As the pictures below show, the Dropbox ipad app can't open up google sheets files, even though the google sheets app is installed. If I try to drag the google sheet file to the new window, it tries to save the file into my Google Drive account before opening. (The process fails and I can't open it, though I wouldn't want to save/uploead to dropbox every time I am finished with the spreadsheet).

So I tried to open the google sheet file via my Safari web browser. For some reason, Drobox cues the drop down bar to say "open in Dropbox" (see pic) - clicking this only leads to the same result as described above. My only option is to try and use google sheets on the safari webbrowser, by opening the file on Sadly, the functionality isn't very good on Safari, the bottom menu on the google sheet doc often gets lost, making navigation around the spreadsheet impossible.

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Can anyone give me any advice, or suggestions? An alternative is to resort to Microsoft Excel, but I really don't fancy paying for an office 365 subscription. Apple's numbers doesn't link with dropbox.

I try to open an xlsx file on an ipadpro from choosing the option open with Google Sheets for the web. It seems to open it and I see it correctly and after a while it tells me that it can't upload it and the I get the login screen of Google.

I am having an issue saving excel onto my dropbox folder from an iPad. I cannot duplicate this issue on my computer though. I run into the issue when trying to save an excel for iPad file into a folder. I get the error message: "That file name won't work because it includes invalid characters or it's too long. Please try a different name". I have tried multiples of different names and it still will not work. I find it odd that this is only an issue from the iPad and that I have saved an identical length name 20 minutes before this issue from the iPad. There is no issue uploading the excel sheet into the same folder with the same name from my Mac.

I sync obsidian between two computers via dropbox and now have an iPad that i'm trying to connect as well. I installed obsidian on the the iPad but can't see how/where i can navigate to dropbox to connect to a vault. It's making me either create a new iCloud vault or use their subscription service. I can't find anything that allows me to navigate to an existing vault.

I've also deleted the 1Password apps from my idevices (you would think THIS would fix it, but it's not syncing to any other Dropbox location as I have verified it but I have no idea how it's getting the same info) and rebooted the idevices. I even moved the 1Password vault on Dropbox, but I'm unable to tell my iPhone (at least) where the new folder is (it keeps going to dropbox/1Password/1Password.opvault and I renamed the 1Password folder and made a new one under the Apps folder of Dropbox), but it keeps pulling the out of date info from somewhere.

On iPhone XR and iPad Pro, am now unable to sync Enpass with Dropbox. I know the passwords for enpass and for dropbox, but each time I attempt to open iPhone/iPad, I'm advised the sync to dropbox requires master password. Have repeatedly tried to use the correct pw used on iMac without success. I have deleted the app from iPhone, reinstalled and it won't accept the passwords. I have tried to reset the master password for Enpass and on entering the correct pw to provide it's me, I'm repeatedly advised it';s the wrong master pw.

On the iPad, we had success, but now, when I look at settings, I am asked to set up sync again, only this time, even though it connects to dropbox (using the same pw.used on OS)), it states the sync error password of data on Dropbox is required . On the iPhone XR, I had previously deleted the app. So I reloaded it from App Store and it has noewasked for pw of data? What is that (for both iPad and iPhone?

On iPad Pro and iPhone XR, running Enpass Pro All access (Lifetime) 6.4.4, Ib can setup sync, obtain approval from dropbox and then I'm asked for password of data - see screenshots from iPhone and iPadPro. I have tried using the dropbox pw and the Enpass pw and neuter work. I do not know what this pw is.

Has anyone tried using dropbox to share a database from a imac to an ipad?

I have created a dropbox account purely to do this and I can see that dropbox has a copy of the database but it will not apparently let me open it as I seem to need my ipad roots app to see a database which I cannot link. I am not needing to pay for Dropbox for the size of the file in question.Nor do I need Dropbox for anything else. Seems a poor app to me but?? Can I connect my mac to my ipad pro by cable and would that work? Sorry to be so stupid.

RM is a computer program and does not run on iOS.

the RM ios app is 7 years out of date and not updated and read only via dropbox.

Just upload your tree to ancestry and use the excellent free ancestry ios app to see and edit your tree on your ipad. Ignore dropbox.

Jerry; apple mobile devices use a separate operating system different from apple computers. Apps can be designed to use files transferred directly from mac to pad or shared through iCloud. Older cruder apps used a klutzy approach like dropbox.

Thanks. Whilst I had not read it I now see I had done all of this and the file shows on Dropbox but my RM8 on the ipad will not open it. I will try looking at all of it when I next have time.Thanks for rapid reply.

Thanks again to all replies. To Steambuff and LornaHen it has apparently solved my problem but maybe quite why I know not. Anyway not understanding the //option thing but got the message that maybe my ipad had not got a correct or ? full download of the app I deleted it on the ipad and started again and also carefully made a new copy on RM8 at the imac desktop to Dropbox. It worked virtually instantly. Thanks to all for the ideas and suggestions that led me to it. I only want to have a portable copy when history hunting in churches and record offices not actually do recording so I am now made for life it seems.


I don't think so. You would need the Documents application to build in support for pulling down documents from your dropbox account. Applications on the phone aren't really allowed to share data because of sandboxing. ff782bc1db

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