I'm trying to playback Widevine-encrypted content outside of the browser. I'm trying to use the Content Decryption Module that ships with Chrome, which exports this API. After a lot of trial-and-error and research, I'm able to successfully initialize the CDM and obtain a Widevine license from the content server. The problem is that I'm not quite sure how the API is to be invoked for playback. I've got some DASH segments with encrypted samples, and I'm able to parse the sample information out of the boxes (number of samples, size of samples, sample IVs, and sample data). I thought I could decrypt audio via ContentDecryptionModule_10::Decrypt(); the call returns kSuccess but gives me decrypted buffers full of zeros. My next attempt was to try to use the CDM audio decoder via InitializeAudioDecoder() but that always returns kInitializationError. So I'm not quite sure where I'm going wrong. I realize I'm glossing over a lot of detail, but if anyone is familiar with any of this I can provide more data and code.

At a very high level, without going into detail of the code etc, if you were able to use the CDM to decrypt the content and receive back unencrypted content that you or your app could view, then this would be a loophole or an error in the content protection system as it should not allow this.

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However, in your case, I think you just want to play back the content and you are not trying to actually view or access the decrypted content. If so, the cross platform Electron framework has a fork which supports CDM based playback for apps. This may meet your needs, although it is still using chromium and web technologies. Even if it does not it may give you useful insight into how the guys at Castlabs, the ones who created the fork, achieved this.

I just wanted to share a tip about encrypted DVD playback, since I had some trouble and just figured it out. I'm running an updated X86_64 Arch install on a new Lenovo Thinkpad T500, and I now have DVDs playing fine in Totem. After doing the usual things recommended in the Wiki :

I have been trying to play encrypted .WEBM media files in ShakaPlayer without much success and I am here to seek advise from anybody who had been through this. It would be great if somebody in this awesome developer community can guide me here.

Browsers like Chrome or Safari do not require HDCP, whereas an application like CraveTV will, so the issue is not with the browsers themselves but rather the video playback application that you are using.

My machine can't play encrypted DVDs on a fresh install. How do I add this capability? Another useful bit of information would be what programs are best for playing DVDs, once I'm able to do so. See the similar question here. Will I be able to play DVD movies from any region?

Apparently Channel Masters stores the data for playback on on that specific DVR, puts a lock on the files. I researched it. Apparently a Linux machine running a program to strip the lock and convert it to a format most media players will handle is out there. I wonder of VLC would work.

I still occasionally have a recorded show screen and audio get out of sync. Not all shows just one channel and not all shows. It is a sub channel on (ION). I have pretty good antenna and the signal seems strong. Not sure what the deal is, but does not love the standard definition SD show. Not all shows on this channel have playback issues. Not sure but all the other principle channels (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, PBS) seem to be OK.

Additionally, all segments in the Manifest are encrypted by DRM technology to protect against unauthorized downloading and copying. The exception to this is that the first 30 seconds of a track are sent unencrypted, to allow playback to begin quickly and to provide an additional buffer to avoid latency. Segments after that are encrypted. A license is required to decrypt these segments. The license is obtained via a 'license challenge,' a special request sent to the Amazon Music license server.

Music playback from the Amazon Music catalog is only available for authorized consumer electronic devices. To be certified for Amazon Music playback implementation, device clients must meet the following requirements:

DRM primarily relies on encryption. Amazon Music's content streams are encrypted and cannot be played without being decrypted. To playback content, clients must send a license request to a license server. If the request is valid, the server will send back a license key. The license allows the client's media player to decrypt the content and play it.

The playback URL returned by the Amazon Music API will point to a XML manifest file with filtered content based on the highest quality audio requested by the client. A client requesting HD quality will not receive Ultra HD representations in the manifest.

To facilitate faster playback, the first 30 seconds of each track are un-encrypted. This is called the clear lead. When testing decryption, always make sure to playback more than the the first thirty seconds of a track.

Windows 7 64bit | G4.1.3.1 (64-bit)

From what I can tell, trying to watch anything that's an hour or longer causes the "The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it." popup after a second or two of the video trying to load. Thirty minute videos play fine, though.

Notice that once the secure feature is enabled for your organization, every stream group (H5Live Player v4.18) or stream playback requires a token. It is not possible to playback a stream without a token.Thus we recommend to use a second Bintu organization to not interfere with your current (production) setup.

The API supports use cases ranging from simple clear key decryption to high value video (given an appropriate user agent implementation). License/key exchange is controlled by the application, facilitating the development of robust playback applications supporting a range of content decryption and protection technologies.

Supported content is encrypted per container-specific "common encryption" specifications, enabling use across key systems. Supported content has an unencrypted container, enabling metadata to be provided to the application and maintaining compatibility with other HTMLMediaElement features.

A key is associated with a key ID that is a sequence of octets and which uniquely identifies the key. The container specifies the ID of the key that can decrypt a block or set of blocks within the media data. Initialization Data MAY contain key ID(s) to identify the keys that are needed to decrypt the media data. However, there is no requirement that Initialization Data contain any or all key IDs used in the media data or media resource. Licenses provided to the CDM associate each key with a key ID so the CDM can select the appropriate key when decrypting an encrypted block of media data.

When the user agent encounters Initialization Data in the media data, it provides that Initialization Data to the application in the initData attribute of the encrypted event. The user agent MUST NOT store the Initialization Data or use its content at the time it is encountered. The application provides Initialization Data to the CDM via generateRequest(). The user agent MUST NOT provide Initialization Data to the CDM by other means.

When exposed outside the client, Distinctive Permanent Identifiers and values derived from or otherwise related to them MUST be encrypted. Distinctive Permanent Identifiers MUST NOT ever be exposed to the application, even in encrypted form.

A Distinctive Identifier is a value, including in opaque or encrypted form, for which it is possible for any entity external to the client to correlate or associate values beyond what a user may expect on the web platform (e.g., cookies and other site data). For example, values that are associable by an entity other than the application across a) origins, b) browsing profiles, or c) browsing sessions even after the user has attempted to protect his or her privacy by clearing browsing data or values for which it is not easy for a user to break such association. In particular, a value is a Distinctive Identifier if it is possible for a central server, such as an individualization server, to associate values across origins, such as because the individualization requests contained a common value, or because values provided in individualization requests are associable by such server even after attempts to clear browsing data. Possible causes of this include use of Distinctive Permanent Identifier(s) in the individualization process.

While the instantiation or use of a Distinctive Identifier is triggered by the application's use of the APIs defined in this specification, the identifier need not be provided to the application to trigger conditions related to Distinctive Identifiers. (The Distinctive Permanent Identifier(s) MUST NOT ever be provided to the application, even in opaque or encrypted form.)

It, information about it, or values derived from or otherwise related to it are exposed, even in encrypted form, outside the client. This includes but is not limited to providing it to the application and/or license, individualization, or other server.

An implementation, configuration, instance, or object uses Distinctive Identifier(s) if, at any time during its lifetime or the lifetime of related such entities, it exposes, even in encrypted form, one or more Distinctive Identifier(s), information about them, or values derived from or otherwise related to them outside the client. This includes but is not limited to providing such a value to the application and/or license, individualization, or other server.

An implementation, configuration, instance, or object uses Distinctive Permanent Identifier(s) if, at any time during its lifetime or the lifetime of related such entities, it exposes, even in encrypted form, one or more Distinctive Permanent Identifier(s), information about them, or values derived from or otherwise related to them outside the client. This includes but is not limited to providing such a value to an individualization server. Such values MUST NOT be provided to the application. e24fc04721

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