The goal, then, is to prevent attackers from successfully destroying your fort with the help of these creatures. But you must be careful with how many creatures you create because you do not have an infinite supply.

The Fort can be used to create a variety of special units, like the Juggernaut, Humvees, and Artillery. They need to be researched in order to be created using the fort. However, units such as the General, Jeeps, and Medi-Truck can be built in the Fort without the need for research. In addition to producing units, the Fort also acts as a defensive building, which attacks any enemy unit within its range.

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Fort Conquer is a free app for Android published in the Strategy & War Games list of apps, part of Games & Entertainment.

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Waves of monsters have evolved and are rushing towards your territory. Build up your loyal troop and train them for the battle! You must defend your own tower and conquer the opponent's fort!

Highlighted features include but are not limited to:

# Evolvement of the same species. Mightier power and incredible new creatures are available.

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Ready? Who will be the conqueror in the end?

Fort Conquer is an engaging and strategic defense game where players must guard their fort against an onslaught of legendary creatures. Waves of monsters have evolved and are rushing towards your territory.

Fort Conger is a former settlement, military fortification, and scientific research post in the Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut, Canada. It was established in 1881 as an Arctic exploration camp,[2] notable as the site of the first major northern polar region scientific expedition,[3] the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition, led by Adolphus Greely as part of the United States government's contribution to the First International Polar Year. It was later occupied by Robert Peary during some of his Arctic expeditions.

Before Fort Conger was established, its Discovery Harbour was used as a wintering site by the crew of HMS Discovery, led by George Nares, during the British Arctic Expedition of 1875.[6] Though Nares left behind provisions at Fort Conger, most of those supplies were unfound when Fort Conger was established as a research base in 1881 during the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition, led by U.S. Army First Lieutenant Adolphus Greely. The fort was named by Greely after U.S. Senator Omar D. Conger, who had supported the expedition. Twenty-five men, including officers, enlisted, and Inuit, lived and conducted research at Fort Conger over the next two years. (Greely would rise to the rank of major general in the Army and received the Medal of Honor for his lifetime achievements in 1935.)

The original fort was built as a three-room building, 18 m (59 ft) long, 5 m (16 ft) wide, and 3 m (9.8 ft) high. Lean-tos on either side of the building housed supplies. The double-wall construction of the main building consisted of long, wooden boards, covered with tar paper.[9] This type of construction was found to be unsuitable for the Arctic as it was difficult to keep the building warm.[3]

Use the rookie level to start out playing sports games until you get the knack of them. Sports games tend to be difficult at first until you get the hand of them, so its best to learn at a more comfortable level before making it harder. When you feel you are ready, turn up the difficulty.

Fort Conquer est un jeu de stratgie et de dfense dans lequel le joueur doit protger son fort contre les attaques de toutes sortes de cratures lgendaires comme des dragons, reptiles, gants et beaucoup plus.

Para o fazer ter a ajuda de numerosas outras criaturas. Contudo, a principal fora do jogo  a de poder evoluir as suas criaturas para fazer com que elas sejam mais fortes, melhorando muitos dos seus atributos, tais como a barra de vida, a fora de ataque ou a velocidade.

DeGroot believes his work is making a big change, saying, "It's a team effort. The heat center provides recommendations, commanders conduct training, drill sergeants conduct training. We give them the tools to do so smartly."

The Pentagon's not only focusing on heat but all climate threats, dedicating billions of dollars to mitigate risks. The world's largest naval installation, Norfolk Naval Base in Virginia, is one of 53 installations that face recurrent flooding. Billions of dollars worth of damage has been reported at the base. The department says another 60 bases face the same threat if sea levels continue to rise.

This announcement grows out of two major initiatives which this Administration has taken over the past 2 years. The first was my decision in November of 1969 that the United States would no longer engage in the research, production, or stockpiling of offensive biological weapons. The second was the decision, which I first announced in my State of the Union Message last January, to launch a major campaign to conquer cancer.

