If reusing this resource please attribute as follows: Introducing Fairies and Fairyland ( -fairies-and-fairyland) by Carolyne Larrington, Fay Hield, Brian McMahon, licensed as Creative Commons BY-NC-SA (2.0 UK).

The book is set in the 1930s and 40s, and follows Seaton from childhood to adulthood, from Sydney to New York, from bullied orphan to successful writer \u2013 although a key sequence concerns literary failure: Seaton writes a flop Broadway play, and Elliott, a playwright as well as novelist, captures the singular gruesomeness of those theatrical rats who, as the bad reviews dribble in, abandon the ship they\u2019d sworn they loved. It is an intriguing and consoling account of homosexuality in 1930s-40s Australia: Seaton finds his lovers and sympathetic friends with relative ease, and there are vivid portraits of Sydney\u2019s thriving gay subcultures. But there are, I think, two fatal weaknesses.

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(1) MR. WARD's little work, which consists of a series of articles originally published in the Strand, Pall Mall, English Illustrated, and other magazines and periodicals, may be regarded as a kind of kinematograph in book form, and may be unreservedly commended to all nature-lovers. One great feature of the several life-histories is that they are in the main based on actual personal observation, and that, too, of a kind which demands constant attention and the expenditure of rio inconsiderable amount of time. In his preface the author very modestly suggests that he is entitled to the credit of being the pioneer in certain forms of insect photography, and to this credit, so far as our information goes, he is fully entitled. Nothing in nature-photography can, indeed, be more interesting than his pictures of the sequence of events which herald the complete liberation of the butterfly or the moth from its chrysalis, or of the marvellous evolutions of the caterpillar of the swallow-tail when about to pupate. As the author very pertinently remarks, to obtain photographs of this description the artist has in most cases only a single brief opportunity; and if one single link in the chain be missed, the whole series of pictures is spoilt. Needless to say, the reader sees only the successes; the failures are labour lost. 2351a5e196

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