The Process Explorer display consists of two sub-windows. The topwindow always shows a list of the currently active processes, includingthe names of their owning accounts, whereas the information displayed inthe bottom window depends on the mode that Process Explorer is in: ifit is in handle mode you'll see the handles that the process selected inthe top window has opened; if Process Explorer is in DLL mode you'llsee the DLLs and memory-mapped files that the process has loaded.Process Explorer also has a powerful search capability that willquickly show you which processes have particular handles opened or DLLsloaded.

As a .bat file and putting it on the desktop. It will restart explorer.exe (which is now hidden away in task manager at the bottom of processes, unless you have File Manager open, in which case it can be found in the apps section of processes.

Download File Explorer.exe Windows Xp

Download 🔥 🔥

Click on Winlogon. On the right side you will see a bunch of different values. You should see one that says Shell with explorer.exe next to it. Replace it with the path of the program you want to launch on startup.

This crash is normally tied to some behavior with file explorer navigation or heavy memory usage (ex. Photoshop + Excel PowerQuery). It's gotten to the point where I have a macro to open a script and run "start explorer.exe", which seems to always work; restoring everything within a few seconds.

On reboot, the pre-login screen reports failed patches and attempts recovery. When I log in, the explorer.exe files are missing and I only have a windowed command prompt. Server services appear to be working (SQL, etc). It's acting like it turned itself into Server Core.


Procrastinate Now! RE: Explorer.exe won't start in Windows 98 mainegeek (IS/IT--Management)13 Jun 05 08:18butterfm,

It is probably a virus. Maybe change the shell from Explorer to Program manager in the system.ini.


(change it to)


This may allow you to boot and run the Antivirus if the PC has one or maybe instead slave the hard drive to another PC with a working and up-to-date Antivirus.

 RE: Explorer.exe won't start in Windows 98 butterfm (Programmer)(OP)13 Jun 05 10:37Thanks guys - sorry for posting in the wrong forum.

Crowley16 - explorer.exe is still there (i've checked in DOS). The error message just says that it has problems staring it. 

Maingeek - I thought it might be a virus. I'll try the system.ini change and if that doesn't work, i'll slave the HDD on my machine and run a virus check.

Thanks very much for your help both of you.

Matt. RE: Explorer.exe won't start in Windows 98 buletman (TechnicalUser)24 Jun 05 17:07Hello, I had the same problem and found a fix earlier today:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\explorer.exe

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\iexplorer.exe

Worked for me and a few other people...let me know...

Chad RE: Explorer.exe won't start in Windows 98 butterfm (Programmer)(OP)27 Jun 05 07:35Thanks for the advice buletman. Sadly i've formatted and re-installed in the meantime as the person who's PC it was needed it back

I ran virus check etc on the drive as a slave in my machine but couldn't find anything.

Where are these registry entries from (i.e are they put there by some kind of malware ?)


Matt RE: Explorer.exe won't start in Windows 98 Krosus (TechnicalUser)27 Jun 05 11:07Basically some viruses and malware make copies of explorer.exe that are dodgy and make the system fall over all the time.

Latest one to do this is i have seen is called Smitfraud it basically hijacks and cocks up your machine but gives you a link to a program that can fix it for a price. basically they are blackmailing you to get your machine back and working again.

 RE: Explorer.exe won't start in Windows 98 BadBigBen (MIS)27 Jun 05 12:25Sorry if this comes a bit late...

but you could have run SFC.exe from DOS, this lets you check the integrity of the System Files...

or you could have installed W98 over itself (this only works for W95 and W98, I don't know about ME, but definately not for w2k, xp, 2k3...)...

What has happened most likely was, that the Registry has become corrupted, either through User interaction, or through Malware, or just some progy gone sour on it...


If it works don't fix it! If it doesn't use a sledgehammer... RE: Explorer.exe won't start in Windows 98 butterfm (Programmer)(OP)28 Jun 05 11:31Thanks for the replies - never too late as the info may come in useful in the future. 

After the virus/spyware scans I did try extracting explorer.exe from the cab files on the win98 CDROM and replacing the existing one. I also did a full Win98 install over itself. Neither of these fixed the problem.

I didn't try SFC.exe so it could possibly have been a DLL or other file associated with explorer.exe that was causing the problem.

