Building a portable C++ library is not an easy task. We try to build it with many combinations of OS and compilers. The last stable version has been tested on the following configurations: Linux with g++ (versions 7.1 to 9.4.0)  MacOS X (with the Python, Octave and Matlab interfaces) Windows with MinGW and MSys (GetFEM only -- see specific notes for the Matlab interface)Install GetFEM 5.4.2 on different plateforms Installation from sourcesSince standard GNU tools are used, the installation of the GetFEM library is somewhat standard. From a general viewpoint, the installation from sources will require the following ingredients for any platform:  A decently recent C/C++ compiler accepting C++ 14 standard (gcc/g++ >= 7.1 for instance).   If you want to build binaries from git to get the latest changes, improvements, bugfixes, new bugs, etc. It requires a git client, automake, and libtool (otherwise, use the lastest stable package).   By default, the Python Getfem interface is built. It requires the python development files (Python.h etc.) to be available (package ``python-all-dev`` in debian distribution), and also the Numpy and Scipy packages to be installed (package ``python-numpy`` and ``python-scipy`` in debian distribution). In case of troubles with a non-gnu compiler, gcc/g++ (>= 7.1) should be a safe solution (package ``build-essential`` in debian distribution). If you do not want to build the python interface, use the configure option `./configure --disable-python`   If you want to build the Octave interface, it requires a recent Octave version installed on your system and the associated mkoctfile command.   If you want to build the Matlab interface, it requires a recent Matlab version installed on your system and the associated mex compiler correctly configured.   If you want to build the Scilab interface, it requires a recent Scilab version installed on your system.   If you want mesh generation and fictitious domain facilities (such as Xfem), it requires the package qhull installed on your system (package ``libqhull-dev`` in debian distribution).   If you want to use MUMPS linear sparse solver instead of SUPERLU, you need to install the sequential version of MUMPS on your system (or the parallel one if you intend to use the parallel version of GetFEM). Depending on the plateform, find some specific help here for the installation on Linux, MacOS X, or Windows.Installation from pre-compiled packages On a Debian/Ubuntu system GetFEM packages are available in the official repositories of Debianand Ubuntu distributions.Information about the GetFEM versions available in different Debianreleases can be found e.g. at ++and with respect to different Ubuntu releases at +source/getfem++GetFEM including its python interface can be installed from a terminalby executing aptitude update and aptitude install python-getfem++. On Windows (last release)Installer of the GetFEM 5.4 interface for 64bits Windows and Python 3.7 of Anaconda 3 (furnished by J.-F. Barthelemy): getfem5.4win-amd64-py3.7.exe.

Binaries for the python-interface (python 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6) on Windows XP (2010/08/28) kindly provided by Yao Koutsawa: getfem_python-4.1.win32-py2.5.exe, getfem_python-4.1.win32-py2.6.exe, getfem_python-4.1.win32-py2.7.exe.

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This example shows the basic usage of getfem, on the ber-canonical problem aboveall others: solving the Laplacian, \(-\Delta u = f\) on a square,with the Dirichlet condition \(u = g(x)\) on the domain boundary. You can findthe py-file of this example under the name in thedirectory interface/tests/python/ of the GetFEM distribution.

This example shows the basic usage of getfem, on the canonical problem: solvingthe Laplacian, \(-\Delta u = f\) on a square, with the Dirichlet condition\(u = g(x)\) on the domain boundary \(\Gamma_D\) and the Neumann condition\(\frac{\partial u}{\partial\eta} = h(x)\) on the domain boundary\(\Gamma_N\). You can find the py-file of this example under the in the directory interface/tests/python/ of the GetFEMdistribution.

While the dof are always numbered consecutively, this is not always the case for point ids and convex ids, especially if you have removed points or convexes from the mesh. To ensure that they form a continuous sequence (starting from 0), you have to use the getfem::getfem_mesh::optimize_structure member function.

The GETFEM project ( ) is centered around the development of a generic and efficient C++ library for elementary computations for finite element methods. The goal is to build a library allowing the computation of any elementary matrix even for mixed methods) on the largest class of methods and elements. It offers a complete separation between integration methods (exact or approximated), geometric transformations (linear or not) and finite element methods of arbitrary degrees. ff782bc1db

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