Just a tip for you, LibreOffice can export directly to epub. If the output from the default export filter doesn't suit you, you can install the writer2html extension. You'll still need to tweak the css for some styles, but its output is rather clean

As far as creating things like the Table of Contents, starting chapters on a new page, and other things that can be accomplished in a Kindle eBook, you may want to read a kindle formatting guide, such as the Amazon Kindle Publishing Guidelines.

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Also, you may want to read a book by a third party on the subject. I have personally read Kindle Formatting by Joshua Tallent and How to Format Perfect Kindle Books by Steven Lewis and they both contain the information needed for properly formatting a kindle book using an HTML file. You can obtain both books from Amazon. The Tallent and Lewis books are aimed at authors that may have never created an HTML file by hand and guide you thru the process.

@Torsten: Basically, if you have Pandoc installed on your system (and are running the version of Scrivener 3 downloaded from our site - the App Store has limitations) then several Pandoc formats will appear in the Compile menu in addition to the MMD formats (.docx, DocBook and epub). But also, you can create your own Compile format, choose to use MMD as the output format, tell it to use Pandoc syntax, and choose your own post-processing path and command-line arguments. So... you can do a lot, basically. :)

I'll have to check up with Ioa, our resident Pandoc and MMD expert, on the comments thing. He advises me on all MultiMarkdown and Pandoc implementations as he is more knowledgeable on those formats than I am.

If you are wondering where to put those .mobi files (or perhaps any other files that your android kindle app can read) if your Kindle app is located in the external storage (external sd - card), just put them at:

As of 2018, Kindle did not recognise epub. So I used a web site to convert it to a mobi. But it still did not recognise it. I remembered that apps now needs runtime permissions to access the virtual SD card. So, it the app properties, I gave it the storage permission, and restarted Kindle. Now, it worked.

The ugly non-secret of ebooks is that they look different on all different platforms. Kindle, iBooks, Nook, Kobo and others. If you want to know what your epubs will look like in the wild, I recommend the following tips and (free!) tools. When we test EPUB outputs at PressBooks, we usually go through the testing process in roughly this order, using these tools:

Your Send-to-Kindle email address is a unique email address assigned to your Kindle device or reading app when it is registered. These email addresses end with "@kindle.com", and supported files that are sent to them will appear automatically in your Kindle library.

Right click on files and save to your computer as an 'epub' file. (Example: HolyBible.epub or BookOfMormon.epub). Some browsers may want to rename these files as ZIP files. If your browser saves these files with a zip extension, simply change it to an epub extension. Epub files are basically zip files but they SHOULD NOT be unzipped. Devices that support the epub format include the iPad iBook application, Barnes & Noble Nook, and Sony eReader, and many others.

Above is a video explaining the basics of ebook publishing, formatting and conversion. The video below will show you how to convert from Word (.docx) to epub and mobi formats with my free ebook conversion tool.

I am trying to convert my ebooks from epub format to mobi/azw3, in order to put them onto my Kindle App and Paperwhite. Everything works fine except the book covers don't show up in kindle app. There's no description also, so it's impossible to recognise which book I'm opening. I am using Calibre (osX) for the conversion.

You can get help on any individual feature of the converters by mousing overit in the GUI or running ebook-convert dummy.html .epub -h at a terminal.A good place to start is to look at the following demo file that demonstratessome of the advanced features html-demo.zip.

If you send an EPUB file to to a Kindle it will be converted to MOBI with KindleGen. If you send a MOBI file to a Kindle it will be sent unprocessed. If you send an EPUB file and tick the Kepubify checkbox, it will be converted into a Kobo EPUB using Kepubify. If you send a MOBI file to a Kobo, it will not be converted.

Pro: Assuming you are using the Overdrive Media Console (app), the whole process happens within the app. Browsing, checkout, download, read and return.

Con: If you are a kindle user, it may be more cumbersome to remember that your library eBooks are in the Overdrive app. 2351a5e196

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