Writing tip: First, fifth, 10th, 20th, 25th (silver), 30th, 40th (ruby), 45th, 50th (gold), 55th, and 60th (diamond) anniversaries are traditionally considered milestones. Cards specific to these anniversaries will feature the year number prominently in their design, but you can make any card a milestone card (or any anniversary a milestone anniversary) by writing that impressive new number somewhere in your personal message.

#1. Only a few individuals love our Lord as much as you do. Your passion is evident, and everyone can attest to you spreading His word here on Earth. You are the best pastor to our community. Happy anniversary, we love you.

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#3. Congratulations on your anniversary. We are blessed to have you. God has truly blessed us with such an amazing pastor. May God grant you grace and strength to continue the good work that you have started. Thank you for being a man of God, pastor.

#6. I will treasure having such a pastor as you all the days of my life. You have made enormous changes in the church in just a few years. We celebrate you today and all days. Happy anniversary to our favorite shepherd.

#8. Thank you for teaching us the Lord's way. The years that we have spent together have been amazing. You have sacrificed a lot to invest so much in your community. Congratulations on your success and happy anniversary!

#10. Congratulations on your [number of years] anniversary. We are so blessed to have you as our pastor. You are an example of the way, the truth and the light here on Earth and we thank you for your discipline and teaching.

#12. Happy anniversary, dear pastor. Thank you for serving us for [number of years.] We honor your prayers, diligence and commitment to our church and attribute much of our church's growth to you. We celebrate you and pray for your continued grace.

#13. Thank you for leading our church on a victorious journey. Our congregation has undergone major transformations since you've been here, and we greatly appreciate you. We could not have asked for a better pastor. Happy anniversary.

#16. Congratulations on your anniversary, pastor. Your positive contributions to the community and our church have inspired positive change. You are worthy of honor and deserve the greatest celebrations. Cheers to many more years of carrying out the Lord's work.

#17. Happy anniversary to you, pastor. Thank you for these beautiful [number of years]. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to know you. May your shining light never falter and may God bless you all the days of your life.

#19. Congratulations on your [number of years] anniversary sir. God has used his good graces to send you to our church. Thank you for yielding to the Lord and for serving his purpose. May the Lord keep honoring you and grant you great grace for all that you do. We love you.

Coming up with the perfect church anniversary message to commemorate an important date can be tough for anyone. The perfect words for the moment often take hours to arrive upon, and church leaders have few hours to spare. Get your inspirational church anniversary messages rolling with the text below. These church anniversary quotes can be used as is or as a starting point to a larger message celebrating your big event.

#25. Let us wish our church the best of wishes as we celebrate its [number of years] anniversary. We thank our Heavenly Father that he has allowed us to make it this far. He has led us in the direction of righteousness since our beginnings. Let us pray for spiritual growth and continued prosperity, as well as the continuation of his goodness to bless our future as a community.

#27. May we thank God for promising that he will bring our services to fruition. He started this work, and we were the working hands that have continued it. May we always trust that he will bring our church to higher heights and bless us with many more anniversary celebrations to come. We will keep praying and inviting new people to join our church of God.

#28. Big congratulations to the church and a happy anniversary. May God continue to work in mysterious ways and use his mighty works to draw souls to the kingdom of God. May he always uplift our leaders in grace, wisdom and knowledge.

The goal of any church anniversary message is to inspire. You need to help your members understand the importance of the milestone. After all, running your church through the years took a collective effort they should all be proud of. Celebrate with these inspirational church messages below. They can be used as direct church anniversary quotes or changed to fit your church. You can also use them as the basis for a larger speech commemorating the event. You can also use them in your church bulletins and other printed material.

#31. May our church be like a tree and always watered by Our Father in heaven. May our branches grow to be abundant with fruit and prosperous in its tidings. As new seasons come and go, may God continue to bless our congregation with fruition and abundance. Happy anniversary.

#34. May the body of Christ be present in this church and grow with the glory of the Father and flourish with the gifts that he has given us. We can carry out his deeds through his will alone. Happy anniversary.

#35. The new milestone reached today at this church is amazing. Let us celebrate this feat as a church as we achieve yet another fortunate anniversary. May God in his infinite mercies show us more blessings in the years to come.

#36. I am filled with excitement and overflowing with the joy of the Holy Spirit today as we celebrate this special occasion. God has built His church to magnify His glory and we are the fruit of His labor. May he continue to use our church to fulfill His glory. Happy anniversary to the church of God.

#37. Let us sing and praise Him in this joyous occasion, worshipping God in spirit and truth. This church has transformed our lives and will continue to do so as we enter a new season. May this anniversary represent a new and fresh beginning for our church.

#38. Happy anniversary to our church. May we ask and be given; may we knock and the doors to salvation will be opened. We promise to continue to bask in the love of Jesus because it binds us together.

#39. May our love for the Lord be strengthened among us as it was in the days of the Apostles. May our church continue to radiate the love of Jesus Christ to the world and attract lost souls to the word of God. Happy anniversary to our beloved church.

#40. The blessings of the Holy Trinity are among this church. We promise to serve him always in spirit and truth. May we carry out His grace and the free will that He has given us and combat the powers of darkness. Happy anniversary to God's church.

I have blogged about this before. Twice actually... before our wedding and then around our one year anniversary, but when I shared our 5 year card on Instagram last weekend and there was a lot of interest so I thought I'd stick it on the blog as well for future or current brides who are looking for an inexpensive, easy and SUPER sentimental idea that will last much longer than just the wedding day.

The table number cards at our wedding were simple 10x5 pieces of gray cardstock that I folded in half to make a 5x5 card that would stand on the table. I stamped each side with an orange number stamp (super old from Martha Stewart for Michael's) but these look similar.

When my dad spoke, he told the guests to write a note inside the cards at their table to be opened on our corresponding anniversary. So table 10 would be opened on our 10th. Depending on where you sat you got to drop us a note some odd years in the future.

Of all the things we did, this was by far my favorite even though I didn't realize it would be. I would recommend this to any couple planning a wedding. I would also recommend just ignoring all suggestions and doing exactly what you want.

To the most wonderful parents in the world, thanks for always being there for me and for loving so selflessly. Today is your special time to focus on your love, so I hope you both celebrate your anniversary in style!

Requests must be received by the OSGG at least eight (8) weeks prior to the required delivery date. While we are pleased to accept requests with less than the required notice, we cannot guarantee that the messages will be provided by the required date. You may submit your request as early as one year before the anniversary date.

Upon request, greetings will be sent every five (5) years for birthdays starting at 90 and anniversaries starting at 50, then every year for birthdays starting at 100 and anniversaries starting at 70.

Presidential greetings are available for select birthday and anniversary celebrations. They are also available for births and weddings. If you would like to self-request a Presidential Greeting, please submit your request on the White House's website here. The inbox is checked daily for greeting requests. General guidelines from prior presidential Administrations are available below and will be updated when more information is available from the incoming Administration. 2351a5e196

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