I have a lot of excel files with multiple sheets, and I would like to do some manipulation into the Sheets.

For example I would like to copy some row or column with paste value to remove the formulas. I need also to remove some sheets.

Hmm you can import, export and overwrite Excel sheets from KNIME without any Python code. If you want to drop a sheet that is not so easily done. You could export all sheets you want to save to a new Excel file then delete the old one and rename the file with the sheets you want to keep.

Download Excel Sheets

DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://shurll.com/2y68Xn 🔥

For me it sounds like you will have to make some sort of plan what you want to do. Your original posting sounded like you wanted to edit some formulas maybe on Excel sheets or move data there; for that you would need Python.

Hi, this function is no longer supported in Ignition 8.0.12.

Instead there is the function system.dataset.toExcel but it returns a byte array and not a string.

Is there any way to name the sheets using this function ?

In the General category, under When creating new workbooks, in the Include this many sheets box, enter the number of sheets that you want to include by default when you create a new workbook.

Currently our client submits an excel sheet with every project/request and we then create our own shared excel sheet by copying all the same content from the clients excel sheet and pasting it on to our own internal one. We add in a couple new/different columns and change the order around very slightly but all the information is basically the same for the most part.

The issue is that very often, the client will sometimes cancel some of the deliverables that were originally listed on the excel sheet submission or they will often add in additional deliverables but often they never let us know of these changes.

Having to constantly and manually update our internal excel sheets is very time consuming and also sometimes leaves room for error when copying and pasting. I am wondering if there is a solution within Smartsheet.

I wish that could be the solve, but this client is very difficult and wouldn't be willing to operate in another tool than their own where we get the excel sheet from them. It's annoying but I'm hoping there's something we can do internally to make this process easier.

It relies on me and other PMs I work with to check the clients excel sheet for updates which is annoying but something we've just come to terms with that it's something we have to do. The main issue I am trying to solve is an easier way to update our sheet with those updates each different time. Whether it's just twice or 5 times we need to update our internal sheet, I'm hoping there's an easy or templated way we can do this.

I have a csv file full of multiple years of water data. I've broken up each water year into it's own data frame. Now I want to do some math to those water years then save each water year to it's own excel sheet.

The math part of the code is working, but I'm having trouble with the final step of naming and saving the output of the loop correctly. Right now I have it creating the excel file and creating the sheet names correctly, but the loop just saves the final iteration to all the sheets. I've googled around but I can't get any other of the similar questions answers to work. This is my first python program so advice would be appreciated.

The Worksheet object is a member of the Worksheets collection. The Worksheets collection contains all the Worksheet objects in a workbook.

The Worksheet object is also a member of the Sheets collection. The Sheets collection contains all the sheets in the workbook (both chart sheets and worksheets).

Use Worksheets (index), where index is the worksheet index number or name, to return a single Worksheet object. The following example hides worksheet one in the active workbook.

The worksheet index number denotes the position of the worksheet on the workbook's tab bar. Worksheets(1) is the first (leftmost) worksheet in the workbook, and Worksheets(Worksheets.Count) is the last one. All worksheets are included in the index count, even if they are hidden.


I found that there is a cool library that does this in javascript called Luckysheet.

So I spend the last days quickly building a plugin that uses lucky sheets to allow creating sheets in Joplin with all the great features already available in Joplin like Sync and Encryption etc.

This first iteration is a most viable product (MVP) but seems to work reliably in my private Joplin and do the job. Currently, it will open on a note with a special keyword (see GitHub readme), and once set-up sync all changes every 2 seconds to the markdown note as text, from where it is stored and will get picket up (parsed) on the next open.

In my very personal opinion, is it squaring the circle to store code as Markdown in a note and run it, to achieve in an additional window some excel functionality. This contradicts to the basic idea of Markdown, doesn't it?

I checked the plugin, the settings dialog, the command menus and your homepage. It seems to me that you assume that use of the plugin is obvious, but to me it isn't. So let's take an example. Joplin -> empty note just created -> I want to add a few lines, followed by a mini excel sheet (which does not yet exist). Let's say 4 x 6 table which looks like excel.

Where do I start ? (minimal user guide)

A few simple templates would help (e.g. on your homepage), ready for copy and paste ... For example

I do not see any menu commands to make changes to the table), so I assume it has to be written in markdown, or copied into markdown ? This limits the plugins usability to the ordinary user.

Now I understand (after watching your GIFs in slow motion). Jsheets is only coming to life after typing '''JSheets''' into the note, switching to another note, and back. Very simple, but impossible to figure out of the blue. My question was related to the believe that one had to type some markdown text into the note to create .... it.

Our issue is that if my teammates or I update one excel file, the other files that are linked to it will not update accordingly unless our administrator goes in and manually opens each file. Only when this happens, the updates flow through to the files according to the updates my teammates and I have made.

This causes some issues because at times we are not able to continue our work until the administrator opens the files to allow the updates to flow through into them. This also creates issues because only the administrator is able to create links between separate excel files.

On the top of my excel for the web page, it has a yellow message that reads, "Links Disabled, Links to external workbooks are not supported and have been disabled". - I have a feeling this has something to do with it.

Thank you! This is helping us get closer to our goal, very helpful. Now this leads me to the relative links issue.. Any insight on how to ensure that works? I used the desktop version and I was able to have the information flow through to a linked excel spreadsheet, but when I opened the file it prompted me to update the file, and then im assuming that because our folders are not all set up the same my computer had me locate the file in my documents in order to pull the information. It would be great if we could find a way to have the links be "relative", so that it could smoothly update the files.

I use ACAD to count blocks w/attributes and have an excel routine that separates like pcs together. so if there is an "A"stone a "B" stone and a "C" stone then each letter would get its own sheet with a table. The sheets would be labeled A,B,C and so on.

I have requirement to read a single sheet at a time and load the data in to a table from the same excel file which contains more than 40+ of sheets. Is it possible to do this through Snaplogic. Can some one suggest.

If you have little bit of flexibility in implementation, you can split that single excel file with multiple sheets into multiple excel files using few lines of code in Python (Note: Assuming schema is same in each sheet) and then you can just use multi file reader to read the excel files.

Yes I have this problem too. It's not just that Excel files are read-only, the problem is that ArcGIS Pro won't reread an excel file once it's been read once. One would think the "refresh" command would do this but it doesn't work for me. I have to close Pro down and open it again every time. Very frustrating when I'm working through a large Excel file with lat/lon values and using ArcGIS Pro to find typos.

If I may make a suggestion: unless you have a compelling reason to leave your data in the excel format, convert the excel worksheet into an ArcGIS geodatabase table and perform your edits there. Excel is a spreadsheet; ArcGIS is a database management system. You'll have far less headaches if you treat your data as a database.

Use the opportunity to show the students that working with gdb tables is very similar in some respects to working with spreadsheets... but different... they won't rely less on the familiar and be able to apply their skills to a new environment.

3. I remove the point layer from the map, save the map, refresh the catalog pane, etc. Pretty much do everything I can think of to make ArcGIS Pro "forget" the excel file (which again was never added to the map anyway) short of closing Pro down completely.

I think you need to remove the excel file from Pro in catalog as well, save the project, edit outside Pro, then re-add. The 'refresh' should occur when the excel file is removed and the project is saved. When you remove it from the map, there is still a reference to it in the Standalone Tables section in the map's Contents pane. It needs to be removed as well.

While both Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel give users the ability to create and manage spreadsheets, each has its strengths and weaknesses. This article explores those differences in greater detail to help you decide on the option that will work best for you. 17dc91bb1f

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