Dynamic Lighting provides Windows users and developers with native control of lighting devices implementing the open HID LampArray standard. By adopting an open standard, and by working with our OEM and ODM partners, Microsoft seeks to improve the RGB device and software ecosystem for users by increasing interoperability of devices and apps. Device manufacturers can use standardized firmware for the first time, enabling new native experiences across the Windows OS and apps without the high costs of proprietary firmware and software development.

Examples of experiences include synchronizing devices from different brands together in Windows Settings, applying effects intelligently across available devices, and leveraging app integrations to drive device lighting. For the first time, device manufacturers are empowered to focus purely on innovation and differentiation because their devices will be able to take advantage of a myriad of OS and app experiences.

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HID LampArray devices are compatible with dynamic lighting. Devices are compatible via a native FW implementation, or through a VHF driver. The native FW implementation is also compatible with Xbox for keyboard and mouse devices.

HID LampArray devices give their LED information to Windows, including position. This allows Windows to intelligently utilize device layouts for optimal effects. Additionally, there are several types of LampArray devices addressable by Windows:

The dynamic type is a static type, but an object of type dynamic bypasses static type checking. In most cases, it functions like it has type object. The compiler assumes a dynamic element supports any operation. Therefore, you don't have to determine whether the object gets its value from a COM API, from a dynamic language such as IronPython, from the HTML Document Object Model (DOM), from reflection, or from somewhere else in the program. However, if the code isn't valid, errors surface at run time.

For example, if instance method exampleMethod1 in the following code has only one parameter, the compiler recognizes that the first call to the method, ec.exampleMethod1(10, 4), isn't valid because it contains two arguments. The call causes a compiler error. The compiler doesn't check the second call to the method, dynamic_ec.exampleMethod1(10, 4), because the type of dynamic_ec is dynamic. Therefore, no compiler error is reported. However, the error doesn't escape notice indefinitely. It appears at run time and causes a run-time exception.

The role of the compiler in these examples is to package together information about what each statement is proposing to do to the dynamic object or expression. The runtime examines the stored information and any statement that isn't valid causes a run-time exception.

The result of most dynamic operations is itself dynamic. For example, if you rest the mouse pointer over the use of testSum in the following example, IntelliSense displays the type (local variable) dynamic testSum.

Overload resolution occurs at run time instead of at compile time if one or more of the arguments in a method call have the type dynamic, or if the receiver of the method call is of type dynamic. In the following example, if the only accessible exampleMethod2 method takes a string argument, sending d1 as the argument doesn't cause a compiler error, but it does cause a run-time exception. Overload resolution fails at run time because the run-time type of d1 is int, and exampleMethod2 requires a string.

The dynamic language runtime (DLR) provides the infrastructure that supports the dynamic type in C#, and also the implementation of dynamic programming languages such as IronPython and IronRuby. For more information about the DLR, see Dynamic Language Runtime Overview.

Many COM methods allow for variation in argument types and return type by designating the types as object. COM interop necessitates explicit casting of the values to coordinate with strongly typed variables in C#. If you compile by using the EmbedInteropTypes (C# Compiler Options) option, the introduction of the dynamic type enables you to treat the occurrences of object in COM signatures as if they were of type dynamic, and thereby to avoid much of the casting. For more information on using the dynamic type with COM objects, see the article on How to access Office interop objects by using C# features.

I was wondering if there was a way to display the parent child hierarchy the same way it is shown on the main sheet with just the data on the dynamic view of the sheet? I have a dynamic view where all completed and cancelled status projects show up, and would like them parent/child to be displayed as it is on the main sheet.

I have been great! Still around LOL Hope all is well with you! 

Brought Smartsheet into yet another org, as an enterprise-wide solution, most were using it as just another excel type product. Once I opened their eyes to the automation of dashboards, notifications for due dates, and the formula magic- they were sold! The adoption engagement has been the amazing and we already have our EPMO templates, budget templates, SDLC/Release Mgt templates, Prof Serv and Implementation, and Audit templates built, QA'd and live, within 5 months of adopting! 

