I want to incorporate an error check system (via warning message) into my survey which will detect if the user is choosing the right PCH from the drop down. In other words, I do not want any user to choose the wrong PCH and enter data on his/her behalf. Through the .csv file each user's email ID is already linked to the survey which could also be retrieved automatically when a user fills in the survey (using same email ID in my case since the survey is available only to the licensed users). I am trying to create a warning message check to detect and pop out a warning message when the user's email (submitter email) is not same as the his/her .csv linked email (Prime contact email). Pleas note that the submitter's email question is a calculated one via pulldata("@property","email") which automatically pulls the email of the licensed user when he/she fills the survey.

Thank you @DougBrowning and @NickGIS for the quick replies and your suggestions. I have used warning message as a note as suggested but the warning message is now present on the from by default. Even if i just open the survey form I can see the warning message even when there is nothing pulled from the prime contact email field. Is there way to execute the warning note only when the user chooses the PCH from drop down and the prime contact email gets pulled to match against the submitter's email?

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By contrast, a confirmation is a modal dialog box that asks if the user wants to proceed with an action. Some types of warnings are presented as confirmations, and if so, the confirmation guidelines also apply.

We overwarn in Microsoft Windows programs. The typical Windows program has warnings seemingly everywhere, warning about things that have little significance. In some programs, nearly every question is presented as a warning. Overwarning makes using a program feel like a hazardous activity, and it detracts from truly significant issues.

The mere potential for data loss or a future problem alone is insufficient to call for a warning. Additionally, any undesirable results should be unexpected or unintended, and not easily corrected. Otherwise, just about any user mistake could be construed to result in data loss or a potential problem of some kind and merit a warning.

Some issues can be presented as an error, warning, or information, depending on the emphasis and phrasing. For example, suppose a Web page cannot load an unsigned ActiveX control based on the current Windows Internet Explorer configuration:

To determine the appropriate message type, focus on the most important aspect of the issue that users need to know or act upon. Typically, if an issue blocks the user from proceeding, you should present it as an error; if the user can proceed, present it as a warning. Craft the main instruction or other corresponding text based on that focus, then choose an icon (standard or otherwise) that matches the text. The main instruction text and icons should always match.

Sometimes there is a legitimate potential problem worthy of informing users about, but the solution and consequences aren't known for sure. Rather than give a vague warning, be specific by giving the most likely information or the most common example.

There seem to be several solutions for Mac OS and also some for Ubuntu, but I haven't seen any on Windows. The warning is frustrating as it also appears during package installation, where it is converted into an error which is stopping the installation process.

Licorice extract has always been recognized as a sweetener and a thirst quencher. Its nutritive value is overrated by many who consume significant amounts and are prone to complications. Glycyrrhetic acid, the active metabolite in licorice, inhibits the enzyme 11--hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme type 2 with a resultant cortisol-induced mineralocorticoid effect and the tendency towards the elevation of sodium and reduction of potassium levels. This aldosterone-like action is the fundamental basis for understanding its health benefits and the wide spectrum of adverse effects. Herein, we present a comprehensive review of licorice along with the reported complications related to excess intake. Despite its apparent use in a few clinical scenarios, the daily consumption of licorice is never justified because its benefits are minor compared to the adverse outcomes of chronic consumption. The review highlights the importance of investigating the dietary habits and herbal remedies which are being used worldwide on cultural and habitual bases rather than reliable scientific evidence. Licorice is a US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved food supplement used in many products without precise regulations to prevent toxicity. Increased awareness among the public is required through TV commercials, newspapers, internet sites, magazines and product labels regarding the upper limit of ingestion and health hazards associated with excess intake. We hope that this review will serve as a warning message that should be transmitted from physicians to patients to avoid excessive licorice intake as well as a message to the FDA to start regulating the use of this substance.

That warning message is normal because you are removing stop words, the logical thing to expect is to lose documents.

Can you explain what is your issue with this or what would be the expected behavior?

There were 18 divergent transitions after warmup, which may compromise the validity of the estimates. See -stan.org/misc/warnings.html#divergent-transitions-after-warmup to find why this is a potential problem and how to remove them.

Does anyone know (or could point me to where to find an answer) what does this warning mean?I know it is telling me that there were missing values in resampled performance measures - but what does that exactly mean and how can a situation like that arise?BTW, the predict() function works fine with the fitted model, so it is just my curiosity.

For example, if there is a property isInactiveByDefault which when set to "true" will set the status of the newly created employee via POST v1/employees to "Inactive". User on "Employee" form load will see a warning message "Any new employee created will have inactive status".

I originally thought of providing a resource to get the status of the property and let the client handle whether to display the warning message or not based on the value of the property. But my manager wants to avoid any business logic in client side. As per him, this is a business logic and should be handled from server.

But let aside this point, and if we consider the message(s) to display as data then as soon as your client can make REST calls (via JS, AJAX or whatever), you should be able to query the server before or while the form loads (and wait/sync on that).

So it is perfectly fine and "RESTful" to perform a GET request on the service to i.e. retrieve a list of warning messages (eventually internationalized) and display them. The server will prepare this list of warnings based on such or such property and return it (as JSON or whatever). Your client will only have to display the parsed result of the request (0-N messages to list) next to your form.

Unfortunately, many representation formats exchanged in typical "REST APIs/services" do not support such properties. A plain JSON document i.e. just defines the basic syntax (i.e. objects are key-value containers in between curly braces, ...) but it does not define a semantics for any of the fields it might contain, it does not even know what a URI is and such. As such, JSON is not a good representation format for in a REST architecture to start with. While HAL/JSON or JSON Hyper-Schema attempt to add support for links and rudimentary semantics, they yet create their own media-types and thus representation formats all along. Other JSON based media types, such as hal-forms, halo+json (halform) and ion, attempt to add form-support. Some of these media-type formats may allow to add restrictions to certain form-elements that automatically end up in a user warning and a block of the actual document transmission if violated, though most of the current media types might yet lack support for client-sided scripts or dynamic content updates.

In regards to a "RESTful" solution I would not recommend using custom headers or proprietary message formats as they are usually only understood and thus processable by a limited amount of clients, which is the opposite of what the REST architecture actually aims to achieve. Such messages usually also require a priori knowledge of the server behavior which may lead to problems if the server ever needs to change.

I need some help with the "displaying warning message" in labview 2010 SP1 base development system. My requirement is, I would like to display a warning message (text alert) when the RPM of the pump falls below 10000 rpm. In this case I am measuring the current, voltage and rpm of a pump. Please let me know how I can get this done. I have attached the main vi and the 2 sub-vi for reference. Also let me know how I can set sound alerts in addition to text alerts when the pump RPM falls below 10000 rpm. Thanks for your help.

If you want to display a warning text alert ,then you can just create a text on front panel and using VI properties ,can make it as a text alert.For sound alert use sound functions .Please have a look at the attached vi.Run this vi and click visible button ,you can find an alert text with some sound.Modify your logic accordingly.

Based on the solution you siggested, can you please tell me in detail about how to create a text control on the front panel and where I can edit the VI properties to make it as a text alert? Also can you tell me if it is possible to format the size and colour of the text displayed in the warning window? Thanks for your help in this regard. 17dc91bb1f

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