I live with HIV since mid 2012. I have been on nevirapine and truvada for about less than a year now. Before that I used to take nevirapine and combivir for about two years. Up till now everything seemed to be working fine, but these last results put me in distress. My doctor said I should get my liver checked, whatever checking means.

Do you have the results of your liver tests? Has your doctor talked to you about using a different type of ARV? Did they explain that due to you no longer being on meds your viral load will now have rebounded?

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I wish doctors would allow us to decide how we wish to die but that is apparently asking for too much. I lost a dozen friends to breast cancer and they all said they wished the doctors had listened to them. Many had complained of symptoms years before the tumour was found but mammograms all turned up negative and no other detection methods were prescribed, even when my friends begged for them and were willing to pay out of pocket for them.

My wife and I lived in Gatineau Quebec. When she found out her Multiple Myeloma cancer was coming in like a vengeance we (Kim myself and her Oncologist Dr. Arleigh McCurdy) decided it was time she stopped chemotherapy! We were sent home on Feb 16th from that appointment at the General Hospital. Now the Oncologist sent paperwork to the CLSC for nursing health care when needed until we would go to Mathieu Froment pallative in Hull which Kim and I visited only 2 weeks prior. Kim had chosen Mathieu Froment pallative care because she did not want to die at home! After not hearing anything for 6 days from CLSC. I called to see what was happening! CLSC said they did not receive any paperwork from Dr A. McCurdy! I had to get the doctor to send the paperwork again to the CLSC. Finally they got it that day! Kim was getting really bad by this day! Not really understanding what was happening to her! She would get up for the washroom and her legs were locking on her! She stopped eating! I had to get the CLSC Nurse to assess her for pallative but when she came she was answering most of her questions! She told us your not bad enough for pallative care! But she hadnt seen how she was earlier and within 1 hour she was out of it again! Finally the Nurse from Maison Froment called me and said they were booking an ambulance for the next morning at 10:00am. This was February 23rd. We arrived there and they were great! Took care of her very well! Our yorkshire Chloe and I were able to live with Kim! The next day she incoherent most of the time! She passed away Feb 26 2017. She was my wife and soulmate and she will be always missed and remember as a beautiful woman!

In the day since my story went up, I have heard from many people. Some were very happy with the care their loved ones received. Others had stories similar to mine. One poor soul had lost three relatives to cancer over the last 25 years and said he saw no improvement in palliative care over that time. It seems the system has gaps, no doubt due to resources, and some of us fall into them.

I am looking to find the best solution for cleansing the liver,

(food and/or supplements). I am having trouble losing weight, no matter what I do. I am treating my leaky gut right now, with a product called unify and it is helping me, but doctor says treating the liver will help! Any suggestions if any supplements out there really work?

This takes the British Liver Trust time and funds. Help continue the fight against liver disease, for all of us who are fighting liver disease, and for all of those who have sadly fought and lost. Things must change.

Hi everyone, my husband is 14 days post liver transplant. He has completely lost his sense of taste and even worse, nearly all food and drink (besides water) taste awful to him. Has anyone else experienced this? Do you know what medication causes it? Does it go away? What did you find you could tolerate the taste of to eat or drink?

RoseMary sure I can share to the group the Liver Transplant experience I had since May 14-2020. At Monday 01-Nov-2022 the Endoscopy have done and doctor informed there is not any varices in the esophagus and my stomach look normal. This means to me the medicine Beta Block is working reducing the portal hypertension. Nadolol helps with this but not CURE the cirrosis by next December 07 I have video appointment with hepatology doctor and I have many questions one of this is where is the doctors plan? is he plan to do the Tips? or he will keep me taking the medicine so the Cirrosis runs it self until my liver stop function well ?

Often, a doctor will discover fatty liver disease when running blood tests for other reasons. If you have symptoms or are at higher risk, your health care provider may want to run blood or imaging tests. These tests can help look for a fatty liver and determine how severe it is.

The only test to determine whether the disease has progressed to NASH is a liver biopsy. During a biopsy, your doctor will take a small piece of tissue from your liver. The sample is then examined for signs of inflammation or scarring.

hey everyone long time lurker first-time poster as the title said I was told I was just told I have fatty liver and I have to change my life choices and lose more weight. eating healthy has never been a problem for me but with my work hours I never have the time to make meals and with the cost of foods in my area its hard to buy fresh, what are some easy and cheap and healthy to make

Hi All- I was diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago and I've been on tamoxifen for about a year and a half now. I was just diagnosed with fatty liver disease after my blood tests indicated that I have elevated liver enzymes. My doctor says that tamoxifen cannot cause fatty liver disease but the research I'm doing says otherwise. I'm wondering if anyone else has experience with this.

