The verses begin with a D6

4 chord, weakening the impression of an A key center, and is followed by a B minor6 chord, which does not strongly suggest the dominant (v) chord of E.[22][27] As the verse develops, it gravitates closer to the key of E on the lines "you never need to doubt it / I'll make you so sure about it" before entering the hook line, "God only knows what I'd be without you", which begins with a return to an A major chord on the "God only" portion.[22] The verse and refrain then repeats, this time with the addition of a string ensemble, before entering the next section of the composition.[22]

Oh for the lonely

For the ashamed

The misunderstood

And the ones to blame

What if we could start over

We could start over

We could start over

'Cause there's a kind of love that God only knows

Download God Only Knows What You 39;ve Been Through

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"God Only Knows" is one of those songs that you know... there are inward songs that were written about specific circumstances and you hope someone else resonates with them. This was a song looking out. There seems to be a lot of you saying this, you did this, how dare you. The song is a question mark of well, first of all, do we understand each other fully? Our histories, our family heritages, the struggles in life, the things that have been done to us that no one knows about. The shame that we carry. Some of it we've done to ourselves, that's self-sabotage. Some of it other people have done to us. You're just seeing a brief moment in time of that person. What if we pulled the lens back? Even if we did, there are some things that God does only know. We've got our shame, we've got our troubles, we've got our prejudice, we've got our judgements. God knows your heart and in turn, the flip of that is, God also carries this love that is sort of the superman of all love. We kind of are image bearers and so we emulate it, but it's just this wonderful superhuman love that if we lean into it'd be a beautiful thing. But so often we don't understand because we're stuck in a human variation of it.

i never saw this anywhere in the internet,but i always though that god only knows was about an desperate lover trying to make a failing relationship continue,saying that if the relationship ends "the world will show nothing to me" and along with the line "god only knows what i be without you" and then "what good will living do me?" he is indirectly threating to kill himself if the relationship ends.

making the start of the song a try of the lover of trying to be honest and also to tell her much he loves her,and when that doesnt work to maintain the relationship, he in desperation, threatens to kill himself if the girl isnt with him,the chorus makes the lines have more potency because,only god knows what will happen if the girl leaves him,and that will be suicide since it isnt worth living without her

A radio message from Alonso was later broadcast, with the Spaniard saying: "What an idiot! Closing the door from the outside. We had a great start but this guy only knows how to drive and start in first."

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Oh, for the lonely, for the ashamed

The misunderstood, and the ones to blame

What if we could start over?

We could start over

We could start over

'Cause there's a kind of love that God only knows

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Most dark matter has probably been in existence since the first instant of the universe, outdating all atoms that make up visible matter. Earth is perpetually flying through a diffuse cloud of this mysterious substance.

Looking at the density of dark matter throughout the universe, scientists calculate that of the thousands of dark matter particles passing through a human body every second, only about a dozen of them will collide with atoms in the body each year.

Writing the song was -- it was amazing. We all went in and we all had no idea the struggles that -- We all had different stuff going on in our lives that the other people maybe didn't know about, which is the most ironic part about writing that song, 'cause, literally, it's "God only knows what you've been through and what you're going through," and we were all going through different things without knowing it, writing this song.

As part of Alliance2015, we have been working closely with the aid organizations People in Need (PIN) and the Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED) for many years. Together with our partners, we are active in the crisis region: We work with PIN in Ukraine to support people with, among other things, by handing out cash, equipping collective shelters with sanitary facilities, or offering support for traumatized children and adults through mobile psychosocial services.

We work closely with our Alliance2015 partners, such as People In Need, ACTED and Concern Worldwide, some of whom have been active in Ukraine and neighboring countries for a long time. Among other things, we support refugees and communities hosting families with cash for daily needs. Traumatized children and adults receive support from mobile psychosocial services. We also help with reconstruction through grants to small and medium-sized enterprises that revitalize local economies. In addition to emergency relief measures, we identify what crisis support the region needs in the medium and long term. More information about Ukraine.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

I have recently took a high THC edible for the first time in my life, and I was searching the web with the same symptoms and I have come across your post. Its been 3 days, and I still dont feel like my usual self. What you described is exactly what I am going through, including being extremely slow with coordination and responses. Also my eyesight is so blurry and I cannot read or see things as I did before. I am so confused, Will I get better? Did you get better?

I had smoked weed for the first time in New York and they had something out there called "Tookie" and I've never smoked it before. When I smoked it I literally went through the matrix my vision was breaking down into little squares and I kept hearing my voice screaming "fix it" and "just leave it alone" and then I gained unnatural strength and focus. I was staring at this guy in the room and was trying to get to him but my bf was holding me. Next thing I knew I was waking up from apparently passing out. I woke up and couldn't even remember who I am and who anyone around me was. It was so scary to the point that I threatened to hurt the guy I didn't know that well and told everyone to tell me who they are and how I know them. I asked my bf who am I and who is he. I asked where am I and how I got there... I was so scared. Ever since I have been out of touch with life and have been lost and my thoughts are always getting scrambled. I hate it and want to get back to the old me?

The brain is fragile. You got messing around with it, you have to understand you're also messing with your own reality and your perception of it. We're all just brains in a skull jar. It only knows what it interprets, and so when its interpretation is being altered, it appears unnatural. Feels unnatural. And that can be terrifying.

Your comment has brought me much relief. I am only 18 and smoked for about a year and a half everyday. It was around july of last year and I was on vacation so I woke up and did what I had done for over a year. instead of getting a buzz, I instantly started crying shaking and running to my parents trying to figure out was wrong with me. I was so scared, I had suffered with depression but not from much anxiety because weed was how I got away from all that. I could not go to the hospital because everyone was afraid Id get covid. Turns out I had already had it. So I had coronavirus and had panic attacks every day almost for 2 months. I instantly quit weed after that day, mostly out of fear. But these experiences people are talking about is blowing my mind because of how much I can relate. I feel detached, when I wake up in the mornings, sometimes I doze off and suddenly snap back to reality and it frightens me. I still dont fully understand what is wrong, but I have been praying it will pass like nothing happens. I have developed tinnitus during this as well, loud ringing in my ears when there is just silence. I am still scared because it hits me like a brick when it happens and it makes me afraid to drive. Even typing this I cant believe whats been going on with me for almost a year. I just regret my decisions, I along with many people have promised important people I wouldnt do those things, turns out I lied and am paying some hard consequences. Note I have only smoked (at least what I have been told) is weed, nothing else. But I am sure this was laced with something. I also feel like passing out and get really dizzy for no reason. The doctors would just say It was coronavirus still in my body. But idk, I feel as if my whole body and mind had done a hard reset and im starting from the beginning and idk what to do. ff782bc1db

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