I believe I have read and tried all solutions in the community but still cannot sync gmail across devices. All apps up to date, OS up to date, IMAP enabled, signed out and back in again on all devices, deleted the mailbox on all devices then reinstalled yet when I delete an actual letter in gmail using my phone, my Mac mini and Mac air still show the letter as new. My inbox is flooding.

On my recently updated iPhone (Dec. 2023) iPhone does not show PUSH as an option for any email account except iCloud. All others have Fetch only, and they do not show the range of servers that will be fetched (drafts, sent, inbox etc). I wonder if this has to do with Workspaces. Even on a PC, one is unable to drag content from one Workspace to another, they are isolated islands of content.

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This is still a huge problem for me as only my phone is syncing properly with gmail. iPad and MacBook do not. All worked perfectly fine until about a month ago . I have tried a bunch of fixes but nothing working .Please let me know what you find out - I would VERY much appreciate it!!

In iPhone go to settings > in password and accounts > click on add account you can select the desired account it could be gmail , enter gmail address and password and sign in it will prompt to check calendar , mail , notes , slide the box of it the apps data will start syncing .

The mails from Mac / iPhone will sync and take time ( the fastest way is sync complete data ) they will be mirrored , you delete a mail from Mac it deletes in iPhone , make sure all the mails should be read ( no blue dots on each mail message ) Mark emails as read or unread in Mail on Mac - Apple Support

I am afraid it's going to take deleting your gmail account and re-installing it. I'm afraid to do it alone- I was going to go ask for help at the Genius Bar but my son says he'll walk me through it. wish me luck

I have 3 gmail accounts. I am signed in on all 3 of them on my iphone 13 pro max, iPad pro and MacBook pro. All devices are up to date. ONE of my 3 gmail accounts has a syncing problem: Details. If I work on my MacBook on that one problematic account, e.g.. if I write an email, save an email in drafts or delete an email, it DOES sync to my iPad and iPhone. the opposite does NOT happen however. e.g. if I work on my iPad and/or iphone, it does NOT sync to my MacBook. So my MacBook "talks" to my other 2 devices but my other 2 devices do not communicate with my MacBook. Apple support spent an hour with me yesterday and couldn't figure it out. Should I be reinstalling that problematic gmail account?? Any other suggestions?

These folders appear to have copies of all mail sent or received from that particular email account. If I delete an email from my "Inbox" or "Sent" box, it also gets removed from the "Archive". If I delete an email from the "Archive", it also gets deleted from the "Inbox" or "Sent" box, as the case may be. This isn't illogical, but it unnecessarily duplicates the "Inbox" and "Sent" boxes.

However, the goofy part comes when you move emails from the "Inbox" or "Sent" box to "another" folder. When I move emails in this way, they disappear from the "Inbox" or "Sent" box as the case may be, but not from the "Archive". After doing this, deleting emails from the "other" folder doesn't delete them from the "Archive" or vice versa.

So, at any time, there may be some emails in the "Archive" that are also in the "Inbox" or "Sent" box as the case may be and some that are also in the "other" folder. Those in the "other" folder are unnecessary duplicates, take up two lots of space, and aren't wanted. Unfortunately, unless I go through all the emails in the "Archive" before deleting any, I may inadvertently delete emails that are in the "Inbox" or "Sent" box, which aren't duplicates and therefore also get deleted from the "Inbox" or "Sent" box.

Gmail doesn't have folders or mailboxes. It has Labels, and a message can have multiple labels--that's why you see messages in both Inbox and All Mail (Archive). All Mail, by the way, is Gmail's repository to ensure they can monetize your life. When you delete a message, it doesn't really get deleted. All that happens when you delete an email is the label of the folder it is in is removed. Any other labels remain assigned to that message. All messages have the All Mail label assigned from the get-go. They will also have an "inbox" label. If you move a message from the inbox to another mailbox, the Inbox label is removed and the new mailbox name (label) will be assigned. All Mail remains assigned to the message.

Yes, I was reluctant to choose Gmail, but a few factors combined led me down that path. First, I had a paid-for email server (Rackspace) that used my domain name from another provider. Unfortunately, it started to get too many blacklistings since their accounts used shared servers. I was hoping to move to iCloud when they recently introduced private domains, but more than one of my addresses was associated with an Apple ID, and there was no undoing it. I also had an external drive fail recently, and while it was backed up, it's taken up a time to recover. I figured I'd use the cloud space that came with multiple email addresses when using Google workspace to store these files and not bother replacing the failed drive.

By default, Fetch New Data settings are based on what's provided by your email service. If Push isn't available as a setting, your account will default to Fetch. These settings will affect how your device receives emails. To adjust these settings:

Seems like Google simply doesn't allow viewing emails via the native mail app for Google supervised accounts. Not sure why they restrict that. I have a current scenario where I need to keep an eye on an update for my five year old son's global entry application and want to know when that confirmation comes through. I guess I will have to check his inbox on the web.

On my iPhone 14 Pro Max with iOS 16.3.1, I am not seeing the option to Delete an email from my Gmail app notifications. When I press and hold the notification I only see Archive and Reply. How can I change Archive to Delete instead?

I am having this problem that many others have complained about having. This morning, I suddenly have a notification of 9 unread emails on my Gmail account in the iOS Mail app. There are no such unread emails. I looked in EVERY possible folder in my Gmail account on a laptop browser, including the Primary, Social and Promotions tabs, all of the folders in the sidebar tab including the All Mail folder, the Spam folder. EVERYTHING. No unread emails. I then did the suggested fix on my iPhone by deactivating and then reactivating "Mail" in the Gmail Mail account setting, didn't work - they came right back, same 9 non-existent unread emails in the banner notification. I then deleted my Gmail account entirely from the iOS Mail app, then added it back in. The "9" popped back up immediately in the banner. I then deleted the Mail App entirely from my phone, went back into the App Store, downloaded it again, re-added all my email accounts, and the "9" banner popped right back in.

"On my IPhone: In Gmail, in Drafts, emails have disappeared: On my IPhone: In Gmail, in Drafts, emails have disappeared[...]but I did go there and checked and the Gmail settings looked the same as the Yahoo Mail settings Many thanks"

I have a MacBook Air running Mojave 10.14.6. Suddenly, as of a few days ago, actions I take within the Mac Mail client are not reflected on the Gmail server, and consequently don't get communicated to the mail app on my iPhone 8. New email comes in to both apps just fine, but email that I read or delete within Mac Mail does not show as read or deleted in the webmail interface for the Gmail account, and consequently shows the same on the iPhone. At first I thought this was a problem with the phone, since it coincidentally started right after updating to iOS 14.2, but it's now clear that's not the case.

Thanks so much for all these suggestions. I think the issue is now resolved! I followed a suggestion to "flip the switch" on the email account that I found here: -email-problems/ way down in Additional Email Troubleshooting. Basically it boiled down to this: with the Mail app open, go to System Preferences > Internet Accounts, choose Google from the list at the left, uncheck the box for Mail; quit Mail; re-check the box; re-launch Mail. Since doing that, everything is behaving as it should. That list at the "Edit Server Settings" place is still empty, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. Many, many thanks again for the assistance, and I've bookmarked all the resources you provided for next time. ff782bc1db

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