This historical collection of Serbian poetry in English translation contains 242 poems by 68 poets and covers both oral and written poetry beginning with pre-Christian traditional songs and continuing up to poems written by the young Belgrade poets of today. The anthology is designed to bring a now somewhat obscure and exotic body of poetry -- once greatly admired, especially by the German and English poets of the nineteenth century -- to the contemporary reader. It is furnished with historical and critical introductions which are intended to bring the Serbs' dramatic history and its impact upon their poetry to the reader. Translations are by a wide variety of authors, but the majority by the editors. The collection is arranged chronologically in ten sections; each with a historical introduction. Each poet and many poems are introduced by a headnote. There are annotations, bibliography, a general index and of one of translators and translations.

But he was the example of a spirit with whichthe whole age was filled to saturation. Almost allthe nineteenth century poets of England are subjective,giving us their own experience, sentiments,19reflections, philosophies. Wordsworth, Coleridge,Shelley, Keats, revolve in this enchanted andenchanting circle. Keats and Coleridge seemcapable of something different. So, in the doublestar, made up of Wordsworth and Coleridge, thefirst is absolutely personal and lyric, the secondsometimes objective and dramatic. And in thatother double star of Shelley and Keats the samedifference may be noted.

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But Shakespeare had access to another sourceof knowledge besides the study of books. Whenhe reached London, five or six play-houses were in44full activity, and new plays were produced everyyear in vast numbers. New plays were then inconstant demand, just as the new novel and newdaily or weekly paper are called for now. Thedrama was the periodical literature of the time.Dramatic authors wrote with wonderful rapidity,borrowing their subjects from plays already on thestage, and from classic or recent history. Marlowe,Greene, Lyly, Peele, Kyd, Lodge, Nash,Chettle, Munday, Wilson, were all dramatic writersbefore Shakespeare. Philip Henslowe, a manageror proprietor of the theatres, bought two hundredand seventy plays in about ten years. ThomasHeywood wrote a part or the whole of two hundredand twenty plays during his dramatic career.Each acted play furnished material for some other.They were the property of the play-houses, not ofthe writers. One writer after another has accusedShakespeare of indifference to his reputation, becausehe did not publish a complete and revisededition of his works during his life. How couldhe do this, since they did not belong to him, butto the theatre? Yet every writer was at full libertyto make use of all he could remember of otherplays, as he saw them acted; and Shakespearewas not slow to use this opportunity. No doubthe gained knowledge in this way, which he afterwardemployed much better than did the authorsfrom whom he took it.

50When Shakespeare's plays were being produced,Lord Bacon was fully occupied in his law practice,his parliamentary duties, and his office-seeking.The largest part of the Shakespeare drama was puton the stage, as modern research renders probable,in the ten or twelve years beginning with 1590. In1597 Shakespeare was rich enough to buy the newplace at Stratford-on-Avon, and was also lendingmoney. In 1604 he was part owner of the GlobeTheatre, so that the majority of the plays whichgained for him this fortune must have been producedbefore that time. Now, these were just thebusiest years of Bacon's life. In 1584 he waselected to Parliament. About the same time, hewrote his famous letter to Queen Elizabeth. In1585 he was already seeking office from Walsinghamand Burleigh. In 1586 he sat in Parliamentfor Taunton, and was active in debate and on committees.He became a bencher in the same year,and began to plead in the courts of Westminster.In 1589 he became queen's counsel, and memberof Parliament for Liverpool. After this he continuedactive, both in Parliament and at the bar.He sought, by the help of Essex, to become Attorney-General.From that period, as crown lawyer,his whole time and thought were required to traceand frustrate the conspiracies with which the kingdomwas full. It was evident that during theseyears he had no time to compose fifteen or twentyof the greatest works in any literature. ff782bc1db

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