I would like to activate some of the Firefox functions under program control. - What are the command like parameters that I can use?- Is there an API to access the domain model, or an OLE or ActiveX object, to access the entry fields in html or script-generated entry fields and command buttons?Where can I read more about that?

Command line options are used to specify various startup options for Mozilla applications. For example, if you have multiple profiles you can use command line configuration options to bypass the Profile Manager and open a specific profile. You can also control how Mozilla applications open, which components open initially, and what the components do when they open. This page describes the commonly used options and how to use them. You can open the command line interface by pressing Shift+F2.

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Command line options follow the command to start the application. If the option contains arguments, enter the argument after the option. Some options have abbreviations, for example, -editor can be abbreviated as -edit (available abbreviations are described in the text below). In some cases, option arguments must be enclosed in quotation marks (this is noted in the option descriptions below). Multiple command line options can be specified. In general, the syntax is as follows:

Note: Since Firefox 9, this does really mean what its name implies on all platforms. i.e. instances created with this parameter do not accept or send remote commands, see bug 650078. That means that such instances won't be re-used. Also when using this argument a new instance is created in any case.

I am finding container tabs really helpful. One suggestion: Have a way from the command line to open a URL in a new container tab. This would be useful for opening a container tab from a password manager.

You can use command line configuration options to bypass the ProfileManager and open a specific profile (if you have multiple profiles). Youcan also control how Mozilla opens, which components open initially, andwhat the components do when they open. This page describes the commonlyused options and how to use them. To see a full list of all availablecommand line options, use the -h command.

On Windows, right-click the Mozilla shortcut icon andchoose Properties. In the Target input box of the Shortcut tab,put the command option after the quote, for example"C:\Program Files\Internet\Mozilla\mozilla.exe" -p myprofile.

I think the UI setting to just load your last session on start up as shown in the other answer is the best. But just in case someone absolutely needs to know how to do this with command line you can try

works and the download file dialog appears. So I am almost there. Of course, as I want to call the download from a script I don't want to press the "ok" button but download it instantly. Are there any additional command line settings to surpress the download file dialog in firefox and download the file immediately?

In the Style panel, we can now see that a media query with a max-width has taken effect and the font-size on the heading has dropped to 24px. We can also scroll down and see that the three columns that were side-by-side are now stacked. You could use the resize off command to turn off the Responsive Design View, or you could just hit a couple of times to get back to normal browsing mode.

One of the best features of command lines in general is that they are a very scalable form of user interface. Adding more commands does not add visual clutter in the UI you look at all day. Expect to see more commands in future Firefox releases, plus new commands that appear in add-ons.

No, the code is not shared with ubiquity project. The concept is also different than ubiquity. The command line is just a tool to host, provide methods to create, and run commands. commands are made separately by developers and contributor, and ofcourse add-ons.

Why on Earth does Shift-F2 not close the GCLI once open? Neither does ESC, nor is there any command to close it. How are you supposed to do this other than my mousing over to the X and clicking on it (bleurgh)?

One caveat is that occasionally the command history is a little buggy so I will need to find a workaround, but it does work, including tracking environmental variables for that session (which could of course be made permanent with more coding) and letting you change the color in the same manner as Windows allows in the console.

Thanks for so much informative blog i am very excited for using firefox.I am using firefox since 12.x version and it freeze after working time or you can say after one house and after that if you restart firefox then again it works normal. Is this problem solved in this version of firefox.

diwaker: I work with a huge (I mean monstrous) web app that runs cross-browser. I develop using firefox and firebug and run a test system that is almost as big as the app itself which also sits insie the same instance of firefox. My firefox browser stays up for *days* at a time with no issues. Sometimes, though rarely, I may see odd behavior from firebug but even that is rare.

I have figured out how to write commands and its pretty simple. What I would want to have as a feature is the ability to create my aliases. I know I am talking more like a CLI geek but the truth is that I cannot write usable commands for everyone out there and vice-verse. So if it were possible to make aliases, I can easily use existing commands in other ways. Unfortunately, it does not look like there is any support for that in the GCLI project as yet.

For what its worth. Chrome has even more developer tools that Firefox (the timeline, audit tool, CSS profiler etc etc) And until you open the developer tools, they should have close to no impact on your browser to make it heavier. If you are worried about the size of the Firefox package, when you download it, then yet again, Chrome has more .

(including the quotation marks). In this example the file path to the installation directory is C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox, the file name of the Firefox application is firefox.exe, and the command line argument we are using is ProfileManager.

A large number of tools can be used by typing commands into the command line; many come pre-installed on your system, and a huge number of others are installable from package registries. Package registries are like app stores, but (mostly) for command line based tools and software. We'll see how to install some tools later on in this chapter, and we'll learn more about package registries in the next chapter.

One of the biggest criticisms of the command line is that it lacks hugely in user experience. Viewing the command line for the first time can be a daunting experience: a blank screen and a blinking cursor, with very little obvious help available on what to do.

Windows has traditionally had its own terminal-like program called cmd ("the command prompt") for a long time, but this definitely doesn't have parity with Unix commands, and is equivalent to the old-style Windows DOS prompt.

In terms of what option to choose on Windows, we'd strongly recommend trying to install the WSL. You could stick with the default command prompt (cmd), and many tools will work OK, but you'll find everything easier if you have better parity with Unix tools.

Generally, you'll find these two terms used interchangeably. Technically, a terminal is a software that starts and connects to a shell. A shell is your session and session environment (where things like the prompt and shortcuts might be customized). The command line is the literal line where you enter commands and the cursor blinks.

When you visit the command line you will inevitably need to navigate to a particular directory to "do something". All the operating systems (assuming a default setup) will launch their terminal program in your "home" directory, and from there you're likely to want to move to a different place.

If the directory you want to go to is nested deep, you need to know the path to get to it. This usually becomes easier as you get more familiar with the structure of your file system, but if you are not sure of the path you can usually figure it out with a combination of the ls command (see below), and by clicking around in your Explorer/Finder window to see where a directory is, relative to where you currently are.

In the case of ls, the -l (dash ell) option gives you a listing with one file or directory on each line, and a lot more information shown. Directories can be identified by looking for a letter "d" on the very left-hand side of the lines. Those are the ones we can cd into.

Note: To find out exactly what options each command has available, you can look at its man page. This is done by typing the man command, followed by the name of the command you want to look up, for example man ls. This will open up the man page in the terminal's default text file viewer (for example, less in my terminal), and you should then be able to scroll through the page using the arrow keys, or some similar mechanism. The man page lists all the options in great detail, which may be a bit intimidating to begin with, but at least you know it's there if you need it. Once you are finished looking through the man page, you need to quit out of it using your text viewer's quit command ("q" in less; you may have to search on the web to find it if it isn't obvious).

Note: To run a command with multiple options at the same time, you can usually put them all in a single string after the dash character, for example ls -lah, or ls -ltrh. Try looking at the ls man page to work out what these extra options do!

There are a number of other basic utility commands that you'll probably end up using quite a lot as you work with the terminal. They are pretty simple, so we won't explain them all in quite as much detail as the previous couple.

Note: Many terminal commands allow you to use asterisks as "wild card" characters, meaning "any sequence of characters". This allows you to run an operation against a potentially large number of files at once, all of which match the specified pattern. As an example, rm mdn-* would delete all files beginning with mdn-. rm mdn-*.bak would delete all files that start with mdn- and end with .bak. e24fc04721

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