While you probably aren't running out of disk space I wanted to point out that fart.exe will create a temporary file, _fart.~, in the same directory as the file you are operating on. This temp file will grow to about the same size as the original file, therefore you have to make sure to have at least as much free space on your volume as the file on which you are finding and removing text.

You could replace the phrase, "Pencil.It is used to write" with "Eraser.It is used to erase." Note: your example didn't have a space between Pencil and the period so this example doesn't either.

Like this: fart.exe test.txt "Pencil.It is used to write" "Eraser.It is used to erase"

Download Fart.exe

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For that purpose you copied the fart.exe tool to the tools folder. fart.exe can be used like sed to find and replace text in textfiles. In the already open cmd.exe shell where you built the libs in you want to type the following:

= Find and replace itself is not issue I can deal with that by multiple tools(example fart.exe) or even by looping it. Writing new command from such a long binary data however is an really big issue as it won't go through any cmd pipeline. Example find/replace itself is simple as replacing "000011111111111000" to "000022222222121000" and can be done by set variable from binary values from a-z,A-Z,0-9 and then combining new binary from user given entry. This can be done from powershell also of course:

The fart.exe file is mentioned in the README.pdf. It is a utility used by the Change Aircraft.exe program. Fart.exe is a command line interface that can replace text strings within a file. The Change Aircraft.exe program is a user interface to that utility so you don't have to type code to make the change. 006ab0faaa

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