I experience the same behavior that you shared where I was actually active in the mobile app but my status icon in the conversation does not show the icon. However, it is not constantly reproducible and it will just go away after I set my status back to Online.

Can you please share the Mattermost Server and Mattermost iOS app version that you are using so I can try to reproduce it since you mentioned that it always shows that you are offline and connecting?

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Thank you, Agriesser, glad to be here & thanks for building Mattermost platform! I checked latest 2.2.0 (build 2000462) on Android with with Sever 7.9.1, after switch to another application, mattermost still become offline quickly. and after that, I switched it back and forth, it still & always keeps offline.

The first thing is to make Coda work in offline mode, which helps people who are far from communication networks and the Internet to add some things, and after connecting to the Internet, they are added automatically and here makes Coda a portable program and easy to use.

1- Yes, in fact, it works normally, but some problems occur, but when syncing in offline mode, you can add it at any time without worrying about whether the browser or its shortcut is running or not, if you are using a CODA for personal use, then you do not need to sync with me The latest version, you only need yourself, meaning you only need to add it in offline mode, and after connecting to the Internet, the added document will be added and the table or thing that you added will be updated.

I guess, but it is just a guess, that it is pretty hard to predict which document(s) to keep in your phones memory or cache. Let alone keep a recent version ready to use, because the program cannot predict when you go offline. When you are working online on a doc and go offline, you have the latest version.

This is horrendous UX. I have hundreds of offline files that were marked offline in bulk by accident. Removing them one at a time will take ages. It looks like I'll have to uninstall Dropbox

UPDATE: clearing app storage (long press on app, app info, storage, clear storage) removed all offline files in one go.

The next version of freeCodeCamp (version 7) is currently in development. I am hopeful that the new version will be more mobile friendly. This is somewhat limited by the resources available. For example, the code editor used by freeCodeCamp is the monaco editor This is is probably the best online editor available, but it does not do well with some virtual keyboards.

You can use the freeCodeCamp curriculum offline by cloning the GitHub repository and running your own version locally. Obviously, completing challenges on a local instance will not update your online account.

In a desktop web browser, you can queue up forms filled using Enketo for later submission? But this doesn't seem possible using Chrome on Android? If I'm filling out a form and I cut data/wifi it just shows an error on attempting to submit. If I "Add to Home Screen" and then cut my data/wifi it just shows as offline and won't let me interact with the form. Am I missing something and is there a way to use Enketo offline on a phone?

It's up to the app that integrates with Enketo to make clear to users whether the webform works offline or not. There is a way to check this yourself though by checking if the icon mentioned here is present: -use (also atm the URL includes the /x/ portion but that is subject to change in the future).

If you're using Central, I wrote a bit about this at Ideas and extensions for Central public links - #4 by LN. As @martijnr states, building your own links may not work forever and Central will eventually surface offline links. If you are on Central, do you want to use offline Enketo forms with authenticated Central users or for self-report through public links?

Just had a situation at work where the summer student accidentally deleted all of the data, and maybe some of the fields, of a layer on ArcGIS Online. Long story short, we lost a layer worth of data. The data is still on field maps as an offline area. When trying to access the online map there's an error and nothing will appear ("Item does not exist or is inaccessible."), but the offline area shows all of the data still.

Is it possible to download the data from the offline map area to a different web map/layer? Syncing doesn't work because the original layer is broken. We do have a back up that's relatively up to date (two weeks old), so thankfully we didn't lose everything, but I'd like to pull the data from the offline area since it is completely up to date.

Not sure what operating system or devices you're using (iOS, Android), but when you create an offline area on a device, it creates Mobile Geodatabases for every service (which includes layers and tables) on it which can be retrieved. Mobile Geodatabases are SQLite databses, so you can actually append data right from them in ArcGIS Pro. For the map area, you will have to drill down into operating system on the device, go further into the Field Maps folder, click on the Portal folder (which should reference AGOL in your case), click on "mapareas", and then one of those folders will have the item ID for the map that was used, then within there will be folders with all of the offline area data.

Depending on how complex the layer was and any relationships and/or attachments, there could be some issues here, but the above should get you on your way if you can get the files off the mobile device.

In today's exceedingly connected world, it can be easy to forget that having access to the internet isn't always possible. However, Appian knows that many organizations face this struggle daily. Whether it is performing an inspection in a remote location or checking in at an off-the-grid site, we know how important it can be for users to retain a seamless Appian experience, even when offline.

Offline mobile allows some of the most important functionality in Appian for mobile actions and tasks, whether the user is online or not. Powerful features such as task reports, cascading dropdown lists, wizards, conditional content, and validations are all possible with offline mobile.

An idea for implementation: Because Figma files can be exported, they can be downloaded. If we could open those on mobile, that would solve the offline problem. We could open the file from an email or from the files app.

Figma really needs an ability to present design files in offline mode, or at least be able to access a local cache once a design has been opened. Good for those times when connectivity is limited or unavailable

I really like bubble, but as of now the one use case it does not support natively is offline, whether through progressive web app or mobile applications. Would love to have this option (PWAs at the very least) as a number of my users may not always have internet access when using the app. Is this on the roadmap anytime soon?

My conclusion: if you are online then you can open the app, and you are able to fill forms with static values if you lose connection and everything will be saved to database when you are online again and did not closed the app so far.

But if you are offline, you are not even able to open the app. And if you close the app when you are offline, then you lose every data which were not saved.

Wouldn't it be great to use your mobile app without worrying about spotty internet connectivity? With model-driven apps made with Power Apps and the new, mobile offline-first experience, it's possible. People who need to work from remote locations can continue to work seamlessly without worrying about their internet connection.

With the new, mobile offline experience enabled for your model-driven apps, not only can you continue working in offline mode, you'll also have better device performance, a more responsive app, and less drain on the battery because fewer connections are being made to the server.

To get started with mobile offline, an app maker needs to enable and define the tables that are available for offline use by using the modern app designer. For more information, go to Set up mobile offline.

Offline-first means that all the data you may need when offline is copied to your mobile device. This requires initial network access to download the data. Once you have your data, you only work with the data on your local device all the time. This is true both when your device is connected and disconnected to the network.

Moving in and out of network access does not affect performance of the app because it is using local data. Power Apps monitors network access and automatically syncs the changes you have made locally with the server, and downloads any updates made on the server. The offline features automatically handle spotty network connections, download data, upload data, handle conflict detection, and more. The built-in, offline features minimize system resources and are highly performant.

When offline mode is configured and enabled for your model-driven app, anyone who uses the Power Apps mobile app can also use the app in offline mode. By default, the Power Apps mobile app runs offline-first, either with or without an internet connection. This functionality optimizes offline performance and creates a consistent experience for users as they change locations: 2351a5e196

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