The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation. This is the way our Savior God wants us to live.

Praying too much might be a sign of a doctrinal misunderstanding. It might be a sign of legalism in your spiritual experience. But for many, praying too much is a sign of Religious OCD. 

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If that describes you, know that indulging your obsession with prayer will not fix the problem. Facing your spiritual anxiety and learning to cast your care upon God will have the greatest positive impact. 

I can't thank you enough for the time and effort you put into these resources!! I just discovered you and I'm literally in tears reading some of this. The past 6 months have been absolutely horrible with our 15 year old son. After much research and several evaluations, we realized that he definitely has scrupulosity. He has been in counseling the past few months, but I think some of your resources are helping even more. We are reading blogs together every night. This one about obsessive prayer was especially helpful!! 85% of our son's day is consumed with prayer. It has made life incredibly difficult. I just can't thank you enough for what you're doing! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I am having symptoms of OCD like constant washing hands, constantly checking locks/doors, etc. I think I'm also struggling with religious OCD. For years, I've always went through my whole prayer list in the morning during my morning devotions before starting my day. Back then, it was okay and doable since my prayer list was kinda short. But now, my prayer list has become pretty long with many things to pray for. I always feel the need that I need to go through my whole prayer list before starting my day but that takes at least an hour and sometimes goes to 2 hours. I also feel the need to repeat my request until it feels like I did it right. Because of all these things, I've come to dread prayer in the morning. I know I should feel this way and I really don't want to feel this way. That morning prayer before I start my day has sadly become like a burden that when I wake up, sometimes I just stay in bed because I dread having to pray for a long time. Sometimes I just lay in bed for several hours, I actually stayed in bed for almost 8 hours a few times just because I was dreading prayer before starting my day and doing the things I need to do. This has affected other areas of my life like college. I've failed classes and I'm still currently behind in my classes and might fall again this semester. I also end up being late for appointments because I need to get through all my prayer requests. I know you said we should learn to pray less, but doing that feels like I'll be sinning because isn't it good to pray? I really would like your help as no one around me understands.

I have had extreme anxiety regarding lengthy prayers in the morning. I have to wake up very early to finish my prayers which is very detailed and full of requests. I am afraid that if I do not mention every request, God will not hear me. When it is time for me to waje up and pray, I have palpitations. I cannot perform normal home and family duties unless I have prayed everything.

This is really helpful to me. Sometimes, most of the time actually, I get this feeling that something's wrong, and I pray about it, but then it ends up an hour long prayer with me just giving God my life's story and confessing the same things over and over as if He's never heard of me before, and then I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall and don't know what to do. But God understands what's going on inside my brain, and loves me the same, right?

Its good to see someone discussing this. My experience of this was that yes, I had intense anxiety. And my anxiety was about both false guilt and responsibility and also about sin situations going on in my life. There was a spiritual component to it as well. I also had gut health issues related to dairy and possibly anxiety. I remember a family violence incident that took place because I had told on the parent who was behaving sinfully and the other parent assaulted that parent. I had been very angry and wanted them to be punished for their wrongdoing but what happened instead is that they were beaten and assaulted sexually in a degrading and humiliating way. I was beside myself, just horrified and anguished over what my telling and anger seemed to have accomplished and believed myself to be responsible for this terrible event. I had no idea as a four year old that my thoughts about crime and punishment were very legal but lacking in any understanding of the persons or situation and also lacking in mercy. I just figured okay three strikes you're out, you're the bad guy, we'd be better off without you. Later on, I developed a ritual that involved stepping on sidewalk cracks and repeating the rhyme Step on a crack, break your mother's back. I would do this and then check to see if I felt any pleasure at the idea of hurting my parent. I became very confused about my own heart and who I was and felt terrible and responsible. So while outwardly I didn't have rituals that I had to do that were obvious like repeat handwashing. It was mostly internal. But I can recall have severe anxiety attacks, as well as once having made my husband drive half an hour back home to check if I'd left the stove on or coming back once or twice to double check that I had locked the door. As a teen when I would pray, I never seemed able to do it quite right and so if I didn't feel i had prayed right, I would often back up several times and re start my prayers until it felt right. It drove me nuts because I was uncertain if God was hearing or receiving my prayers. Finally I got around that blockade by deciding to just believe that God was listening to me regardless of how I felt. But my experience of this, is that it is both a brain and heart condition. It could be said that because i experienced serious trauma at a very early developmental age, it affected my brain development. But it could be equally argued that my heart was informing my brain of what it thought was true and because I could not resolve the issue of what my heart/brain thought were true, I remained really stuck there. I think one of my challenges is being able to sort real guilt from false guilt and to be able to determine if I am feeling spiritual anxiety and concern because in fact, I am walking in disobedience. Sin in our lives ( I know this is an intensely triggering statement for those of us who suffer from things like OCD/Scrupulosity) can trigger intense anxiety also. I remember having some very blasphemous thoughts come through my mind and thinking I had committed the unpardonable sin; I went through hell over that. I didn't know if people were telling me the truth or just dispensing cheap grace. I remember reading the passage in Hebrews about those who having been once renewed, fall away and cannot be renewed to repentance and those who have seared consciences and just freaking out and coming unglued. How would one tell false condemnation from really being in that spiritual condition? How does one know for sure when one is experiencing genuine Holy Spirit conviction, vs. OCD symptoms? There has to be a way to determine what to chuck and what to listen to. Anyway, I think its dangerous to just tell oneself automatically that any anxiety or spiritual disease or concerns about eternal loss are automatically just our ocd issues just as much as its dangerous to believe every feeling of guilt or anxiety or spiritual fear or distress is coming from God. Many so called disorders and mental illnesses are in fact

