The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has introduced the CAPS portal, a significant leap in the realm of education. This innovative platform not only simplifies admission processes but also empowers candidates with enhanced transparency.

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My school of choice (Ilorin) changed my course and ask for my approval which I have accepted, I have done change of course on JAMB CAP, but am yet to be given admission though my status is showing admission in progress for the past 4 days. Do I need to change course on the school portal (Ilorin)?

On the JAMB result checking portal, you will see a blank field that asks for your JAMB registration number. Enter your registration number in the space provided. Be sure to double-check your registration number before submitting it to ensure that it is correct.

To solve the incorrect or wrong email address linked to your job account on the JAMB portal, you need to follow the two methods. If the first one does not work for you, try the second one. Then, it will indeed work for you.

You need to use the SMS method to get the JAMB password for your portal. To start this process, you must send an SMS to 55019 with the phone number you used to register or submit when creating your JAMB account or profile.

Built as one of the last parts of theRomanesque Church of Chartres, the west portals, or so-calledRoyal Portals, are one of the few surviving parts of the earlierchurch incorporated into the High Gothic Church constructed afterthe devastating fire of 1194. These portals are the major monumentof Early Gothic sculpture. They are clearly based on the now fragmentaryportals of St. Denis.

The different fields of sculptural decoration, including the tympanum, archivolts, lintel, and jamb figures, are clearly derived from comparable forms in Romaneque portal sculpture. Compare for example the Royal Portals to the portal from Moissac:

An important theme in Early Gothic sculpturelike architecture is integration. For example, note the integrationof the different elements of the portal evident in view of thesouth portal or Incarnation portal:

The theme of integration can also be seenin the overall programme of the sculptural decoration where allthe elements are coordinated into a coherent iconographical planfocusing on the Comings of Christ in the Christian plan of history.The tympanum of the south or right portal focuses on the themeof Incarnation:

The figure in the center of the tympanumappears to be Christ assisted by two angels ascending above theclouds. In the lintel below appear four angels swooping down tothe group of ten seated figures in the lower lintel. Generallyit has been understood that there are ten figures because whenthe portal was repositioned into the new facade of the High Gothicchurch it was necessary to delete two figures thus making theten figures the apostles. This would make the portal to be a combinationof the Ascension of Christ with the Mission of the Apostles echoingthe comparable conflation that occurred on the central portalof the narthex of Vezelay:

The significance of the number ten wouldnot have been lost on the medieval observer: a symbol for theTen Commandments. The archivolts of the Ascension portal representsymbols of the zodiac and the labors of the months:

We can thus look at the Incarnation Portalas the entrance of Christ into the world while the Ascension rerpresentsChrist leaving temporal existence and returning to God. This leadsto the culmination of the iconographical programme with the centralportal representing the Christ in Majesty at the Second Coming:

The jamb figures that flank the portalsare understood to be based on the corresponding figures from thenow largely destroyed portals of St Denis. Eighteenth centuryengravings by Montfaucon give us an idea about the original jambfigures at St Denis:

The jamb figures at St Denis are understoodto be representations of the royal lineage of Christ in the Kingsand Queens of the Old Testament. This theme of kingship was centralto Abbot Suger's ideology. These Old Testament Kings and Queenswere not only understood as ancestors of Christ but importantprecursors for the Kings and Queens of France. We have alreadynoted this theme in the treasury of St Denis which link the FrenchKings back to kings like Solomon,the Ptolomies, Charlemagne, etc.

The logic of the portal design clearly connects these jamb figures to the figures above, clearly defining the Divine source of Royal power in the image of Christ in Majesty. These jamb figures also serve for us entering the church as intermediaries to the figures above. This thus places us in relationship to this hierarchy of power descending from Christ above to the symbols of earthly kingship below.

The subject of this portal (dated ca.1130) is the Pentecostal Mission of the Apostles, which also reflected on the contemporary Crusades. The lintel portrays the "ungodly" people of the world. Much of this was defaced during the French Revolution.

Intending undergraduates wishing to change from their original university choice to the newly-established Federal University of Transportation, Daura (FUTD), Katsina State, can now do so on the JAMB portal.

1. Re-open of Portal for 2020/2021 Second Semester

This is to inform students that the 2020/2021 second semester registration portal is open for registration and closes mid-night of Tuesday, 22nd November, 2022. Students that are yet to register are hereby advised to take advantage of this last opportunity.


The 2023/2024 Admission Exercise will be based on Central Admission Processing System (CAPS), a system designed by Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB) to automate the admissions process to tertiary institutions. All candidates are advised to upload their O' Level results to the JAMB CAPS portal as a pre-condition for admission.


Visit the UNIOSUN Post UTME Portal via This will take you to the online Application Platform. Ensure you read all registration guidelines and instructions carefully before proceeding to register. We implore candidates to note that in the unlikely event of difficulty in accessing the admission portal, please wait for 30 minutes and try again or at any other convenient time. The application process will be from Monday 7th August at 24.00 midnight to Tuesday 10th October 2023 at 12.00 noon. The University may make a special arrangement to accommodate candidates who are expecting NECO SSCE results. ff782bc1db

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