In the transition from using Homepages to Dashboards, I decided I needed to create something that was usable for a wide audience. After tinkering with reports for weeks and gathering feedback from UAT, I finally felt like I created something that works for everyone in IT. So when I fire up my production instance in the morning to see a hideously specific report plastered at the top of the Home tab, I was a little upset. I was a little more upset when it happens two more times after telling all of my admins not to alter the dashboard without a user story, nevermind a change request.

I needed to find out who changed my Dashboard and see a log of dashboard changes in the system. It's not very obvious where to look when this happens. This was not an issue with homepages since any changes only applied to the individual and any modification to a widely shared homepage was on the Portal Pages record (Homepage Admin >> Pages).

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I know this is an old conversation, but a user that had "can edit" on a Dashboard removed two reports from the dashboard. Does anyone know where that update is stored? The sys_grid_canvas_pane table was handy when reports were resized after removing one report, but where is the "removal" update(s) stored? Thanks.

I am new to ServiceNow. I have built a dashboard. I would like to enable Auto-refresh or get the real-time data to the dashboard. I see few related discussion already on this topic. All ends up suggesting a web plug-in to achieve the auto-refresh which is not a viable option for me or in my org. Is there any settings that an Admin can change which would allow Auto-refresh for dashboard? or Is there any other way to achieve the same result without going to Web plug-in? This is a basic feature. I am not sure why this was NOT made out of the box.

This is just my personal opinion, but I think the reason there isn't any refresh timer on dashboards are performance issues and the reason behind dashboards. For me, I think they are meant to be used to look at trends, history data, and so on. Not seeing real-time data. I have seen too many issues where users had created homepages & dashboards with too many reports/complex reports that the instance casts a mega slow-spell for that user's whole session. The data should be refreshed if you reload the dashboard or even switch tab on the dashboard.

As an alternative to dashboard, If I create a home page (Auto-refresh capability is included), will I be able to share it with a group and make it a home page all those in that group? This can be a good alternative for my use case. If I can do that , Is it possible to share the procedure to do the same?

This works but does not exactly look the most 'viewable' (eg. as it is a KB link, it also includes the top navbar (where the article is located - Home / etc , the flag & edit options) which I don't require for this set up) and there isn't many further configuration options once added to the dashboard.

Depends on the purpose of the dashboard. I could see a gauge that has opened tasks, with a query for each task type. That way, when they click through, they get to see the table list view, not the generic task list view. Also, I would put some SLA metrics on it, so users can see their footprint on the overall SLA. And I would do both historic numbers and active numbers.

I apologize Adam, but I don't understand how to use your answer to integrate a Change Schedule with a dashboard. You mentioned "to view a different schedule", but for a schedule to be "different" there has to be something existing to be different from. Since as it stands there are no existing integrated Change Schedules with the dashboards module that I know of, the integration is what I need help with.

I often meet with requirement if it is possible to comment or put some journal field on a dashboard so users who have access to a dashboard can easily comment/interact (like in PowerBI for example). Editable free text area directly on dashboard would be fine.

Firstly, I found in Gadgets > Sticky notes however it does not work on dashboards and workaround is not user-friendly. Also putting content blocks is not a user-friendly approach because it is not editable directly from dashboard.

thanks for detailed answer. Analytics hub is a great tool but for some use-cases it would be fair enough to have a simple notes area on a dashboard where end-users could leave some notes without going into AH.

I'm just noticing this as well after our Kingston upgrade. BUT, the filters are not showing for dashboard content that is report-based. So, a workaround is to recreate those gauges as reports and add the report to the homepage instead of the gauge.

I tried this in Kingston patch 5, and it did not work for me. Checking the "Omit filters" checkbox did hide the filters in normal list view of the table, but it did not hide the filter on the list guages on the homepages and dashboards.

as you already figured out, you can add content to a dashboard via an IFRAME. So if you want to have a special view on your Dashboard just open that view, copy the URL and configure your IFRAME widget with that URL as you have done it before.

You may not be able to use the existing groups, but perhaps you could create some new groups and add users to them as required? This will allow you to virtually place users in different groups together without removing them from their original groups. It would then just be a matter of sharing the reports and dashboards with those new groups.

I have an existing shared dashboard that I have been asked to basically replicate into a new one and tweak all of the underlying reports to show different filtered versions. When I choose to insert and stay on the dashboard I want to copy, I lose all of the associated reports and tabs in the new version, so the function is basically useless. Am I missing something or can you not copy dashboards with all of the tabs and tab features underneath? EDITED to say I'm using Jakarta, Patch 7.

You should have a Duplicate Dashboard option. It's under the hamburger thing in the upper left corner. If you don't want to modify the existing reports though you'll need to open the reports, insert and save them then add the new reports to the dashboard.

That statement is misleading. When you use the "Duplicate Dashboard" option it does NOT duplicate the reports associated with it, only the dashboard. Your paragraph before explains that, but the bottom statement contradicts what you said before.

I have a set of dashboards that were created by an employee who has left the organization. I have requests to modify his dashboards, but I am unable to do so as I am not the owner (or an editor, or even a viewer) of his dashboards. And, I am not an admin of my instance. How do I go about re-assigning the owner of these dashboards? And, is there a best practice for this employee off-boarding scenario?

An admin will need to go into dashboard properties (upper left) and update the owner to your name. BUT - being the owner will allow you to edit or add to the dashboard. What you aren't able to do is edit the underlying reports. And you cannot change owners of reports like you can on dashboards.

I have discovered that, with dashboards that have been shared with me (even as a viewer), because of my "report editor" roles (I think mine come from my report_admin role), I can actually edit reports that have not been shared with me. So, at least for my situation, I don't think the report editing will be an issue.

I have a dashboard with multiple content blocks that contain jpeg images within the block. The jpg files are in the blocks as attachments to the block. The images display fine for me and I never had to do anything special to see them, but when I shared the dashboard publicly, no one else can see the jpegs. They can see the text content but the jpegs either do not display anything at all or just display an x where the image should be.

Basically, I have to bring many single score reports in a Single Dashboard tab ( I know we can add multiple tabs and do grouping). I do not know how to do demarcation between the reports in a single dashboard,

Somehow it appears we deleted our PMO, Project, Program, and Portfolio dashboards. They are not available in the homepage selector any longer and clicking on the modules for each results in a blank white screen. Any ideas on how to recover these or redeploy them to pick up OOB functionality for the existing projects?

I was able to resolve a few minutes ago. I went into our Test environment and unloaded the pages into an Update Set. I was then able to get the pages (dashboards) back in Prod by promoting that update set.

I am looking to replicate a dashboard tab, specifically an overview, across 30 like-dashboards. Of note, I am not looking to duplicate it; my goal is so that I can update it in a single tab, and it will then mirror those updates across the other 29 tabs. Is this a possibility? e24fc04721

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