and i cannot do the same with java.util.Queue? Shouldn't a queue have a similar constructor? Strange enough on it says the Stack has a public constructor and on i don't see a similar constructor for a queue.. why is that? what is the way to have a Queue of ImageView elements for example?Thanks.

this is a bug in android emulators. i also had the same problem. use 64bit linux for development to minimize such issues.** freezing problem is there on 64-bit linux machines also, but the frequency of such problems is highly reduced. also emulators behave notably faster.

Download Queue On Android

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When I start up the Android app it keeps showing the queue screen which is empty. It does this if the room that is playing is showing full screen but not if the playing is minimised and showing the rooms instead - hopefully that makes sense.

I found something on a different thread that mentioned this happening only when launching from a widget. For me the queue launches every time when loading the app from the widget. If I launch from the app icon, no queue screen shows. Not holding out for a fix to this anytime soon since IOS gets all the love first.

Same problem. Doesn't matter if I launch from the app or the widget. It does it on my pixel 7pro, Samsung tab 8 tablet and tab S2 tablet. Also does not matter where i am streaming from (Usually pandora or Sirrus)I still get the blank queue screen, which I have never used. It's been happening for about 2 months, quite annoying.

Hello! I have been able to clear my queue in the hasn't been an issue until the last day or two. I am using a pixel 7A and the option is gone. I have songs in the queue. I tried swiping right as you suggested.

If you'd like to clear the songs under Next From as well, you can jump to the last song in the queue (or play the last song from a new playlist) and skip it - that way the playback will stop as the queue has now been emptied (just make sure you have Repeat and Autoplay off).

A queue is a type of interface collection in Kotlin that enables you to structure your data in a more efficient manner based on your chosen preference. The most popular implementation of the queue interface is the LinkedList, while others include ArrayDeque and PriorityQueue.

The importance of the queue in Android development cannot be overstated. The queue functions as a buffer anywhere data or an event is stored to be processed later. Essentially, a queue is a collection designed for holding elements prior to processing.

Aside from the basic collection operations, Kotlin queues provide additional operations like insertion, extraction, and inspection. These methods exist in two forms, those that throw an exception when the operations fail, and others that return a special value like null, true, or false.

In a simple queue, also known as a linear queue, the insertion of elements, called enqueue operations, occurs at the backend, and the removal of elements, known as dequeue operations, occurs at the frontend.

The priority queue arranges elements in a queue based on some priority. For example, if the element with the highest value has priority, it creates a queue with a decreasing order of values. Alternately, if the element with the lowest value has the highest priority, it will create a queue with an increasing order of values.

Linear queues and circular queues are actually quite similar. The elements in a circular queue act as a ring, meaning the last element is connected to the first element. When there is an empty space, the memory is used more efficiently. When no element is present at a particular position in the queue, then another element can be added to the position.

In a dequeue, also known as a double ended queue, an element can be inserted or removed from both ends of the queue, unlike other queues, which have only one end. However, it may not obey the FIFO operations.

To implement our queue in Kotlin, we have two options. For one, sequential allocation involves implementing a queue using an array, which we can use to organize a limited number of elements. On the other hand, a LinkedList allocation involves implementing a queue using a LinkedList, which can organize an unlimited number of elements.

The poll() and remove() methods differ only in their respective behaviors when the queue is empty. The poll() method returns a null value, while the remove() method throws an exception. The poll() method of a queue interface returns and removes the element at the frontend of the container:

The code below demonstrates a safe alternative to the addLast method, known as known as OfferLast. If the queue capacity constraint is reached or exceeded, it throws an exception. When the add elements fails, it returns false:

peekFirst or peekFunction is used to pick the first element from a queue. It is an alternative to the getFirst function or the first property, returning null instead of throwing an exception when no elements are retrieved:

In a queue-based system, we can implement retry logic to enable the system to execute a particular code snippet a specified number of times. In the code below, we write our code inside of a try...catch block inside of a loop with a specified maximum retry value:

In this tutorial, we explored Kotlin queues in depth, including their creation, operations, exceptions, and discussing ways to handle errors when they occur. We began with an introduction to Kotlin queues and their benefits in Android development. Then, we covered the process of Kotlin queue instantiation and some methods used by queues to perform certain operations.

Thanks Warren. I just wanted to add my 2 cents to the discussion. Currently I see no way of loading an album to the queue (which forces me to load an album one song at a time), nor can I add a song to the queue by swiping it to the right like on the iPad version.

The auto-mix works but it randomly pull songs from any genre. It would be ideal if we can pick a playlist or a folder for the automix to use. This feature is available on iOS devices.

I bought this app on android after knowing that the auto-mix works using playlist on the iPad. I think you guys need to invest and get this done. Two years is way too long.

The latest version of Poweramp that I have (v3-build-830-play), has a feature in Settings > Library > Queue, called On Queue End. I'm not sure which of the two options it contains to use, as I am unsure what they do... The options are: 1. Stay in Queue / repeat Queue, or 2. Return to previous category. I've set it to the second option because I don't want my queue to repeat, however, I'm not sure what the "category" is. Is that the music I was listening to on the fly (prior to queueing any music up)?

Recently when using Poweramp in Android Auto, I might be listening to some music I'd previously queued up on my phone, and I get the urge to listen to something else. So I say "OK Google, play BAND NAME, ALBUM NAME, album." And it will play. BUT after the first song, it reverts back to the queue. Is this On Queue End setting affecting this?

When you queue up some specific tracks (or even whole albums) they will interrupt your 'normal' playback category (album, artist, folder, etc) until all of the queued tracks that you have requested have been played. This can happen Immediately, or after the end of the current track (which is what you are experiencing), depending on the option in Settings > Library > Queue. If you decide you no longer want to listen to the rest of your queued tracks, view the Queue in the library screen and tap the three-dots menu icon and 'Clear Queue'.

The 'On Queue End' option tells Poweramp what you want to do once the last song in the Queue has been played. The default is to return to playing where you left off in your chosen playback category (i.e. go back to the album/artist/folder etc that you were listening to before you enqueued the temporary songs).The other option tells PA o stop at the end of the Queue (or to repeat the Queue, depending on how you have set the Repeat icon in the Player screen).

I have been playing some albums that are queued, and playback is NOT in Android Auto (I'm using headphones plugged into my phone). Then I jump in my car and I continue playing the same queued music with Android Auto. But now I use Android Auto's voice control to select a new album to play, and it begins playing it (this interrupts the queued music). However, after the first song on the album, playback jumps back to the queued music. And this is annoying because I was expecting the whole album to play, and really it should. This has only happened to me when using Poweramp in Android Auto.

IMHO : Feature, not Bug. Why ? Because the normal mode of playing is NOT the queue. The queue is the excpetional way of doing things in Poweramp, and as such it takes precedence. The rule is : as long as there is anything in the queue, play it. There is something in the queue, so it is played. the question would be : Would it not be more sensible for Poweramp to interpret the command to play a single song ( in this situation where it is playing the queue ) as having to add the song to the queue ? Which it does in a way : it adds it at the top of the queue. Or so I choose to see it.

What should you do ? Create yourself a playlist and play that instead of the queue. When you want to play a single song, album, whatever on the fly, queue that, and when in the car, tell the car to queue that. And set the queue up so that it return to the playlist when the queue is finished. e24fc04721

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