 rooted in heart level issues and beliefs and may even be the result of a stronghold spiritually speaking. It may be both/and not either /or . I'd welcome your thoughts on this.

Hi Jamie, this article has really helped me because I never realised that some people were going through what I was with my ocd. I have always been a somewhat spiritual person and the past couple of years I've been praying daily, which I love doing but it became difficult because of a voice in my head telling me "nope, do it again, that wasn't enough" or "something horrible will happen" if I didnt pray enough. I started associating satisfying my ocd with feeling safe, and it started to take over my daily life. I'd never blame my faith for it, I love being religious. But today I'm gonna really try work on it, because I know deep down, even when I'm feeling ocd, that God knows I mean well and am being sincere. Thank you so much and God bless you.

Hi Jaimie, thanks for relieving a load of pressure from my life. I'm so grateful I found this site.

 Really praying for you that this site may reach out to many people who need to see it. I guess I have a Thanking or Praising OCD. I was so glad when I read your blogs because I felt that it was so much in common with what happens with me. Thanks a ton again!!! Wishing you success in all your endeavours

Hi Jaimie,

 I just wanted to say this response was very helpful and eye-opening for me. Most of the time, when I do my devotions/Bible reading/time with God, I do it with the desire for a feeling of safety and reassurance that everything is okay between myself and God, as opposed to just drawing closer to the Lord and learning more about Him. I dread these times, as much as I wish I didn't, because I get so focused on confessing all my sin and ruminating about whether my enjoyed activities have become "too important or distracting" to me. This is one of my main struggles with my Scrupulosity. I wish so much that my devotional times with God could bring me peace and clarity and a deeper understanding of God. But instead I feel like I grit my teeth and endure them, trying so hard to understand the Bible and get the true meaning of it.

 I feel like I have to have so much control over my thoughts, feelings, and desires. I get so worried that God will ask me to give up my interests or hobbies or the things I enjoy. I always feel guilty and anxious that I've been dedicating too much time to other things rather than God, and end up trying to control everything, which makes me feel selfish (because I feel like I am more concerned about God not taking things away from me, rather than worrying about being drawn away from God by these things).

 I am just not sure what to do. I don't want to just stop spending time with God. I have a real desire for relationship with Him. But so often I feel like such a tired, weary, broken fraud who prays and confesses to God compulsively all the time and is so terrified of ruining everything. Of hurting God because of my own sinfulness.

 Sorry for this long rant but I truly don't know anyone in my life who understands Scrupulosity and how awful it is. How should I approach my devotional time with God if it feels like such a hard, scary task each day? How can I stop trying to control everything and, though unintentional, trying to "keep" God from taking away the things I enjoy and care about? I hope you are having a great day, and God bless. e24fc04721

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