President Rallies Troops at Fort Hood

Fort Hood, Texas  


President's Remarks



10:55 A.M. CST THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Thank you, all. Thank youall very much. General, thanks a lot for that kind introduction -- Ialways like a short introduction. (Laughter.) Thank you for your warmwelcome, and thank you for this jacket. AUDIENCE: Hooah! THE PRESIDENT: I'm proud to wear it. AUDIENCE: Hooah! THE PRESIDENT: And I'm proud to wear it in my home state ofTexas. (Applause.) Laura and I are honored to kick off the new year with the soldiersand families of Ft. Hood. AUDIENCE: Hooah! THE PRESIDENT: All Texans are proud that our state is the home toso many fine military units, including the great 1st Calvary Division.(Applause.) AUDIENCE: Hooah! THE PRESIDENT: And the mighty 4th Infantry Division. (Applause.) AUDIENCE: Hooah! THE PRESIDENT: The key ingredients to the home of America'shammer. AUDIENCE: Hooah! THE PRESIDENT: On Christmas Eve I had the honor of calling some ofour troops who are around the world, service members, men and womenfrom many bases, including Ft. Hood. I thanked them for servingAmerica so far from home, and far away from their families. Today, it's my honor to come here to Ft. Hood to thank each andevery one of you for the work you do to make sure that our UnitedStates Army is second to none. (Applause.) AUDIENCE: Hooah! THE PRESIDENT: We've got more than 1,300 troops from Ft. Hood thatare serving abroad and defending our country and keeping the peace --from Cuba to Kuwait to Korea. Another 1,600 are preparing to deployabroad. In the months ahead, more soldiers from Ft. Hood may be giving-- given other essential missions. But wherever you serve, or whereveryou may be sent, you can know that America is grateful and yourCommander-in-Chief is confident in your abilities and proud of yourservice. (Applause.) AUDIENCE: Hooah! THE PRESIDENT: I want to thank General Wilson and his wife, Lynn,for receiving Laura and me. I want to thank Larry Ellis and Jean,General Ellis. I appreciate so much General Joe Peterson. I want tothank Sergeant Major Gravens and his wife Deborah for joining us heretoday. I appreciate my friend, the Governor of the great state ofTexas, Rick Perry, for joining us today. (Applause.) I want to thankmembers of the congressional delegation who are here, Joe Barton,Congressman Chet Edwards. I appreciate you all coming. I want to thank some of the state and local officials. I know myfriend Dianne White Delisi is here. I want to thank Suzanna Hupp andSid Miller as well. I want to thank the mayor of Killeen haven'tseen the mayor in a while. It's good to be in your presence, Mayor.Appreciate all the local officials; my fellow Texans, militaryfamilies, veterans, and all the community leaders who have come outtoday. Thanks for being here. I know we've got some of the many veterans who live in this areawith us today. The men and women of Ft. Hood follow in the greattraditions that you passed on to them. You each wear a proud title:veteran of the United States military. And I want to thank you for theexample you have set and the service you gave to our country.(Applause.) AUDIENCE: Hooah! THE PRESIDENT: And I appreciate and America appreciates thesacrifices of our military families. I signed the largest increase indefense spending in a generation. AUDIENCE: Hooah! THE PRESIDENT: I wanted to make sure that our soldiers had thebest possible pay AUDIENCE: Hooah! THE PRESIDENT: -- the best possible training AUDIENCE: Hooah! THE PRESIDENT: -- and to make sure the housing was the bestpossible for our families, military families. (Applause.) That's theleast we owe the husbands and wives of those who wear the uniform. Each one of you knows that Army life can be rewarding. And youknow it can be dangerous and difficult. Every day, our militaryfamilies are putting America's interests first and America thanks youas well as those who wear the uniform. (Applause.) Ft. Hood and the units that call it home have a special place inour country's military history. For decades, soldiers from the FirstTeam and the Iron Horse Division, and from other units, have foughtAmerica's battles with distinction and courage. Now you're called again into action, to defend America and thecause of freedom in the first war of the 21st century. For thiscountry, and