I believe the reason tamoxifen has not adversely affected my liver is because I am on a ketogenic diet (I have lost 150 lbs on it too). The desired effect of a very low carb diet is that my body has adapted to burning fat rather than glucose for energy. Fat doesn't accumulate in my liver because it all gets used.

Some doctors know a low carb diet can help a fatty liver, but a lot probably don't have a clue, so your doctor won't necessarily suggest it. Based on my own experience I think it's worth trying dietary changes before doing something more drastic like stopping tamoxifen. Especially if you can't make a clean switch to an AI without an oophorectomy or ovarian suppression, and you would rather not.

was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015 been on tamoxifen for a year and three months, never had a problem with fatty liver disease was diagnosed with it in Oct 2017. I haven't been told from a doctor that tamoxifen caused fatty liver but I'm beginning to think that it does. We all have one thing in common and that is, TAMOXIFEN! Gremillion1 I wish we could all get together and get some answers.I wonder have a study been done concerning the possibility that TAMOXIFEN cause fatty liver?

Hi! I was diagnosed with BC in Jan/18, then surgery, radiation. Tamoxifen for 4 1/2 months. I had a history of mild fatty liver but enzymes were normal before surgery. On August 9th I woke up with ascites (fluid in the peritoneal cavity) and jaundice. I went to hospital and they drained 2 litres from my belly and kept me for extensive testing. Tests revealed I had a hepatotoxic response to the Tamoxifen and now have end stage decompensated liver failure. I need a transplant and will receive a live liver donation from my son when I get sicker but they want me to be cancer free for 5 years. If my liver really goes bad and I am near complete failure they will transplant me. I have seen a hepatologist, (liver doctor), a gastroenterologist, a team of doctors at the transplant clinic/liver specialists, and all agree that the biopsies reveal a toxic response (similar to if you had taken an overdose of Tylenol.) SO YES, TAMOXIFEN IS A KNOWN HEPATOTOXIC DRUG AND WILL TAKE A MILDLY FATTY LIVER AND RACE IT TO THE FINISHLINE. I AM LIVING (for now) PROOF. I start a 1/2 dose of Letrozole next week. I am praying my liver can tolerate it. Cheers, Liz

My pcp follows me on labs every 4 mo. In Sept back for lipid panel and cmp. I have nafl. The enzymes go up and down. T is said to be a possible contributing culprit but I'm not worried about it since when my cholesterol improves so do my liver enzymes. Diet is big. I can't stop taking it with my profile and luckily no terrible ses. Can't tolerate AIs.

I just read everything in your thread and completely agree. I am currently suffering from NASH following 9 years on 20 mg of daily Tamoxifen use. After completing the standard 5 years my Oncologist said new studies show that an additional 5 years on it has shown to increase percentage of non reoccurrence rates. I THOUGHT I was tolerating the drug well and opted to stay on it. All throughout my chemo and even after in my maintenance visits my oncologist would say my liver enzyme levels were slightly elevated but never gave me cause to worry. Just said lose some weight. That was nearly impossible on Tamoxifen. All this to say an ultrasound and liver biopsy show I now am suffering from liver damage and my liver is severely scarred. Oncologist refused to say it was the Tamoxifen but it was the first thing he said to STOP immediately. Wish I knew this before. Wish he had checked my liver w an ultrasound before continuing the extended use. Trying to detoxify my liver but have been told it will take years. The information in your articles that you attached were extremely valuable and informative.. thank you!

I was diagnosed with a fatty liver in March 2018 then breast cancer in Nov.2018. My doctor told me to reduce carbs in my diet. My ALT level has been mildly elevated, but it hasn't been tested since I started Tamoxifen. I also had a knee injury prior to starting radiation and was on Tylenol and Ibuprofen routinely which can also elevate your ALT. My next liver function lab is in Dec. My primary put me on pravastatin 20mg on M-W-F its supposed to be gentle on your liver. I try to not take any Tylenol. I have reduced Ibuprofen to only one dose if necessary. I have never been a pill taker, but now I take a lot of supplements. I like Sports Research brand from Amazon because usually its just one pill a day and goes on sale frequently. I take their Omega-3 fish oil and Krill oil. I take Costco's 300mg CoQ10 and buy Extra Strength Nature Made Magnesium there. I recently added Milk Thistle with 80mg of silymarin. I am hoping all of this will help, but only time will tell. I started the Livestrong program this week. 006ab0faaa

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