Typically, in the head, I include all the text-based tags first (title, meta, etc), then the favicon, then CSS, then JS. Essentially, the order boils down to what is necessary first to get the page to display or what loads faster first to get the page to display.

If your design use a lot of small icons and other graphics, you should seriously consider using sprites. This will significantly reduce download time, as the number of HTTP queries is reduced drastically. For small icons, the HTTP header can exceed the size of the actual image, so this is something to look into.

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The server should specify the character set in the Content-Type field of the HTTP response header. If it does, the browser is supposed to use that character set and ignore any character set that may be indicated in a tag in the document being served.

To sum up: if the server does not specify the encoding, and the title is encoded in something other than ASCII, then you need to put the tag that specifies the charset first. Otherwise, it doesn't matter. So, to be safe, it makes sense to put the tag for the character set first.

For a long time, I too, thought that the "X-UA-Compatible" meta tag needed to come first or it is ignored by IE. It should be noted that the tag can come first.Additionally, there can be no other types of tags ( or ) before the IE compatible meta tag.

The X-UA-Compatible header isn't case sensitive; however, it must appear in the header of the webpage (the HEAD section) before all other elements except for the title element and other meta elements.

So, to keep on topic with the OP's question; again, it doesn't matter if the meta tag is first or the title tag is first. The only real caveat being the character set meta tag (as noted in Joel Lee's answer above).

P31 Display index.html FileWhen you test with chrome, IE browser, the display is different. Ps:ie Browser does not correctly display the border around the body of the page1 HTML>2 Head>3 title>Starbuzz Coffeetitle>4 styletype= "Text/css">5 Body{6 Background-color:#d2b48c;7 Margin-left:20%;8 Margin-right:20%;9 Border:2px dotted Black;Ten paddin

Head First html css xhtml Notes, CSS XHTMLI recently watched the front-end and saw this entry-level book.Title and style in A list is a group of projects. The Therefore, Use A.html:B .html:Open B and click the link to jump to the Chai Tea area on page.Open a new

To add CSS styles directly to html, you need to add the start and end style tags to the To write a rule for multiple elements, simply add a comma between selectors, such as "h1,h2".H1,H2 { font-famliy:sans-serif; Color: gray; } Underline: with border-bottom:1px solid black extension, This line extends to the edge of the page. when using text-decoration:underlin

This article is a reading note for "Head first Html,css and XHTML" and is for learning only-Non-reproducedHtml:hypertext Markup LanguageHypertext Markup Language, a language, is also the main language that constitutes a Web document. Defines the basic tags and elements, the browser can identify the label, and reasonable display,

Before writing a lot of front-end interface, but did not read a full HTML and CSS books, are used to check what, recently spare time to consolidate the knowledge of the front-end Foundation, read the "Head first HTML and CSS", feel this book is a little too simple, but still

Head First HTML CSS, headfirsthtml A void element is an element that does not contain any content between the start tag and the end tag on an HTML page. The relative link should be used to link pages on the same website, and the URL should be used to link pages on other websites. The file protocol is used when the

[Reading Notes] Head first HTML with CSS version 2, headcssAppendix: HTML Cheat Sheet I read 300 pages one afternoon. This book is really a vernacular, and the target readers should be those who have no programming experience at all.Tips:IE cannot correctly display the border body around the page subject {border

Head First HTML and CSS-layout and positioning, headcss 1. flow is used by browsers to place HTML elements on pages. For block elements, the browser displays each element one by one from top to bottom along the element stream, and adds a line break between each block element; For inline elements, the horizontal dire

CSS Basic:Font-famliyFont-sizeFont-styleText-decorationColorBackground-color... Skills:Define the parent element in the body selector and inherit the subclass for easy administrationThe option after Font-famliy is actually a preferred list to selectFont-size in body is best to define Small,medium,large first ... Subclasses change through 200%,1.2EMFont-style control italic, and italicText-decoration Text style underlineColor,background-color Col

Elements: Start tag + content + END tag; The notation of the attribute of the element: the property name, followed by an equal sign, followed by the value of the attribute in double quotation marks; HTML Implementation structure,CSS for performance; Short reference elements in HTML: NewLine: Head first

I recommend Head First HTML and CSS first, then Head First HTML5 Programming.Those are very fun, visual books where you need to see the detailed illustrations, so get the paper book or PDF.