for our friends around the world who love freedom like wedo, the stakes are great. The terrorists have shown what they intendfor us. And we're not going to forget. We're not going to forget the fact that they kill without regardfor the rules of war. They don't value innocent life like we do. InAmerica, we say everybody is precious, everybody counts. Everybody isequal in the eyes of the Almighty. That's not the way the enemy thinks. They don't value innocentlife. They're nothing but a bunch of cold-blooded killers, and that'sthe way we're going to treat them. (Applause.) AUDIENCE: Hooah! THE PRESIDENT: They reach across oceans to target the innocent.They seek weapons of mass murder on a massive scale. The terroristswill not be stopped by mercy or by conscience. But they will bestopped. AUDIENCE: Hooah! THE PRESIDENT: And they will be stopped by the will and the mightof the United States of America. (Applause.) AUDIENCE: Hooah! THE PRESIDENT: Our country is in a great contest of will andpurpose. We're being tested. In times of crisis, we will actdecisively. And in times of calm, we'll be focused and patient andrelentless in our pursuit of the enemy. That's what we owe theAmerican people. We're not waiting for another attack. We can't wait for anotherattack to employ the full power of America in this cause. We're actingnow to protect the American people and to shape a future of peace. This war, like others, is not going to be won on the defensive. Sowe're going to take this fight to the enemy. AUDIENCE: Hooah! THE PRESIDENT: And we're making good progress. We're making goodprogress. Working with our friends and allies, we have freed thepeople of Afghanistan from one of the most brutal regimes in thehistory of mankind. (Applause.) We enforced a clear doctrine that said if you harbor a terrorist,if you feed a terrorist, if you hide a terrorist, you're just as guiltyas the terrorists -- and the Taliban knows what we meant. (Applause.) AUDIENCE: Hooah! THE PRESIDENT: We've destroyed camps where terrorists train.They're used to be camps, the United States military showed up --they're not any camps in Afghanistan. AUDIENCE: Hooah! THE PRESIDENT: We've emptied caves where they hid. See, they usedto think they could hide. But you can't hide from the United States ofAmerica. You may hide for a brief period of time, but pretty soonwe're going to put the spotlight on you, and we'll bring you tojustice. We've cut off millions of dollars that the enemy was using to fundoperations. We're working with friends and allies around the world.And we're hauling them in, one by one. Some have met their fate bysudden justice; some are now answering questions at Guantanamo Bay. Ineither case, they're no longer a problem to the United States ofAmerica and our friends. (Applause.) AUDIENCE. Hooah! THE PRESIDENT: We do not yet have all the terrorists, but they'reall on the run. And if they listen carefully, they will hear behindthem the mighty footsteps of the United States of America. (Applause.) AUDIENCE: Hooah! THE PRESIDENT: And we're not quitting. We'll fight this war onmany fronts, with many tools. Our intelligence operations are trackingthe terrorists. We're sharing intelligence with other countries thatshare our desire for peace. Our allies are keeping the peace andhelping us keep the peace in Afghanistan. We're hunting the terroristson every continent. See, they're in over 60 different countries. We've got a vastcoalition of people bound by this principle: either you're with us, oryou're with the enemy; either you're with those who love freedom, oryou're with those who hate innocent life. Our coalition is strong, andwe're keeping it strong. And we're on the hunt; we're chasing themdown one by one. And, as well, we're confronting the threat of outlaw regimes whoseek weapons of mass destruction. Different circumstances requiredifferent strategies -- from the pressure of diplomacy, to the prospectof force. Yet, in every case, the resolve of our nation is the same:we must, and we will, protect the American people and our friends andallies from catastrophic violence wherever the source, whatever thethreat. In the case of North Korea, the world must continue to speak withone voice, to turn that regime away from its nuclear ambitions. In thecase of Iraq, the world has already spoken with