Then she ran away from the skate and thefrozen brook, and she ran right out of winterinto the middle of summer; and she mighthave gone on running until she reached themiddle of autumn too, if she had not beenstopped by an enormous sea-serpent who waslying stretched across the road. When thesea-serpent saw the Princess, of course heflapped his fifty-five fins at her, and lashed histail about furiously, and growled in a hoarse,fishy voice. But the Princess mistook his furyfor politeness. When one has lived in a gardenwith a wall round it and never seen a sea-serpentin one's life, one is apt to make thesemistakes.

Deaf Robert looked up at the pine-trees overheadand down to the flowers at his feet. "Iused to be able to," he said sadly, "but eventhe forest has grown silent now." Then heclenched his fists and looked imploringly at hisfather. "Must I live to the end of my dayswithout hearing any of the things that otherboys hear?" he cried.

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Chubby rubbed her eyes hastily with her twofists. "I don't think so," she replied in amuffled tone; "it was just three tears thattrickled down my nose and made a smudge onthe slate; but that isn't crying. You know itisn't, Jerry!"

The little old man smiled and pulled out asmall cake about the size of Jerry's fist. Itdid not look as though it would satisfy anyone who was as hungry as Chubby; but asthe old man disappeared, sack and all, themoment he had given Jerry the cake, it wasnot much good complaining about it. Soback trotted Jerry to the place where he hadleft Chubby; and greatly to his relief her facebeamed with joy directly she had eaten onemouthful.

She sprung to her feet. Anything more uncanny andwitch-like than her appearance cannot be imagined. On oneside of her head her hair stood out like an electrified mane,evidently fresh from a vigorous carding; on the other it layflat in little snaky cotton twists. Her eyes rolled till theyseemed all white. One hand was on her hip; the otherstretched toward us with clinched fist.

From that time he seemed to get well with a sort of fury.He rarely spoke, never smiled, and Jane could only guess atthe thoughts that fixed on his rugged features the expressionof a demon. He said little to her about having saved hislife, but on leaving he flung into the baby's lap a purse ofmoney. 006ab0faaa

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