Ensure Cognitive Development for Children in Head Start. President Bush has directed HHS to develop a strategy to ensure that, for the first time, every Head Start center assesses the standards of learning in early literacy, language, and numeracy skills. This new accountability system will be field tested in the 2002-2003 academic year, with full implementation planned for Fall 2003.

Head Start is the largest public pre-school program in the US, but it provides many additional services to families. This paper uses a discontinuity in grant writing assistance in the first year of the Head Start program to identify impacts on the work and welfare usage of mothers. Using restricted Decennial Census and administrative AFDC data I find that Head Start decreases employment rates and hours worked per week for single mothers. I also find a suggestive increase in welfare receipt for single mothers which is confirmed by an increase in the share of administrative welfare case-files that are single mother households. For all mothers combined there are no significant changes in work or welfare use. I also estimate long-run impacts, 10 years after a woman's child was eligible for Head Start. I find large and persistent declines in work for both non-white mothers and single mothers, accompanied by an increase in public assistance income and return to school. I argue that this is consistent with the 1960's era Head Start program's focus on encouraging quality parenting, parent participation and helping families access all benefits for which they were eligible.

Karen Plaut, the Glenn W. Sample Dean of Purdue Agriculture, has announced that John Blanton has accepted the position of head of the Department of Animal Sciences. He assumes his position effective Monday (Feb. 1).

Blanton said his original intention was to complete his Ph.D. and work in industry for the remainder of his career. Instead, he has held positions in several universities, private industry and nonprofit research institutions, and owned a company. He said his background has prepared him to be a department head, first at Mississippi State University and now at his alma mater.

By giving pedestrians a head to head into the crosswalk we improve their visibility to waiting drivers and in many cases allow them to finish their crossing before any conflicting cars are even permitted to proceed.

Turning to the specifics of the present case, most of COSM's arguments went to the first two questions with little explanation of how it could document its compliance with those criteria. ACF, by contrast, denied that the costs were either allowable in kind or allocable to Head Start, but essentially stressed the absence of documentation. We next review the evidence and contentions of the parties and then provide our reasoning for our conclusion that COSM failed to provide satisfactory answers to any of the three questions.

The premise of the first argument is in error since COSM expended program funds to acquire the items, even though NAEIR did not charge for the value of the items themselves. More importantly, the logic does not follow. That donations may not be used as matching funds unless the program would otherwise have spent that amount to implement its objectives implies, if anything, that program funds may not be used for purposes that do not advance legitimate program objectives. It certainly does not imply that spending funds to acquire "donated" items to use as gifts is therefore allowable without a demonstration that that use serves program objectives.

3. COSM did submit an undated note from an individual (apparently a Head Start parent at one of the centers) saying that she thought that the NAEIR products "helped parents feel good about their appearance" and that they "like trying it for the first time." Attachment to COSM letter dated March 20, 2002. The extrapolation that COSM suggested in its letter from such a "feel good" attitude to appreciable increases in involvement in Head Start is simply not supported by anything but speculation.

As the Administration's most prominent advocate on foster care and adoption, Mrs. Clinton has worked on behalf of the over 500,000 children who live in foster care because of abuse or neglect. She has promoted the adoption of children living in foster care and worked for passage of the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997, landmark legislation which reformed our nation's child welfare system by putting considerations of children's health and safety first.

Opening the Doors of College to All Americans.President Clintonand Vice President Gore proposed and passed the $1,500 HOPE Scholarshipcredits, making the first two years of college universally available for 6million students, and the Lifetime Learning Tax Credit, a 20 percent creditwill help more than 7 million students offset tuition costs for college orlifetime learning. The Administration expanded theWork Study Program to allow 1million students to work their way through college, and increased the maximumPell Grant award to $3,300 -- a 43 percent increase since 1993. This year, thePresident proposed a $77 million increase in Work Study, and an increase in themaximum Pell Grantto $3,500. 2351a5e196

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