one voice. The Iraqiregime has a duty under Security Council resolutions to declare anddestroy all of its weapons of mass destruction. That's what the worldhas said. That's what the United States expects from Saddam Hussein. The Iraqi regime is a grave threat to the United States. The Iraqiregime is a threat to any American and to threats who are friends ofAmerica. Why do I say that? Well, first of all, the leader in Iraq haspublicly proclaimed his hatred for our country and what we stand for.The Iraqi regime has a record -- a record of torturing their ownpeople, a brutal record and a record of reckless aggression againstthose in their neighborhood. The Iraqi regime has used weapons of mass destruction. They notonly had weapons of mass destruction, they used weapons of massdestruction. They used weapons of mass destruction on people in othercountries, they have used weapons of mass destruction on their ownpeople. That's why I say Iraq is a threat, a real threat. Four years ago, U.N. inspectors concluded that Iraq had failed toamount -- account for large stockpiles of chemical and biologicalweapons, weapons capable of killing millions. In last month'sdeclaration, Iraq again failed to account for those weapons. The Iraqi dictator did not even attempt to submit a credibledeclaration. We can now be certain that he holds the United Nationsand the U.N. Security Council and its resolutions in contempt. Hereally doesn't care about the opinion of mankind. Saddam Hussein wasgiven a path to peace; thus far, he has chosen the path of defiance. The fate of the Iraqi regime is being determined by its owndecisions. Saddam Hussein knows precisely what he can and must do toavoid conflict. We have made that clear. The world has spoken withone voice. And even now, he could end his defiance and dramatically changedirections. He has that choice to make. We certainly prefer voluntarycompliance by Iraq. You see, the use of military force is thisnation's last option, its last choice. Yet, if force becomes necessary to disarm Iraq of weapons of massdestruction and enforce the will of the United Nations; if forcebecomes necessary to secure our country and to keep the peace, Americawill act deliberately, America will act decisively, and America willprevail because we've got the finest military in the world.(Applause.) AUDIENCE: Hooah! THE PRESIDENT: We are ready. We're prepared. And should theUnited States be compelled to act, our troops will be acting in thefinest traditions of America, should we be forced to act. ShouldSaddam Hussein seal his fate by refusing to disarm, by ignoring theopinion of the world, you will be fighting not to conquer anybody, butto liberate people. See, we believe in freedom. No matter what their oppressors maysay, the people of Iraq have no love for tyranny. Like all humanbeings, they desire and they deserve to live in liberty and to live indignity. America seeks more than the defeat of terror. We seek theadvance of human freedom in a world at peace. That is the chargehistory has given us, and that is the charge we will keep. In crucial hours, the success of our cause will depend upon you.As members of our military, you serve this nation's ideals and youdemonstrate those ideals in your code and in your character. AsCommander-in-Chief, I have come to know the men and women who wearAmerica's uniform. I have seen your love of country and your devotionto a cause larger than yourself. I have seen your discipline, youridealism, and your sense of honor. I know that every order I give canbring a cost. I also know without a doubt that every order I give willbe carried out with skill and unselfish courage. Some crucial hours may lie ahead. We know the challenges and thedangers we face. If this generation of Americans is ready, we acceptthe burden of leadership, we act in the cause of peace and freedom.And in that cause, we will prevail. Thank you for your service. May God bless you, may God bless yourfamilies, and may God bless America. (Applause.) END 11:15 A.M. CST Printer-Friendly Version Email this page to a friend IssuesBudget ManagementEducationEnergyHealth CareHomeland SecurityHurricane RecoveryImmigrationJobs & EconomyMedicareNational SecurityPandemic FluPatriot ActRenewal in IraqSocial SecurityMore Issues 2351a5e196

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