Thank you! Awesome, that worked! My previous orgs would have never let me use emoticons/symbols, this one is way more relaxed, and I get to be creative in dashboards and Dynamic View.

Hi! My project name is project # + customer + project type. Sheets are project # + customer, per the BP set-up. I'd like to change the project # of an already provisioned project, project name and all sheets) How can I do that? I'd like my intake sheet and reporting to still match so I don't want to just rename the sheets.

I'm unable to find a straightforward way to add a JavaScript code I previously added. I only see those key / value blocks. The script was added when configuring the utility extension (Script1), but I'm unable to add it to the Run Script section.

Like to help put the brakes on climate change, but not sure where to start? Check out our new DISCOVER page for customizable access to Project Drawdown resources to guide your climate solutions journey.

Dynamic glass changes its opacity to reduce or increase the amount of light and heat allowed to pass through. This technology replaces high-performance static glass, which is already prevalent in commercial buildings in Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries.

Dynamic glass promises energy savings for heating and lighting in buildings and vehicles, though we focus only on architectural applications. Applications include regulating sunlight in buildings and reducing glare on rearview mirrors. Technologies that allow this include those that change in response to light, heat, or an electrical current (that is, by human control). Dynamic glass can greatly reduce the inefficiency of windows and other glazed surfaces and also can eliminate the need for shading, resulting in an increase in natural lighting in buildings. In this report, we examine the potential financial and climate impact of increased adoption of dynamic glass instead of high-performance static glass in commercial buildings.

We calculated impacts of increased adoption of dynamic glass from 2020 to 2050 by comparing two growth scenarios with a reference scenario in which the market share was fixed at current levels. We based scenarios on near-term projections and long-term targets from international organizations.

For near-term forecasts to 2022, we interpolated historical and trend data from estimates by Navigant Research (2014) with a far-future forecast guided by the World Green Buildings Council's target of 100 percent net zero buildings by 2050.

We integrated the dynamic glass solution with others in the Buildings sector by first prioritizing all solutions according to the point of impact on building energy usage (building envelope solutions such as Insulation were first, building systems such as Building Automation Systems were second, and building applications such as High-Efficiency Heat Pumps were last). We calculated the impact on building energy demand for highest-priority solutions, reducing the dynamic glass input value to represent the impact of higher-priority building envelope solutions. We then used the output from the dynamic glass model as the input in lower-priority solutions.

Scenario 1 avoids 0.34 gigatons of carbon dioxide equivalent greenhouse gas emissions compared with high-performance static glass. The net first cost to implement is US$57.79 billion (assuming that high-performance glass is purchased in the reference scenario), but this scenario saves US$113.84 billion in lifetime operating costs due to reduced energy consumption.

Dynamic glass can help commercial buildings reduce their emissions and save operating expenses, though the costs would be significant. For buildings going through a retrofit anyway, it could be financially viable to have dynamic windows installed instead of static high-performance windows. For buildings that do not need any other retrofitting, the business case for replacing high-performance windows with dynamic windows may be weak. Regional variations in weather and dynamic glass price may affect this, however. Realistically, dynamic glass will be mainly adopted in wealthier regions with high average temperatures, such as Australia and the southern and western US. It may also make sense for some residential applications.

What I have is a single Excel file with multiple sheets. Each sheet contains different types of data (they're not meant to be joined or anything like that). The catch is, the database I get this Excel file from, if there is no data in a particular sheet, it will not have that sheet included when I download it. And since it won't exist, my workflow will have an error in the Input Tool I have set up with the missing sheet. .

I believe that you can connect the input tool to your excel file with the table configured. This will give you all sheet names inside of the file. Since you know the available sheetnames, you can use either the dynamic input tool or the batch macro input to import all sheets. Try to just point the first input tool to your excel file with the  configured and run it. 152ee80cbc

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