It's easy to customize your profile by selecting unique profile and header images, adding a name, bio, location, birth date, and website. You can also choose a theme color, and pin a post that other people will see when they visit your profile.

You can customize your X profile by adding your birth date. You can control who on X can see your birth date on your profile by using your birth date visibility settings. You'll only be able to change these settings a few times.

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I received an email from WordPress that says:

Since WordPress 5.2 there is a built-in feature that detects when a plugin or theme causes a fatal error on your site, and notifies you with this automated email. In this case, WordPress caught an error with one of your plugins, BuddyPress to WordPress Full Sync.

I deactivated, then subsequently deleted BuddyPress to WordPress Full Sync. I then downloaded a clean copy of the plugin from the WordPress plugins page. I re-installed and re-activated it without difficulty.

I go to high school. My laptop is school property. When I enter Microsoft Teams, I changed my profile picture to something new instead of my previous one. Everything synced in two days. Except teams meetings. Whenever I meet, its still displays the old picture. When I DM someone, it shows the new one. It already synced for all of my other Office 365 apps, just not when I meet in Microsoft Teams.

Replying to old post because this was the first result that showed up in my search when attempting to solve the same issue of meeting picture not updating from profile pic. Hopefully this helps others

I finally found that if I click on my profile picture and "sign out" (not just close the app), then sign in again (not just reopen app but full credentials entered), my meeting picture (camera off) matches my profile picture. I tested this a dozen times, changing pictures every time, with 100% success

You can add or change your profile photo in Microsoft 365 from, or while using Microsoft 365 applications on your computer or in a browser on your phone. Your photo will appear everywhere there's a profile photo circle in Microsoft 365.

First of all it is important to know that this is not possible natively, we must use Gravatar to do this.

Briefly gravatar is a platform that allows you to have custom photos on Wordpress based sites or sites that support this format of avatar or profile picture.

This action is currently not available on the iOS mobile app. You will need to replace the photo by taking a new photo, selecting one from your camera roll, or logging into the web app to delete the photo.

Respectable community members, I have read numerous articles from various websites and Upwork forum comments as well. However, there seems to be a lot of confusion regarding the ideal size (height and width) for a the profile photo taken using a phone camera or DSLR. Additionally, if I were to edit the photo in Photoshop, what would be the resolution and bit depth?

At Indiana University, when you add your picture using Outlook on the web or your SharePoint My Site profile, it is automatically copied to the IU Active Directory, which makes it visible in other applications that use Active Directory Services (ADS). Do not consider this list comprehensive; Microsoft could integrate pictures stored in ADS into other applications at any time:

A profile photo on your Handshake or LinkedIn profile can help employers know you're a real person and serious about your internship or job search. Do you need a profile photo for your Handshake or LinkedIn account? Then stop by Career Success! Career Success will be offering free profile photos to both undergraduate and graduate College of Arts and Sciences students during the 2023/24 academic year.

When you sign up for an account, GitHub provides you with a randomly generated "identicon". Your identicon generates from a hash of your user ID, so there's no way to control its color or pattern. You can replace your identicon with an image that represents you.

Note: Your profile picture should be a PNG, JPG, or GIF file, and it must be less than 1 MB in size and smaller than 3000 by 3000 pixels. For the best quality rendering, we recommend keeping the image at about 500 by 500 pixels.

If you use Gravatar, and your Gravatar image is associated with the email you use for GitHub, the image will be shown as your GitHub profile picture by default (rather than an identicon). To change your GitHub profile picture, you can either upload a new image to Gravatar, or upload a new image to GitHub and override the Gravatar image.

You can change the name that is displayed on your profile. This name may also be displayed next to comments you make on private repositories owned by an organization. For more information, see "Managing the display of member names in your organization."

Note: If you're a member of an enterprise with managed users, any changes to your profile name must be made through your identity provider instead of For more information, see "Types of GitHub accounts."

Add a bio to your profile to share information about yourself with other GitHub users. With the help of @mentions and emoji, you can include information about where you currently or have previously worked, what type of work you do, or even what kind of coffee you drink.

Note:If you have the activity overview section enabled for your profile and you @mention an organization you're a member of in your profile bio, then that organization will be featured first in your activity overview. For more information, see "Showing an overview of your activity on your profile."

When you view your profile, you will see your location, local time, and your time zone in relation to Universal Time Coordinated. When others view your profile, they will see your location, local time, and the time difference in hours from their own local time.

If you select the "Busy" option, when people @mention your username, assign you an issue or pull request, or request a pull request review from you, a note next to your username will show that you're busy. You will also be excluded from automatic review assignment for pull requests assigned to any teams you belong to. For more information, see "Managing code review settings for your team."

Achievements celebrate specific events and actions that happen on GitHub. They will appear as small badges listed in the sidebar of your profile. Clicking or hovering on an achievement will show a detailed view that hints at how the achievement was earned, with a short description and links to the contributing events. The event links will only be visible to users that have access to the repository or organization that the event took place in. Event links will appear inaccessible to all users without access.

The Mars 2020 Helicopter Contributor achievement was given to those who had authored a commit for one of the repositories listed below. This event has now ended, and the badge is no longer available. We built the list based on information received from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

And fixing your picture is a one-time action that gives you lasting benefits. So invest some time in the most important aspect of your online presence. Here are nine ways to nail your social media profile picture.

This is especially important for people with common names. If someone sees you in one place and wants to connect in another, make it easy for them by using the same picture on all of your professional social media profiles.

Elevate your online presence with a professional profile picture. It's free and available to all students, faculty, staff, and alumni. This selfie station puts you in control - no professional photographer needed. It's as easy as 1-2-3... Take it - Send it - Post it. We have staff on hand to assist if you have any questions.

Important: There are strict privacy systems in place to protect your data and photographic information. All photos are owned by each individual student and will be stored on a secure server for up to 12 months. Only administrators will have access to this stored information. If you have any questions, please email

The app will prompt you to take your profile photo. A good profile photo should have the following elements:- No hats or sunglasses (eyeglasses and religious garments are accepted)- Full face and top of shoulders- Good lighting- Not blurry- Only one person in the picture- Face is centered in the frame

Regardless, people have come to associate the circle head with masculinity, and because of this association, we felt that it was important to explore alternate head shapes. We reviewed many variations of our figure, altering both the head and shoulders to feel more inclusive to all genders. When the shoulders were wider, the image felt overly masculine, so we decreased the width of the shoulders and adjusted the height of the figure. As a result of these iterations, we ended with a more gender-balanced figure. We chose grays because they feel temporary, generic, and universal. With that, we included a higher contrast color combination to make this image accessible for those with visual impairments. Because of its coloring, the new profile photo also gives less prominence to accounts with a default profile photo.

PhotoFeeler, a neat tool that lets you get feedback on your profile pictures via feedback from actual people who vote on your picture, shared their learnings from over 60,000 ratings of competence, likability, and influence that were left on photos submitted to the PhotoFeeler app.

The Rule of Thirds is a method for composing the elements of an image to be visually pleasing and to be in sync with the way our eyes prefer to scan an image. Photographers know the Rule of Thirds well; it is a foundational piece of photography.

Another study from OkCupid looked at the profile pictures of over 7,100 users and noted which effects brought the most contacts. One of the most interesting takeaways here was the effect of looking at the camera vs. looking off-camera. 17dc91bb1f

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