This may seem like a basic question, but I can't seem to find it anywhere on the internet. Does the govee app allow you to create custom scenes that you can switch between? All of the other smart LED systems seem to have this. If not, is there another app that can do this?

Last year I remember browsing users who created their own color schemes. I grabbed a Christmas one and saved it. This year I cannot find the option to browse for new scenes that were user created. Anyone know what happened or how I can?

Download Govee Scenes

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I am moving all of the scene data handling into the main integration app. The main code is all written now. I have it completely working on my dev hub. I just need to perform regression testing to ensure I don't break folks when they load it. If you have custom scenes you will want to back them up to something until I get this rolled out.

I just fully loaded all of the scenes for the Govee H6172 Lyra Lamp, and the Govee H6065 Glide Y Lights. I will do more as I can, but they are fully loaded with all of the Scenes they can do from Govee.

Awesome work with the diy extraction. Personally I'd love to get the option back to add our own code also. I wouldn't mind if we can share codes amongst eachother to add to our diy table/group. I was digging the "stairs up" that was posted but can't seem to find it in my led strips available scenes to add to my extraction.

I hear what you are saying @garz. The reason I chose this route was making with the sure everything worked. The whole idea of copy past has the potential for things to not get added properly and then potentially cause issues. The formatting of the command is very critical and i have spent a ton of time trying to get all that right for everything. Because this whole idea has grown allot I am thinking about re-arranging the menu stuff to make it flow a bit better and make more sense. The way to work around this would be for @abhay to post it in the Govee Home app to be shared. Then it would become available. That said there is nothing stopping us from just adding it to the LED type devices lists of preloaded scenes either.

If your device is lan controlled and doesn't show any scenes i can add them in once i get a list of valid Scenes. it isn't hard to extract and send to me. Just pm me and i can proivde you a method to extract them.

I added a call to a routine when you add devices to immediately load scenes for the devices you have added via the Govee integration. This will make the scenes available when you add devices without having to go to the Scene management menu to refresh the list.

I also added to the Light driver a slight change to go retrieve the scene list from the parent app when the device is switched to Lan Control. This will just make it more fluid to add LAN control devices and get the scenes present. They will now show up immediately after you click save.

My loggin was at error, i've changed it to none >> i'm getting this

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i've tried Clearing the DIY scenes and changing error level to debug, and info still now getting this new error above

I dont see why the H7051 wouldn't be supported. I would suggest asking govee support if it will get LAN API support since its smaller brother got it. It may have it already and it just isn't documented for a variety of reasons.

All the automations work fine on my phone and my partners phone but the hub says "one or more devices aren't available, you might want to try setting them up again". They are available and working fine on phones and occasionally work on the hub but more often than not the hub won't run them. The hub will turn each light on and off and change to a static colour reliably but won't run the scenes.

We've already reset everything multiple times, unlinked and relinked the accounts many times. Stopped using our own Google accounts and now just using the 1 Google account on all devices (same account as govee home uses).

The way the scenes are stored once they are extracted in the Govee Integration app you can makes them available to all devices of that model by clicking the button to refresh the scenes devices are able to access.

Activating a scenes is still the same as it has been from the beginning where you use the Activate scene or DIYeffect button with the corresponding number associated with that scene. The scenes are listed below all of the command buttons in the States section of the device.

I have noticed something new on State variables of all my govee lights after this upgrade, looks like someway how all Scenes even the ones wasn't on Default (as i have right now only one on default) all has been imported and now i can command them directly from setEffect

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This is true. Scenes 1-12 are intended to setup to match Wiz Bulb scenes so that if you have both types they can be used together easily with the next and previous scene commands. 100-240 are all of the rest of the scenes that are part of the Govee list.

Great integration, I like it very much. I wonder, what are people using to expose light strips to dashboards ? In particular scenes. I figured out how to control Color, level and light, through a colour bulb widget, but I would like to also control scenes

@Hus I just provided a update to the app to now include preloaded scenes for the H619A, H619C, H619E. They should have the same scenes that are already setup for other LED strip type devices. That appears to be what you were trying to extract.

here is the govee app (i have deleted groups, automation, just i have now the default scenes)

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with automated scenes such as meditation or so (even deleteing all devices but one) i keep getting the same error, further when i remove all scenes from Govee app but the manually created ones i am getting now

image1894380 10.4 KB

is it possible scenes are imported? where i can check for that and how to control/command a scene

If your govee lights are integrated with Alexa, then you can create a virtual switch between Smartthings and Alexa (appears he is using TAustins Vedge Creator for that but I believe there is a lesser native virtual switch creater in ST as well). Once the switch is created you would have a routine in ST when your button/switch is pressed to toggle the virtual switch. Then in an Alexa routine you would have a routine when the Virtual switch changes to turn on/off the govee light. So basically create a virtual switch, and then create 2 routines one in ST, one in Alexa.

For movie testing, I tried to find a film with a fun color palette similar to the games I tested and settled on the excellent Thor: Love and Thunder. There are lots of colorful action scenes in this movie and I thought it would be a great way to put the T2 through its paces.

I noticed before I even turned the TV on that it was picking up all sorts of colors from my darkened room. We use warm (yellow-hued) lights in this room, and the Govee Immersion TV backlight definitely picks that up when the TV is off. Once the TV is on though, it does a pretty good job of matching the edges of the scenes: 2351a5e196

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