Displays a list of a directory's files and subdirectories. If used without parameters, this command displays the disk's volume label and serial number, followed by a list of directories and files on the disk (including their names and the date and time each was last modified). For files, this command displays the name extension and the size in bytes. This command also displays the total number of files and directories listed, their cumulative size, and the free space (in bytes) remaining on the disk.

If sortorder isn't specified, dir /o lists the directories alphabetically, followed by the files, which are also sorted alphabetically./t[[:]]Specifies which time field to display or to use for sorting. The available timefield values are:c - Creationa - Last accessedw - Last written/sLists every occurrence of the specified file name within the specified directory and all subdirectories./bDisplays a bare list of directories and files, with no additional information. The /b parameter overrides /w./lDisplays unsorted directory names and file names, using lowercase./nDisplays a long list format with file names on the far right of the screen./xDisplays the short names generated for non-8dot3 file names. The display is the same as the display for /n, but the short name is inserted before the long name./cDisplays the thousand separator in file sizes. This is the default behavior. Use /-c to hide separators./4Displays years in four-digit format./rDisplay alternate data streams of the file./?Displays help at the command prompt.RemarksTo use multiple filename parameters, separate each file name with a space, comma, or semicolon.

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You can use the question mark (?) as a substitute for a single character in a name. For example, typing dir read???.txt lists any files in the current directory with the .txt extension that begin with read and are followed by up to three characters. This includes Read.txt, Read1.txt, Read12.txt, Read123.txt, and Readme1.txt, but not Readme12.txt.

If you use /a with more than one value in attributes, this command displays the names of only those files with all the specified attributes. For example, if you use /a with r and -h as attributes (by using either /a:r-h or /ar-h), this command will only display the names of the read-only files that aren't hidden.

If you specify more than one sortorder value, this command sorts the file names by the first criterion, then by the second criterion, and so on. For example, if you use /o with the e and -s parameters for sortorder (by using either /o:e-s or /oe-s), this command sorts the names of directories and files by extension, with the largest first, and then displays the final result. The alphabetic sorting by extension causes file names with no extensions to appear first, then directory names, and then file names with extensions.

If you use the redirection symbol (>) to send this command's output to a file, or if you use a pipe (|) to send this command's output to another command, you must use /a:-d and /b to only list the file names. You can use filename with /b and /s to specify that this command is to search the current directory and its subdirectories for all file names that match filename. This command lists only the drive letter, directory name, file name, and file name extension (one path per line), for each file name it finds. Before you use a pipe to send this command's output to another command, you should set the TEMP environment variable in your Autoexec.nt file.

The output lists the root directory, the subdirectories, and the files in the root directory, including extensions. This command also lists the subdirectory names and the file names in each subdirectory in the tree.

When you specify prn, the directory list is sent to the printer that is attached to the LPT1 port. If your printer is attached to a different port, you must replace prn with the name of the correct port.

You can also redirect output of the dir command to a file by replacing prn with a file name. You can also type a path. For example, to direct dir output to the file dir.doc in the Records directory, type:

The dir command displays, in wide format, an alphabetized list of the matching file names in each directory, and it pauses each time the screen fills until you press any key to continue.

If the folder you want to open in Command Prompt is on your desktop or already open in File Explorer, you can quickly change to that directory. Type cd followed by a space, drag and drop the folder into the window, and then press Enter.

cd DocumentsNote that this only works if you're in the immediate file structure. In our case, that would be (user folder) > Documents. In our current directory, we wouldn't be able to use this method to jump to a directory nested two levels down.

If you want to go back two directories, you can use multiple instances of .. together. Let's use the example where we're in C:\Users\Equinox\Documents\How-To Geek. Running cd .. will change the directory to "C:\Users\Equinox\Documents." But what if we wanted to go all the way back to our user folder? Just enter cd ..\.. instead. If you wanted to go back three directories you'd use ..\..\.. and so forth.

So, you can now move around within a drive proficiently, but what if your PC has multiple drives? This only requires a minor tweak on the cd command that you're already familiar with. Enter cd /D (LETTER):, where (LETTER) is the letter of the drive you want to switch to. Let's use the J:\ drive as an example, though it could be anything depending on how your system is set up.

If you want to be a bit more efficient with your directory changes, type cd on the command line, then press Tab. Every time you press table it'll cycle through the folders in your current directory in alphabetical order (special characters first, then numbers, then letters).

If you want to to narrow things down a bit, you can type cd, followed by the first letter of the directory, and then press Tab multiple times until the correct directory appears. If you type the first few letters of the directory you want and those letters are unique to the folder you want, you can press Tab to autocomplete to directory name.

The command.exe will auto-complete the line with the tab key, so it knows where I'm at. It just doesn't print to screen the result or actually get me there. This problem exists for the network drives as well.

Going back to the days of DOS, there's a separate "current directory" for each drive. cd D:\foldername changes D:'s current directory to the foldername specified, but does not change the fact that you're still working on the C: drive.

You're not using a Unix or Linux shell program. The cd command in Microsoft's command interpreter doesn't behave as the cd commands in such shells do. It behaves somewhat differently. In particular, it doesn't always change directory. In Unix and Linux shells, cd only ever sets the working directory. In Microsoft's command interpreter, cd sometimes queries it. There's no separate pwd command, so cd does two jobs.

If you give it no arguments, or an argument that is just a drive letter and a colon without a path, then it reports the current directory instead of changing it. If you give it no arguments, it reports the current directory of the current drive of the command interpreter process. If you give it only a drive letter and a colon as an argument, it reports the command interpreter process' current directory of that drive. Each drive has its own current directory in the command interpreter. (This is a fiction maintained by the run-time libraries for Microsoft's and several other vendors' implementations of various programming languages. Win32 itself doesn't work this way.)

So when you gave it d: as an argument, it reported the the command interpreter process' current directory on drive D to you, which happened to be D:\. If you'd given it no arguments at all, it would have reported C:\ to you.

If you want the cd command to always be in set mode and never be in query mode you need to add the /D option to it. This forces the command to always be in set mode, and also extends it so that it changes the current drive as well as changing a drive's current directory. (In other words, it works more like the underlying Win32 API actually does.)

Afraid this is incorrect. It's true from the days of DOS, but the command line in Windows NT and later is not DOS. In the command line that everyone uses today, you have the /D switch. The /d switch will change the current directory of the specified drive AND change to that directory. The /d switch must be specified before the path. For example:

Windows tracks a separate working directory for each drive. You are currently on the 'C' drive in the working directory '\'. When you type cd d:\ it changes your working directory for the 'D' drive to '\' and has no effect on your C drive working directory. To change drives, just type D:. You can change both at the same time with the /d parameter to cd.

I am running a Java application from the command line. Can I specify a command line argument to set the current running directory to something other than where the application is actually going to run?

Hello all, it came up here, that it might be useful to have a tutorial for basic CLI (command line interface) commands, to link to for when people are struggling using an unfamiliar environment. If anyone has any amendments (especially for MacOS as I am not at all familiar with it) then please post below or PM me or create a pull request on github.

For example assuming you opened a terminal and ran these scripts you would first be taken to the home directory, then to 'QiimeScripts', and then to 'QiimeScripts/QiimeScripts', and then back to 'QiimeScripts'. e24fc04721

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