Our commercial-off-the-shelf intelligence analysis software is used by 1000+ organizations across the public and private sectors to provide their analysts with multi-dimensional link analysis capabilities.

i2 Analyst's Notebook is a software product from i2 Group for data analysis. Based on ELP (entity-link-property) methodology, it reveals relationships between data entities to discover patterns and provide insight into data. It is commonly used by digital analysts at law enforcement, military and other government intelligence agencies, and by fraud departments. It is a part of the Human Terrain System, a United States Army program which embeds social scientists with combat brigades. Several investigations, including an investigation into fraud in the U.S. Army, are reported to have used it.[1] It is also used by Swedish police to analyse social contacts and social networks.[2][failed verification]

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Praescient was founded in 2011 by a team of analysts, entrepreneurs, and engineers committed to applying cutting-edge analytic technologies and methodologies to complex information challenges across the globe. Praescient specializes in technology assessment, advanced training, intelligence analysis, and investigative support to Law Enforcement, the Intelligence Community, the Department of Defense and the Legal and Commercial sectors.

Analysts often use IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook only for drawing pretty pictures, such as organization charts, but it is capable of so much more! It is especially useful for analysts who work with transactional data. Imagine being able to understand money flow, or phone call tracking, pattern of life, how networks are connected, where geographic points are located, and more, ultimately creating a finished product that management can understand - all from one tool!

When I worked as a military intelligence analyst a program I got a lot of use out of was IBM's Analyst Notebook. It allowed us to provide input data and it would map out the relations between them visually in a web fashion.

Blue Light offers self-paced Online web based training that is SCORM complient and hosted in the popular DigitalChalk LMS in which the analyst has access to video tutorials, exams, and certificates of completion. Once the class is paid for the student has unlimited access to the online classes for 30 days.

I want to start i2 analyst notebook (IBM product) via anchor in browser. I was told it should be possible to do so using Custom URI scheme, that should be registered in windows registry along with the i2 app.I managed to find Registry LinkNotebook.Application.7 or LinkNotebook.Chart.7. LinkNotebook.Chart.7 has shell -> open -> command folders specified, linking to the correct .exe.

IBM i2 comes in two main flavors. Most i2 users are using i2 Analyst's Notebook, a standalone desktop application. As a standalone application, i2 Analyst's Notebook can only handle a small dataset. For this reason some organizations invest in IBM i2 iBase, a proprietary IBM database that acts as a backend for i2 Analyst's Notebook instances. IBM i2 iBase relies on Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft Access which can manage larger datasets than i2 Analyst's Notebook. Unfortunately, relational databases are ill-suited for managing complex connected data at scale. The past years have seen the emergence of a new type of database - called graph database - which are optimized for the storage and querying of complex connected data. With built-in support for graph databases, analysts can use Linkurious Enterprise as an IBM i2 alternative to:

If your project includes a lot of data or requires extensive teamwork Linkurious Enterprise is a more natural fit. Similarly if you want to integrate your network analysis tool with other solutions or if you want to easily analysts without having to conduct extensive training, Linkurious Enterprise is likely to meet your needs.

The National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC) Document and Media Exploitation (DOMEX) Branch has developed a uniquely efficient approach that allows its DOMEX analysts to quickly prioritize, organize, and analyze significant amounts of seized documentary and electronic evidence.

NDIC's DOMEX methodology integrates input from the requesting agencies' case agents, prosecutors, and analysts into the DOMEX mission planning process, thereby ensuring that the DOMEX mission will be focused to meet the needs and priorities of the requesting agencies. In conjunction with the input from the requestors, our experienced DOMEX analysts establish the Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIRs) for each DOMEX mission, thereby limiting the scope of the mission to the most important elements particular to the requestor's investigation.

NDIC's DOMEX analysts are able to quickly identify assets, the key associations and other investigative leads from their analysis of the evidence. As a result, investigators, prosecutors, and analysts can more rapidly determine the scope of their evidentiary holdings, identify previously unknown relationships and assets, and better prepare for court proceedings. All DOMEX personnel are trained in proper evidence-handling techniques to ensure that our services are conducted with the utmost professionalism.

DOMEX provides new leads immediately as they are identified throughout the DOMEX mission, along with providing a comprehensive and fully sourced Intelligence Support Report (ISR), which is provided at the end of the mission, in both hard and soft copy. The ISR contains all actionable findings, including previously unknown links, financial information, and asset identification. DOMEX also provides an out-brief of the significant findings at the conclusion of the mission. DOMEX analysts are trained to identify assets for seizure and contribute significantly to forfeiture efforts.

NDIC created Real-time Analytical Intelligence Database (RAID) to manage large quantities of data gathered during DOMEX missions. RAID is a relational database used to record key pieces of information and to quickly identify links among people, places, businesses, financial accounts, telephone numbers, and other investigative information examined by our analysts.

NDIC's DOMEX Branch provides its service at no cost to the client agency. In most instances NDIC requests that a case agent or prosecutor travel to NDIC at the client agency's expense to provide background on the case and address analysts' questions during the DOMEX mission.

The Medicaid Fraud Supervisor will oversee and assist analysts with the compiling, analysis, and audit of complex financial records and data to support investigation and prosecutions; support the development of liaison relationships with financial institutions and other agencies to facilitate records requests, production, and investigations; review and edit the documentation of investigative activities; assist in the evaluation of analysts performance; oversee and run queries; develop policies and procedures; prepare written reports and supporting exhibits such as charges and graphs to support analysis; and participate in strategic planning sessions with investigators, fraud investigative groups, and task forces. e24fc04721

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