I then tried the versions from Mozilla's site (stable/beta/dev) which are just archives that can just be uncompressed and ran, and they didn't work with it either. After talking with email support they suggested using "sudo chown -R root:root" on the directory since it needs to be owned by root for it to be able to talk with the app, and it worked for all 3 of those downloaded versions, but as far as I can tell, the system and PPA installed version is located at /usr/lib/firefox and usr/lib/firefox-trunk respectively, and both are already owned by root.

Support got back to me, it ended up that the Nightly PPA did need to be added to a list of approved browsers since the PPA installs itself to run with "firefox-trunk" so it can run side by side with non nightly Firefox builds. Here was the process they sent me:

Download Firefox Nightly 64 Bit

Download 🔥 https://urlin.us/2y4OGz 🔥

There must be addons that are not compatible or hard to configure because of the screen size, YMMV! Here is a recent thread on what Fenix users are looking out for and some compatability reviews: _addons_do_you_most_want_to_see_on_firefox/

I tried it, however none of the online demos worked even after all that. Trying to create the webGPU interface in the console produced an error as well, just as if I was running normal firefox release.

\n The Clipboard.read(), Clipboard.readText(), and Clipboard.write() methods of the Clipboard interface are now available in nightly and early beta builds\n (See Firefox bug 1809106 for more details.)\n


I have downloaded firefox nightly in my language, I want it to be available in rofi menu beside my stable firefox, I searched too much solutions but not clear to, one of them i did copy firefox app to /usr/bin directory and give chmod +x to excutable file, rofi finds it but nothing happens when enter.

Any suggestion?

Yes you are right, the one that available for libreoffice is transalted by me, So Now iam working on firefox which ckb not available in stable, its only on nightly because i didn't finish it yet.

I want to see app interface, Every time i do translation they will add my translation to nightly version every 24 hours, I have to see the progress and check my transaltion also.

Hello, mozilla provides the nightly language pack as a browser extension on their ftp server. You can simply install that in your profile. You can also ask the AUR maintainer of firefox-nightly-i18n to include that language.

The icon of Firefox nightly is missing in the launcher (I have an empty space instead) since month. I did the update of Ubuntu 17.10 to 18.04, but it did not solve anything, the icon is still missing. Nightly is updated...every night, but the icon is never there.

Thanks a lot for your help. However, I did not find any Nightly file in the /usr/share/applications folder.

But I found the nightly.desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications Here is its content, i checked that the file mozicon128.png exists at the right place, so I do not understand whats the problem.

Hello, it has nothing to do with a build - today's one went smoothly - anyway, firefox always crashes when I'm trying to print - as soon as I hit Ctrl+P or I invoke a menu item. Does anyone know a possible problem or a way out?

I'm sure you're aware that nightly builds aren't advisable for regular use. But if you want, you can download builds directly from -US/firefox/channel/desktop/ for 64-bit or 32-bit and follow =23&t=3041682 where other users of nightly and beta post their observations and report bugs they encounter and bugs they file.

Are there any perf improvements in the current nightly? Webgpu is pretty much out of question (for now) because of the changing specs. I get too many warnings and errors now to even try it for my game and no point fixing the issues beforehand since might be a huge timesink for nothing.

You can create your own Collection but need a Firefox account for that. The main entry point is this page: -US/firefox/collections/. Don't confuse Add-on Collections with Firefox's newer Collections feature.

Thanks for documenting this!

FYI The collection manager only searches addons for the browser specified in the URI. But a collection can contain addons for desktop and Android simultaneously.

One just has to change the URI path from /firefox to /android.

Once you have updated your Fedora system, installing Firefox Nightly is next. The best way to install Firefox Nightly is by enabling the COPR repository by proletarius101/firefox-nightly, which makes it easy to install and update the browser.

A post on Mozilla's Nightly blog announced the .deb repository for Firefox Nightly. It simplifies installation of the nightly build by automatically updating it when a new version releases. It also separates the nightly version from any other versions, such as the stable ESR version of Firefox, included by default in many Linux distros.

An easy way to get away from this is to start firefox with the firefox -safe-mode command. Then you can troubleshoot your actual problem or you can call your luck by calling the refresh option (a special button will appear when firefox starts in this mode). This will reset your configuration to a sane state and you will be usually able to start the browser again, but you will lose most of your customization.

A number of language packs are available for Firefox, other than the standard English. Language packs are usually named as firefox-i18n-languagecode (where languagecode can be any language code, such as de, ja, fr, etc.). For a list of available language packs, see firefox-i18n for firefox, firefox-developer-edition-i18n for firefox-developer-edition and firefox-nightly- for firefox-nightlyAUR.

One drawback of the above approach is that it is not applied system-wide. Furthermore, this is not useful as a "pre-configuration", since the profile directory is created after first launch of the browser. You can, however, let firefox create a new profile and, after closing it again, copy the contents of an already created profile folder into it.

Firefox ships with the Twemoji Mozilla font. To use the system emoji font, set font.name-list.emoji to emoji in about:config. Additionally, to prevent the Mozilla font interfering with your system emoji font, change gfx.font_rendering.opentype_svg.enabled to false or remove /usr/lib/firefox/fonts/TwemojiMozilla.ttf (see also pacman#Skip files from being installed to system).

Firefox provides a local service for Chinese users, with a local account totally different from the international one. Firefox installed with the firefox package uses the international account system by default, to change into the Chinese local service, you should install the add-on manager on this page, then you can login with your Chinese account now.

Per -US/kb/firefox-protection-against-fingerprinting,Fingerprinting Protection disables the WebSpeech API. If you enabled this option, you will need to disable it for the narrator to work. To disable fingerprinting protection, set privacy.resistFingerprinting to false in about:config. e24fc04721

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