Als u Gmail of een andere Google-service gebruikt, heeft u al een Google-account. Zo niet, dan hoeft u alleen maar te klikken om u aan te melden en de instructies te volgen om uw nieuwe account te maken. Hiermee krijgt u toegang tot AdSense en andere Google-services.

Het lijkt erop dat dit Google-account niet is gekoppeld aan een AdSense-account. Dat is geen probleem. U kunt inloggen met het Google-account dat is gekoppeld aan AdSense of u kunt zich vandaag nog aanmelden voor een AdSense-account.

Google Adsense Account

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Make sure that the address on file in AdSense matches the address recognized by your local post office. Having the correct address helps the local post office deliver your mail. If they are different, you need to change the payment address in your AdSense account so they are the same.

You can now explore your new AdSense account. You might notice that some features are unavailable. That's because there are a few tasks that you need to complete before we can fully activate your account. Learn how to activate your AdSense account.

Upon completion, we review your payments information to make sure it's correct and your entire site to check it complies with the AdSense Program policies. We email you when your account is fully activated. This usually takes a few days, but in some cases it can take 2-4 weeks. You can then set up ads on your site and start earning money. If you've already turned on Auto ads, ads will start to show on your site.

If you are already approved for the YouTube Partner Program, you can change the AdSense account associated with your YouTube channel. Maintaining an active AdSense account and linking it to your channel is required for continued eligibility with the YouTube Partner Program.

So i became a partnered YouTuber (i make gaming videos, primarily fps) in November of 2022, initially my adsense account was approved no issue and everything was fine. In March of this year i moved countries from Canada to the UK and as you can't update the location of your adsense account i followed the guidance close my account and create a new one for the UK.

For the past 6 weeks my new adsense account will now not be approved and I've lost all monetization. When i speak to YouTube support they just tell me it violates policies but won't be more specific than that.

Its not depend on, how many blogs you are published.

I got adsense approval even in less than 20 posts on my new website.

So, just focus on the their policy, rules and elegibility.

You will definitely get postive response.

A must-read for beginners and experienced online publishers alike, this post provides valuable information that can help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure the longevity of your Adsense account. Kudos to Johannes Larsson for creating such a comprehensive and informative resource!

Those cookies include actions such as creating or using your account in our site, writing reviews, interacting with existing reviews by giving likes or replies, writing other user content on the site, setting up custom search or filter preferences, accepting and saving user preferences (including privacy preferences), or any other action which affects the way you experience the Site. Those cookies are important to give you the best possible user experience, and thus can be removed only manually by following the instructions found on our privacy policy.

If a site has a banned or penalized AdSense account, it is unlikely that Ezoic will be able to approve the site for using Monetization until the penalty is removed.

If a site does not have an AdSense account before signing up for Ezoic, the quality review team may request additional information. This may include asking if the site has applied for AdSense, has another AdSense account, or can provide Google Analytics read-only access.

Sites with existing AdSense accounts that are in good standing with Google policy may still be subject to review of Ezoic's ad policies before being approved for Ezoic Monetization features.

To connect an existing AdSense account and enable Ezoic Monetization features, navigate to the Ezoic Ads tab > Adsense | Mediation > Link Your Adsense Account tab inside the Ezoic dashboard. Then, turn on Mediation through the Mediation tab.

It is against the terms and services for a single person to have more than one Google AdSense account. If you attempt to run multiple accounts from the same billing address, Google may suspend or terminate all of them.

However, most rejected accounts typically fail to meet one of the initial requirements necessary to obtain approval. The best way to increase your chances of getting your AdSense account approved is to ensure you meet the following conditions before applying:

To get approved for an AdSense account, you need to meet Google requirements, policies and rules.  Not all applications are approved. Avoiding the following mistakes can increase your chances of getting approved:tag_hash_110

To obtain permanent approval status and fully activate your AdSense account, you must verify the PIN code that Google mailed to you. PIN code mail takes between 1 and 10 days to arrive, depending on your location, postal services, and local conditions

What happens if you make a mistake? Changing the payee name of your account can be difficult, if not downright impossible. The AdSense Terms and Conditions only allow you to change your payee name in case of marriage, death or company mergers.

According to Google terms and conditions regarding payment, active AdSense accounts must meet specific thresholds before account owners can select a payment method or start receiving money in their bank account.

The minimum threshold to select a payment method is either 10 USD or an equivalent value in your currency. For example, accounts set to receive in Mexican pesos (MXN) must meet the equivalent of 10 USD or approximately 202.55 MXN (as of August 2022).

You must meet the minimum payment threshold corresponding to your currency to start receiving money on your account. This threshold is distinct from the payment method threshold: each currency has a fixed threshold value that does not necessarily correspond to the current exchange rate.

If you need help setting up your account, optimizing ad placement, or boosting website monetization, our experts at CodeFuel have the skills and resources to assist you. Contact us today for more information.

Site Kit allows you to analyze the monetization performance of your site directly within the dashboard. Site Kit gathers and displays data from your AdSense account within the dashboard along with a link to the AdSense platform, where you can view more detailed information.

An AdSense account is required to use the AdSense platform and is where you can manage your overall account settings. An AdSense account must be associated with your Google account. AdSense policies only allow one account per publisher.

An AdSense site refers to a website where you wish to serve AdSense ads. Multiple sites can be added to an account.

At the beginning of the AdSense setup process, you will be prompted to grant Site Kit permission to your AdSense data. As part of that process, you will need to use the same Google account that you previously used when setting up Site Kit. You can only use one Google account per WordPress account on a site.

This message displays if your site has not been added to your AdSense account. You can add the site to your AdSense account by clicking the Add site to AdSense button. Clicking the button will direct you to the AdSense platform, where you will need to follow the provided instructions in order to add the site.

This message displays if you still have some setup tasks to complete on your AdSense account or site. You can review and complete these tasks by clicking the Review AdSense Account or Review Site In AdSense buttons, as appropriate. Clicking the button will direct you to the AdSense platform, where you will need to follow the provided instructions in order to review the site.

This message displays when your AdSense account has been approved and is ready, but your site is still in the process of getting ready to display ads. There is no further action required at this point and you will need to wait until your site is ready to display ads. As the message states, this usually takes a few days but can take up to two weeks or longer.

This message displays when you have an existing AdSense account that is fully configured and ready to go. Click the Configure AdSense button to complete the setup. Clicking the button will direct you to the AdSense platform, where you will need to follow the provided instructions in order to configure AdSense.

This message displays when you have completed setting up a new AdSense account. Click the Configure AdSense button to complete the setup. Clicking the button will direct you to the AdSense platform, where you will need to follow the provided instructions in order to configure AdSense.

Dashboard alerts will display on the Site Kit dashboard if there are any severe alerts for the connected AdSense account. These will also be displayed at the AdSense platform level when logged into the account. ff782bc1db

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