Hi I am trying to upload a binary file (a blob for an excel file, actually) to my storage account but the client fails to authenticate under the error message: 403 (Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.)

1.Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.StorageException: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. 

2.StatusMessage:Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.

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This is the same message you'll get if your SAS Token expired. If this is the case just create a new version of the secret using a SAS token with a longer duration. That's what happened to me and this is what I did.

I had the same issue when trying to copy data from an azure blob storage into snowflake. My initial SAS URI was at the blob level, meaning that I went inside the container where my data was held and generated a SAS URI. This did not work and received the same error above. Next I tried to create a SAS URI at the storage account level instead and it fixed the authentication issue. I hope that helps whoever's reading this.

The problem was that our Account keys were updated in the storage account, but not in our Azure ML workspace. 

We can sync the keys with the workspace by running the command on azure cli 

az ml workspace sync-keys -w mlw-kundenscore -g rg-datascience

Issue: when we are calling api from angular side we are not able to get filename of that blob file. How to get filename with filetype in angular side when we call api.below are angular and .net code for file download implementation.

How do I access this ?If I go with normal approach of state as per document I get parsing error where I cant prase my returned blob to excel file.The only way I was able to generate excel file is by implementation done above, but now I cannot access the name of the file.

I tried this observe: 'response' but I was getting header as null, Is there any other way ?Cause as I said before If I try abp.io rest service then I am getting json parsing errorand if I try by angular http approach I am able download the file but I am not able to get access of Content-Disposition where I am getting name of the file. Please check my code above once for your reference.

If you want to read some headers from the response of a cross origin request, the backend has to return those header names in Access-Control-Expose-Headers. ABP Framework already adds its own _AbpErrorFormat. You just need to expand this and add whatever you need.

You used to be able to make your request call before. What I suggested was a configuration for CORS. It should not have anything to do with "415 unsupported media type". Change your code back to what it was (when you could make the call but could not read the headers) and add .WithExposedHeaders("Content-Disposition"). When everything is done correctly, you should see the following among the response headers: 152ee80cbc

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