If you feel that someone you care about is clearly struggling but can't or won't reach out for help, and won't accept any help you offer, it's understandable to feel frustrated, distressed and powerless. But it's important to accept that they are an individual, and that there are always limits to what you can do to support another person.

If someone is experiencing reality in a very different way from people around them, they may not realise or agree that seeking help could be useful for them. They may be experiencing psychosis, mania, hearing voices or feeling very paranoid. In this case, it can also be helpful to:

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There are a lot of misunderstandings about what it means to experience psychosis. Lots of people wrongly think that the word 'psychotic' means 'dangerous'. But it's important to remember that in reality, very few people who experience psychosis ever hurt anyone else. (See our page on stigma and misconceptions for more information.)

You can get quick medical advice by contacting NHS 111 in England, or NHS 111 Wales (in Wales, you can select option 2 for urgent mental health support). Or you could help them make an emergency GP appointment to see a doctor soon.

If you're not in a situation like this right now, but you're worried someone you care about may experience a mental health crisis in the future, it's a good idea to make a crisis plan with them to work out what steps you will take to help them in an emergency. See our page on planning for a crisis for more information.

If you feel someone is at serious, immediate risk and will not approach anyone for help, you can contact their local social services, who can decide to arrange an assessment (you can usually find the number for social services on the local council's website).

I have been learning python through code academy. It asked me to create a if else statement that prints the users input, but if there is no input print "empty". I did pass the tutorial but when there is a user input it prints both the users input and "empty".

Without a comment character it was being interpreted as the statement to use as the else clause. It didn't create an error since length < 0 just generates a boolean result that you didn't do anything with, but it prevented you from having another statement as part of the else.

If someone you know has experienced sexual harassment or misconduct there are many ways for you to help. It takes courage for a survivor of sexual assault or domestic violence to share their story with anyone. Never underestimate your power to affect the course of a survivor's healing journey. Here are some tools -- words, actions, and resources -- that can help you support someone who shares personal experiences with you.

Sometimes you don't even need words (or at least not a lot of words), to be there for someone. Many people share that being able to tell their story to someone else lessens the weight of isolation, secrecy, and self-blame. Listening is in and of itself an act of love.

I get no errors in the console but the partial still displays on both of these urls I ended up using a terrible if/else statement but would like to learn how to properly do it using the or conditional.

Ok. I need some help here. I've tried multiple times and it won't work. I want to book a flight for my friend using my points. I know it's allowed and can be done but it keeps giving me an error message saying the name doesn't match the rr account?!! I put in his name and birthday and my rr account number and it just won't work. How else am i suppose to book for someone else using my points? Thanks for any help resolving this issue.

The Copyright Office will not honor a request for a copy of someone else's protected work without written authorization from the copyright owner or from his or her designated agent, unless the work is involved in litigation. In the latter case, a litigation statement is required. A certificate of registration for any registered work can be obtained see Circular 4 Copyright Office fees, for this and other records and services. Circular 6, Access to and Copies of Copyright Records and Deposit, provides additional information.

Only the owner of copyright in a work has the right to prepare, or to authorize someone else to create, a new version of that work. Accordingly, you cannot claim copyright to another's work, no matter how much you change it, unless you have the owner's consent. See Circular 14, Copyright Registration for Derivative Works and Compilations.

If you use a copyrighted work without authorization, the owner may be entitled to bring an infringement action against you. There are circumstances under the fair use doctrine where a quote or a sample may be used without permission. However, in cases of doubt, the Copyright Office recommends that permission be obtained.

If the sender added dots to your address, you'll still get that email. No one else sees your emails, and no one can take your account. For example, if your email is johnsmith@gmail.com, you own all dotted versions of your address:

I repeatedly keep getting this message "sorry we're having trouble reaching smartsheet right now. Please check for any known issues at status.smartsheet.com or contact us at www.smartsheet.com/gethelp for help.". It happens on different sheets and doing different processes so I can't pin point it to one thing. I am not certain that it's really causing any issues other than just causing a delay for having to close the popup. Has anyone else had this issue?

There are a number of potential causes for a generic error like this. If the Smartsheet Status page shows that all systems are operational (such as now), then I would review this Troubleshooting Help Articles to see if any of the information listed will help resolve your issue: Issue: Smartsheet Is Continuously Loading, Not Responding, or Not Displaying Certain Items

Being knowledgeable about mental health can help you be supportive in many ways. If you are familiar with signs of the most common disorders, you can spot them more easily. Plus, the more you know about mental health issues, the more sensitive you can be to what your loved one may be going through. You can learn about some of the most common disorders and find resources for each on our Common Conditions page and access free online training modules.

When someone you care about is struggling, talking to them about it can make a big difference. Find information on how to have the conversation and where to find support for someone you are worried about.

Yes, indeed. Add another macro that does the initialisation of the array and do put the if(){}else{} command inside your macro.

Study the function append in this example. I guess with the code below you will be able to figure it out.

As @Jeff_Perkinson suggests, more info would help, but I'll take a stab at what I think may be a source of confusion for you. The "Contains" function can be used on a list OR a string... if you are looking for whether any list item contains a specific character, your "If" statement will not produce the desired result as written. If that is your intent, you could surround your "testlist" variable with the Concat Items function in the "If" statement, i.e. Concat Items(testlist) evaluates to a single string made up of all of the list items stitched together. Now the Contains function will return a positive response when looking for a specific character if it exists in the new string.

When you create shared folders, you automatically become the owner. If you create a folder within someone else's shared folder, they become the owner. However, you can transfer ownership to someone else by changing the parent folder's sharing permissions.

Updates to shared link architectureDropbox is moving to an updated shared link architecture where links are based on content rather than on users. This will affect how links are created and shared.

It comes with a QR code, I can only imagine that it's scammers - has anyone else had this message - I've received another today - Fridays was Muriel, today it's the same message but Linda - what's the game - any ideas??

please help! I switched on my phone this morning to find that not only did I have all of my own contacts but also my sisters and some unknown other iPhone user's contacts. having my sisters contacts on my phone does not bother me very much as it was my old phone that she now has and although we now have different iCloud accounts, my account did used to be logged in on her phone. It is the discovery of the unknown contacts; undoubtedly foreign; that worries me. Could someone else have managed to log into my iCloud account? If so what can I do about it? If not (and I as I am very vigilant with passwords I hope not) what else could be happening? Thank you so much in advance!!

Your academic advisor is your first point of contact for questions about University and CICS policy, curriculum, general education requirements, and where to go for services around the university. They can also point you to the best resources for any challenges you might be facing, whether it is illness, stress, trouble with coursework, or anything else that may be affecting you. Please be proactive in seeking our help and informing us of any issues affecting your class performance: the sooner you let us know, the better the chances that our help will make a difference! 17dc91bb1f

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