Thermometer chart is a visualization of the actual value of well-defined measure, for example, task status as compared to a target value. This is a linear version of Gauge chart that you will learn in the next chapter.

A Thermometer chart keeps track of a single task, for example, completion of work, representing the current status as compared to the target. It displays the percentage of the task completed, taking target as 100%.

Thermometer Chart Excel Download

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Thermometer chart can be used to track any actual value as compared to the target value as percentage completed. It works with a single value and is an appealing chart that can be included in dashboards for a quick visual impact on % achieved, % performance against the target sales target, % profit, % work completion, % budget utilized, etc.

The Thermometer chart looks like a thermometer. The filled part goes up as the achievement increase. In Excel, there is no default option to create a thermometer chart but you can create it by using simple steps.

I'm using Excel 2016 and have a bar chart showing Manhours/Actual Hour. I want to make the horizontal category labels have a separate bar chart within them, showing time spent out of time possible (Manhours compared to total possible Manhours). I created a bar chart showing the Manhours spent with the max axis showing Manhours possible. However, I don't know of any way to make this chart part of the axis label of my other chart. I want it to look like this.

A thermometer chart is based on a single data point; it is used to show the achievement percentage. It is based on a single cell of accomplishment and is the easiest way used in a dashboard to show the progress of all whether or not they have achieved their target.

Step 5: Under the Format Data Series window at the extreme right of your Excel, click on the Secondary Axis radio button under Series Option. This will enable to overlap of the two series columns over one another, and it ideally becomes a stacked bar chart, as shown in the screenshot below:

Step 8: Now, click on the secondary axis, which is placed at the rightmost corner of your chart, and press the Delete button through your keyboard to delete the same. The chart should look like the below now:

Step 12: Click on the Chart and navigate toward the Format tab at the Excel ribbon. You can see the Insert Shape group within it. Click on the Oval shape to add it at the bottom of this chart.

Step 13: Click on the shape to select it and navigate to the Format tab; from there, change the shape color to the one same as that of the chart (In our case, it is the same, so there is no need to worry) and under Shape Outline, click on No Outline option.

Comparing values is one of the reasons why we make charts. So today I am going to teach you a handy little trick to make a thermometer like chart to compare targets with actuals. This type of chart is very useful when you have a bunch of sales targets and you want to measure how the performance has been. [Read excel theremometer charts for another option.]

To make a thermometer chart, just follow these 5 simple steps.

Hubert Urruttia and I started with Charlie Kyd's method, but as Jon Peltier and Chandoo said, they are not easy to contruct. We moved onto prototyping with Fabrice Rimlinger's SPARKLINES FOR EXCEL and now use XLCube's (BonaVista) Micro Chart tool. Both of these tools allow you to create bullet charts just as easy as any Excel chart type.

There are many chart types. Today's "Make a Quick Thermometer Chart to Compare Targets and Actuals" is fine for a start, but your ultimate goal should be to create Bullet Graphs. AS Stephen Few states in his overview, "The bullet graph was developed to replace the meters and gauges that are often used on dashboards. Its linear and no-frills design provides a rich display of data in a small space, which is essential on a dashboard. Like most meters and gauges, bullet graphs feature a single quantitative measure (for example, year-to-date revenue) along with complementary measures to enrich the meaning of the featured measure. Specifically, bullet graphs support the comparison of the featured measure to one or more related measures (for example, a target or the same measure at some point in the past, such as a year ago) and relate the featured measure to defined quantitative ranges that declare its qualitative state (for example, good, satisfactory, and poor). Its linear design not only gives it a small footprint, but also supports more efficient reading than radial meters."

