Another compilation of stunts from the television series was released on October 11, 2009 entitled Jackass: The Lost Tapes. Again being arranged into individual segments rather than episodes, this collection features all the remaining stunts from the show that, for one reason or another, weren't included in the original box set, such as "Self Defense Test"; "Stun Collar"; "Fast Food Football"; "Roller Jump"; and "Satan vs. God". In addition to the previously unreleased segments, this collection also includes stunts that were filmed for the TV series, but never aired, primarily due to censorship reasons. The DVD's bonus features include the original cold opens from every televised episode of Jackass, the original credit montages from each televised episode, and an inside look at the short-lived website, featuring various skits.

In September 2009, Margera revealed to Iltalehti, a Finnish newspaper, that Jackass 3 would be made and filmed in places like Mongolia, South Africa and Finland as well as the United States beginning in January 2010.[25] He then confirmed it again during a broadcast of Radio Bam on September 21, 2009. In early December, Knoxville confirmed that Jackass 3 was being made.[26][27] In April 2010, a brief blurb about Jackass 3D, titled "gone filmin'", appeared on the Jackassworld website. It went on to state: "Thanks for the support the past two years. To keep abreast and adick of all things related to the world of jackass and Dickhouse (including the currently in production flick Jackass 3D), follow us on Facebook and Twitter."[28]

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The Jackass Bend Unit is located in extreme southwestern Ray County and northeastern Jackson County. This unit, three miles west of Orrick off of Missouri Highway 210, consists of approximately 861 acres lying almost entirely within an old oxbow of the river.\n ","hide_details":true,"main":true,"url":"\/refuge\/big-muddy\/visit-us\/locations\/jackass-bend-unit"}],"boundary":{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-90.151676972245994,38.626750996520997],[-90.151676972245994,39.382285616052997],[-94.203118101781996,39.382285616052997],[-94.203118101781996,38.626750996520997],[-90.151676972245994,38.626750996520997]]]}}}; Working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.

Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 8:41 PM

To: Andy Jaspen @ Sam Hill Entertainment

Subject: Re: Jackass Flats follow up

The jackass Flats were fantatstic. Great guys, played really well, lot of variety, good with the crowd, including a little unplugged session at the end as Jack was packing up their PA. I will definitely pass on your contact info to anyone who is looking to book a band and I'll be back in touch with you the next time we're looking to line someone up. 


The jackass penguin is closely related to the temperate penguins of South America (the Humboldt penguin, the Galapagos penguin, and the Magellanic Penguin), and these four species are together known as the banded penguins.

Jackass penguins lay clutches of two eggs in burrows that they dig out of the thick layers of guano (seabird droppings) that cover the coastline throughout their range. While one parent feeds, the other parent guards the nest. Incubation takes longer than one month. Jackass penguins form strong pair bonds and remain with the same partner for their entire lives. They are foraging predators that primarily eat small fishes, and they typically hunt within a few hundred kilometers of their nesting sites. They are prey for the large marine predators of the area, namely sharks, fur seals, and killer whales. Like all penguins, jackass penguins provide significant parental care for both the eggs and the chicks.

So you're looking for failing videos of accidents. I explained why I don't like 'jackass' videos and the classical 'fail-video'. Yes, I know, people, in general, like these videos. And yes, this makes people laugh and makes the training and meeting lively, interactive, and fun.

Another reason why I don't like the 'jackass' videos. Why should we accept and even stimulate that so-called safety videos make us laugh with people in pain or in trouble? Really? I didn't raise my kids to laugh, I raised them to help, to be a kind human, not only humankind. I raised my kids to have compassion and to act. These videos aren't helping this kind of behavior.

The Rev. Donald Cox was pastor of the Littleton Baptist Church, which owned 16.7 acres on the north side of Jackass and west of Prince. "When I told people we were going to build a church there I got a lot of hee-haws," the minister said. "I reminded the jokers that the most important Prince of Peace rode into Jerusalem on a jackass on Palm Sunday."

In the summer of 1987, a group of Littleton city employees formed the Jackass Hill Ski Patrol to march in the Western Welcome Week grand parade. Sporting tee-shirts with a cartoon jackass and the theme, "Catch the Spirit--Ski Jackass Hill," and carrying Jackass Hill street signs and ski poles and accompanied by a live jackass, they captured the hearts of parade watchers and officials, winning the first place trophy.

"PETA is reminding city and county prosecutors that no one is above the law and that while the rest of the world wants to save bees and recognizes animals as sentient individuals, these jackasses exploit and abuse them for fun," she added.

Obama: The young lady seems like a perfectly nice person. She's getting her award. What's he doing up there? He's a jackass. (Laughter) No, now -- this -- all this stuff -- I'm assuming all this stuff. Where's the pool? Come on guys. Cut the president some slack. I got a lot of other stuff on my plate. Yeah. Cause I remember last time it was the fly thing. Now that was the highlight of (trails off)

During a CNBC interview on Monday, President Obama called Kanye West a "jackass" regarding his behavior at the MTV Video Music Awards. (Watch the video of Kanye interrupting Taylor Swift's acceptance speech at the VMAs here and read about his first apology.)

One of my main goals in life has been to raise my kids so they wouldn't turn out to be quite the jackass that I am. Part of bringing up kids is giving them self-esteem, and both my wife and I wanted to impart a sense of self-worth and confidence to our children that would carry on throughout their lifetimes. We read to them at an early age, helped them through sports and homework, and advised them on how to converse and understand their fellow humans. These are tools we hoped would guide them to be successful in their careers and socialize with a large circle of friends and family.

I've come a long way to accepting who I am, something that's a struggle for some and joyful journey for others. Allowing myself to be imperfect for my children and accepting who I am makes me a better parent and human being. Raising my opinion of myself and raising children who don't see a jackass gives them insight into their own inner-critic. 17dc91bb1f

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