Ben - would doing an install over the top leave the registry intact. If so your idea of a corrupt registry is a good possablility. The person who owned the computer wouldn't know what a registry was so it's unlikely they have broken it through regedit but I suppose some form of malware or program could have.

Thanks for your replies.

Matt. RE: Explorer.exe won't start in Windows 98 BadBigBen (MIS)28 Jun 05 13:27Doing an inplace/over-the-top install only redoes the part of the Registry that deals with Hardware and the Microsoft OS, it pretty much leaves every Program (Software part) in place... so that could have been where the culprit got stuck...

in lieu of that, the other option would've been to download a Registry Fix progy like Registry Mechanic or RegHealer, to fix the Registry...

but usually the quickest and sometimes easiest way is to start from Scratch, like you have done...


If it works don't fix it! If it doesn't use a sledgehammer... googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1406030581151-2'); }); Red Flag This PostPlease let us know here why this post is inappropriate. Reasons such as off-topic, duplicates, flames, illegal, vulgar, or students posting their homework.

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The Tek-Tips staff will check this out and take appropriate action.

explorer.exe is the base of Windows OS. Without it nothing runs. It is expected that ANY software makes use of it or is used by it.

In what extent, no one knows. But, Brave has some times of high processing, thus it is expected that explorer.exe is highly in use during these periods.

explorer.exe can be used for shell calls - like when launching a process, etc. One example of this is the Chromium code having a wrapper in base/process/launch.h. The updater might be using it too - specifically when looking at the user and determining if they have access to do an update. I saw some calls related to system tray too.

How to fix explorer.exe related problems?

1. Run Security Task Manager to check your explorer process

2. Run Windows Repair Tool to repair explorer.exe related Windows Errors

3. Run MalwareBytes to remove persistent malware

ctfmon.exe desktop.ini dwm.exe explorer.exe kernel32.dll msmsgs.exe mstask.exe penservice.exe regsvc.exe rundll32.exe services.exe slwinact.exe smss.exe wercon.exe wpcumi.exe wuauclt.exe 

[explorer.exe in German] [all processes]

The genuine explorer.exe file is a software component of Microsoft Windows Operating System by Microsoft Corporation.

Microsoft's genuine "Explorer.exe" process resides in "C:\Windows" and manages the Graphical Shell component of the Windows Operating System, including the file manager, desktop, Start menu, and taskbar. Although the process name has remained constant since introduction of the Shell with Windows NT in 1996, its official name has changed from Windows Explorer to File Explorer and certain features and options have been introduced and removed during different versions. It is started by default upon user logon by "Userinit.exe", which partially initializes the user environment, including checking group policies, and then consults the "Shell" registry key; this can be changed to replace "Explorer.exe" as the default Shell handler. The name "explorer.exe" is used often by many Trojans, viruses, and worms to disguise themselves or files they install. Suspicious registry keys for finding "Explorer.exe" include "CurrentVersion\Run", RunOnce, or RunServices; the most dangerous locations are "C:\Program Files" or subfolders of "Common Files."

The .exe extension on a filename indicates an executable file. Executable files may, in some cases, harm your computer. Therefore, please read below to decide for yourself whether the explorer.exe on your computer is a Trojan that you should remove, or whether it is a file belonging to the Windows operating system or to a trusted application.

Description: The original explorer.exe from Microsoft is an important part of Windows, but often causes problems. Explorer.exe is located in the C:\Windows folder.Known file sizes on Windows 10/11/7 are 2,871,808 bytes (14% of all occurrences), 1,033,728 bytes and 281 more variants. 

The explorer.exe file is a Windows core system file. The program has a visible window. The explorer.exe file is a trustworthy file from Microsoft.Explorer.exe is able to record keyboard and mouse inputs.Therefore the technical security rating is 1% dangerous; however you should also read the user reviews.

Is explorer.exe a virus? No, it is not. The true explorer.exe file is a safe Microsoft Windows system process, called "Windows Explorer".However, writers of malware programs, such as viruses, worms, and Trojans deliberately give their processes the same file name to escape detection. Viruses with the same file name are such as Gen:Heur.MSIL.Krypt.2 or Worm.Generic.293996 (detected by BitDefender), and Spyware_KEYL_Ardamax (detected by TrendMicro).

To ensure that no rogue explorer.exe is running on your PC, click here to run a Free Malware Scan. ff782bc1db

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