@dmgerbino and I have both implemented Bullet Charts with great success. What is most interesting about this fact is that we have had a harder time implementing Sparklines than Bullet Charts. The reason for this revolves around the simple fact of familiarity. I will explain. People look at a Sparkline and they think it is a really small Line Chart and it is not. People are familiar with Line Charts since they have been around since 1786 when they were created by William Playfair. Bullet Charts on the other hand are different so they almost demand an explanation. Because of this there was a lot of face time that was needed to explain these charts but once people got them they understood the concept. This is similar to when I introduced Cycle Plots (Thank you @nbrgraphs!) or Horizon Charts


Select the outer part of the chart "Chart Area" and note the cursor will change to arrows

drag the edges to what ever size you want

You can hold the Alt key as you drag and the chart will snap to the cell boundaries

Now click on the chart area inside the chart "Plot Area" and note that a box with small circles appears around it

drag the circles on the edge of that box to suit

You can hold the Alt key as you drag and the chart will snap to the cell boundaries

@ Hui

Thank you for your comments. But my question was not for the "Plot Area" instead I wanted to know about how should I increase the width of the individual bar charts because with my data all the individual bars are coming to be thin and I want to make them appear broader.

Thank You

Or if someone knows how to only outline the top and sides of a chart series....then I would have this solved. (Make a stacked column with labor, expenses, and remaining budget, then clear the fill and outline only the top and sides.) I just can't figure out how to do that/ not sure if excel will let me only outline part of a chart series.

I've created the thermometer chart as the Chandoo tutorial described. How do I move my columns closer together? I don't want wider columns; I want to move my narrow columns closer together. Thank you!

Just one last thing. Copy the circle by selecting it and pressing Ctrl + C. Then select the chart and press Ctrl + V to paste the circle into the thermometer chart. Finally, resize and adjust the position of the bulb to make it fit into the picture.

The trick involves creating a clustered column chart that uses a single cell (which holds a percentage value) as a data series. See also more attractive variants: glossy thermometer chart, twin or double thermometer chart, bullet chart as a kind of the thermometer bar chart.

For example, a spreadsheet is set up to track daily progress toward a Goal: 1000 new sales in 10 days. Cell C16 contains the goal value for the thermometer chart, and cell C17 contains a simple sum formula:

Note: To simplify your work, leave the blank cell before cells around cell C19. Without this blank row, Excel uses the entire data block for the chart, not just a single cell. Because C19 is isolated from the other data, the Chart Wizard uses only a single cell.

 4.  In the thermometer chart, the column width equals the chart width. To make the column occupy the entire width of the plot area, right-click on the column and choose Format Data Series... in the popup menu (or double-click on the column):

Let's say you have created a report that monitors the risk or goal achievement in Excel. Most of the times it is in percentage value. You can have a normal bar chart to visualize this information but how cool will it be if you can show it on a Thermometer like Excel Graph. Even cooler, if the chart changes color when the value of risk or goal increases or decreases.

The thermometer chart is an advanced excel chart that needs the preparation of data. So first, we need to prepare a small table as shown below. The below table contains dummy data. We will replace this with some formulas latter.

In the table above, the Low, Medium, and High values will be used to create the chart and Shell will be used to create the container of the mercury in the thermometer. The Actual Risk in cell E2 is the value that we want to reflect on the Excel Thermometer graph.

We need a clustered column chart to create the thermometer like the graph in excel. Since we want to change the color of the bar in a thermometer in three conditions, we have created three categories. The fourth one is for the shell of the thermometer.

To make the chart look like a thermometer graph, reduce the width of the chart. Select the chart from any corner and move the mouse to the other edge of the chart to reduce the width. Finally, it should look like this.

The chart is ready. It looks like a thermometer already. But it does not behave like one. Nothing happens when we change the value in the Actual Risk Cells. Of course, the chart is linked to other cells B4:E4. And the data in these cells are dummy data. We need to make it dynamic.

You can see in the above gif that as we change the risk or goal in cell G4, it is picked by other cells according to the given condition. At one time, only one cell holds the data. The Thermometer takes this data and shows that series only, making it look like a color-changing thermometer. ff782bc1db

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