Javanese and Sundanese are the most spoken.[4] The ethnic groups native to the island are the Javanese in the central and eastern parts and Sundanese in the western parts. The Madurese in the Eastern salient of Java are migrants from Madura Island, while the Betawi in the capital city of Jakarta are hybrids from various ethnic groups in Indonesia. Most residents are bilingual, speaking Indonesian (the official language of Indonesia) as their first or second language. While the majority of the people of Java are Muslim, Java's population comprises people of diverse religious beliefs, ethnicities, and cultures.[5]

The area of Java is about 150,000 square kilometres (58,000 sq mi).[20] It is about 1,000 km (620 mi) long and up to 210 km (130 mi) wide. The island's longest river is the 600 km long Solo River.[21] The river rises from its source in central Java at the Lawu volcano, then flows north and eastward to its mouth in the Java Sea near the city of Surabaya. Other major rivers are Brantas, Citarum, Cimanuk and Serayu.[citation needed]

Java has been traditionally dominated by an elite class, while the people in the lower classes were often involved in agriculture and fishing. The elite class in Java has evolved over the course of history, as cultural wave after cultural wave immigrated to the island. There is evidence that South Asian emigres were among this elite, as well as Arabian and Persian immigrants during the Islamic eras. More recently, Chinese immigrants have also become part of the economic elite of Java. Although politically the Chinese generally remain sidelined, there are notable exceptions, such as the former governor of Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama. Though Java is increasingly becoming more modern and urban, only 75% of the island has electricity. Villages and their rice paddies are still a common sight. Unlike the rest of Java, the population growth in Central Java remains low. Central Java however has a younger population than the national average.[47] The slow population growth can in part be attributed to the choice by many people to leave the more rural Central Java for better opportunities and higher incomes in the bigger cities.[48] Java's population continues to rapidly increase despite many Javanese leaving the island. This is somewhat due to the fact that Java is the business, academic, and cultural hub of Indonesia, which attracts millions of non-Javanese people to its cities. The population growth is most intense in the regions surrounding Jakarta and Bandung, which is reflected through the demographic diversity in those areas.[citation needed]

The ice cream at Java Cow Cafe and Bakery is around $5 per person, which may seem a little pricy, but it seems that everything is a bit more expensive in Park City. We thought the homemade ice cream was worth it!

Two weeks after the wedding, we found ourselves in an Indonesian small city called Jogja (by the locals). Our host said she would rather categorise this place a village, but I beg to differ. Jogja has an international airport nearby, some traffic jam and a decent size train station full of taxi scammers.

From Jakarta, where we landed the first night, through Bandung to Jogja, we have spent a lot of time in slow trains and slow moving cars. Before seeing Java, Hanoi and Bangkok were at the top of my list for busy roads. How little did I know!

firstly the condition (city.getName() == null) is checked. If yes, then "N/A" is assigned to name or simply name="N/A" or else the value from city.getName() is assigned to name, i.e. name=city.getName().

Welcome to the City of New Blockston, a Canadian city with New England influences, started in June 2021! Located on the shores of Lake Naicouche and along the banks of the Mons River, New Blockston is a blossoming city in its prime. From parks, to attractions, to skyscrapers and historic buildings, there's something for everyone in New Blockston!

Shmar is a solo-built, fictional city based on Chicago and similar midwestern cities. The city is very realistic and detailed with lots of places to explore and interiors in every building. The city is very reminiscent of Chicago architecture and urban planning. I have spent 1000s of hours building it, and this is only the beginning as I plan to continue working on it.

Skyscrapers, Beaches, Mountains, Broadway Theaters, A Stadium, Subway System and so much more! 6 years of solo building to get to this point. A nice size city for you to explore and learn the secrets of the city!

Roasted light to bring brightness and clarity to the cup, great for an everyday coffee drinker. La Flor del Caf is a classic Antigua - it has lively acidity, a heavy body, and flavors of fine chocolate, caramel, and smoky rum. A sought after offering from the small city of Antigua, this coffee has it all. From the fragrant, floral aromatics and vanilla-caramel undertones to the rich chocolate finish, there is little left to be desired.

Inside the shop I was pleasantly surprised to find how cute it was! I literally found myself getting excited like a little girl at all the pink, pretty chandelier and decor! Bite Me is the perfect place for a little girls birthday party or an afternoon date with girlfriends for a cupcake treat!

Sure, the park is not in a great shape. Apparently, the local banteng population has been reduced from some 300 in the early 90s to some 50 now. The once common and tame wild boars are now apparently very rare and elusive. This in itself is an achievement, because almost nowhere else in the world have wildlife authorities managed to eradicate tropical pigs, but somehow they did succeed (illegally) in an Indonesian national park. The main reason for this is probably uncontrolled hunting. Camera trapping and other information sources reveal large numbers of people and poachers using the park without very little interference from park management.

When the Dutch colonized Indonesia in 1619, they began transforming the city to make it resemble a typical Dutch town, with modern buildings and canals.The canals were meant to regulate the flow and to control flooding, but researchers argue that they exacerbated the underlying problem. The alluvial soil of the delta naturally compacts over time, causing the land surface to subside unless it is continually replenished with new sediment from overflowing rivers. The canals tended to prevent that.

By comparison, climate change is raising sea level by only a fraction of an inch a year. But sinking land and rising sea both point toward the same outcome: regular flooding in a major capital city, a city with the most shopping malls in the world, currently ranked 12th for number of skyscrapers.

While such pumping is not illegal, it is subject to taxation. But the provincial government is unable to monitor and tax the untold numbers of unregulated deep wells scattered across the city, mostly hidden behind closed doors.

The provincial government says groundwater consumption reached more than 8 million cubic meters in 2018, the last year for which it has provided data. In 2016 it estimated that Jakarta had reserves of 852 million cubic meters. Independent researchers estimated in 2011, however, that Jakarta had already used an alarming 64 percent of its groundwater reserves. With little open space, groundwater is simply not being replenished. Rains run off to the sea. ff782bc1db

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