A basic figure is the very basic step that defines the character of a dance. Often it is called just thus: "basic movement", "basic step" or the like. For some dances it is sufficient to know the basic step performed in different handholds and dance positions to enjoy it socially.

The box step is a dance figure named so because the steps rest in the four corners of a square. It is used, e.g., in American Style ballroom dances: rumba, waltz, bronze-level foxtrot. The leader begins with the left foot and proceeds as follows.[2]

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Cross-body lead is a common and useful move in Latin dances such as salsa, mambo, rumba and cha-cha-cha. Basically, the leader, on counts 2 and 3 of their basic step (assuming dancing on 1), does a quarter-left turn (90 counter-clockwise) while still holding on to the follower. On counts 4 and 5, the follower is led forward across the leader, i.e., firmly led with the leader's right hand on their back, so that the follower travels across to turn and face the opposite direction they were originally facing. At the same time, the leader does another quarter-left turn as necessary in order to follow the follower and face them. At the end of the move, the dancers have their positions exchanged.

This is a dance movement common in salsa, where the two dance partners facing each other change positions. The dance partners keep contact with one or two hands while stepping to rotate concentrically over 180 degrees around the same point in opposite directions.

"Gancho" means "hook" in Spanish and describes certain "hooking actions" in some dances of Latin American heritage, in Argentine tango (leg action)[1] and salsa (arm action and foot action) in particular.

A ballroom dance move, which is the turn on the heel of the support foot while the other foot is held close and parallel to the support one. At the end of the turn the weight is transferred from one foot to the other.[3]

The term is applied to an individual turn of a partner in the couple. Basically, it denotes a turn where the arm of the partner doing the turn begins by moving towards the "inside" of the couple (the line running from the center of one partner to the center of the other). The meaning is intuitively clear, but it may be performed in numerous ways and in different handholds, so that even accomplished dancers are confused. In dances such as swing and salsa, inside and outside turns most commonly refer to underarm turns done by the follower. Since in these dances the follower's right arm is normally used to lead a turn (most commonly by the leader's left arm, but sometimes by the leader's right arm when a cross-hand or "handshake" position is used), an inside turn is normally a left (counter-clockwise) turn, while an outside turn is a right (clockwise) turn. However, if the follower's left arm is used to initiate the turn, the intended direction of turning may be opposite. (Alternatively, the non-ambiguous terms "left turn" and "right turn" may be used.)

A lock step is an alternative variation of a chass action which occurs when the moving foot swings to a stop across the track of the standing foot rather than closing next to it. In the Latin dances the combination of the crossed position and the turnout of the feet means that the rear toe will be pointed at the heel of the other foot, while in the Standard dances the lack of turnout means the feet will be parallel. In Standard the basic locking action is usually preceded and followed by a left side lead. The Latin lock step is often featured when cha-cha is danced in open position with a one-hand hold.

The thunder clap is a form of dance that incorporates clapping in the air with a sliding motion.[citation needed] To perform this dance one must raise one hand and then with the second hand meet the first one half way making a clapping sound; that hand must then fully extend. This motion is repeated to the beat of the music.

The walk is probably the most basic dance move. It exists in almost every dance. Walks approximately correspond normal walking steps, taking into the account the basic technique of the dance in question. (For example, in Latin-dance walks the toe hits the floor first, rather than the heel.)

The various kinds of whisk are dance moves in International Standard and American Smooth dances. They are characterised by the partners crossing their outside legs behind their inside legs, arriving in promenade position.[10]

Several studies have found people suffering from arthritis had improvement in mobility and joint pain, as well as positive changes indepression, anxiety, fatigue and tension when participating in a dance program once a week.

Arthritis Queensland have partnered with QueenslandBalletto develop this ONLINE group dance program to help people living with arthritis to get active with movements that aresafe and beneficial to arthritis management.

Dance Moves is a virtual group dance program designed to help people living with arthritis increase their physical activitywhile having fun. This means that, each week you can join your arthritis exercise dance class from the comfort of your own homewith a dance teacher guiding you through a live dance class

The list of names of hip hop dance moves below is what I learned in my journey with hip hop dance. It is not complete and will never be as our dances are still alive and growing every day. So there are potential new steps created every day.

If you want to find out how to make the most out of the moves you already know, grab a free copy of 7 Questions To Ask Every Move when signing up for my email list, take a look at some of the concepts I presented here on the blog or consider grabbing a copy of my book Dance Smart. All the money that is coming in helps me to continue the work on my publications. One of them is the list you are reading right now. Thanks a bunch.

The teacher has noticed that at times, particularly during outdoor activities, Jacob has a very particular way of moving. The teacher is not sure how to interpret this movement. At these times, he plays away from the group. He takes very slow, and what appears to her, unsteady steps, keeping his arms outward to both sides. He appears to try and balance himself even though he is on flat ground. At most other times though, he seems quick and confident when he moves. She wonders if this behavior is something to worry about, and if the parents have seen something similar at home.

The boy's mother and father look at each other and begin to smile. His father turns toward the teacher and says, "Well, yes! This is actually very familiar." He pauses and says, "I recognized it right away from the pictures. Those movements look a lot like ones that come from a dance. Our children and families dance and sing together at gatherings and holidays. Recently, Jacob has begun to join some of the older boys and men in our community to learn some of our songs and dances."

He looks carefully at the teacher to observe how she responds. He pauses and then shares, "There is one dance in particular where children and adults stand shoulder-to-shoulder and move slowly. We time our steps together, reaching our arms to both sides. The dancers move and rock to the beat of the drummer and the voice of the singer." He adds with a smile, "It seems like he was trying out some of his new moves on the edge of the playground!" The mother smiles at the father, and they look at the teacher to see her reaction.

New dance instructors appear in your capitol city! You can edit the moves of your character, change or add hand new jestures from multiple selections, leg movements and body swings! These customizations are unique for each race but your choices will distinguise your character from all the others.

Male movements serve as courtship signals in many animal species, and may honestly reflect the genotypic and/or phenotypic quality of the individual. Attractive human dance moves, particularly those of males, have been reported to show associations with measures of physical strength, prenatal androgenization and symmetry. Here we use advanced three-dimensional motion-capture technology to identify possible biomechanical differences between women's perceptions of 'good' and 'bad' male dancers. Nineteen males were recorded using the 'Vicon' motion-capture system while dancing to a basic rhythm; controlled stimuli in the form of avatars were then created in the form of 15 s video clips, and rated by 39 females for dance quality. Initial analyses showed that 11 movement variables were significantly positively correlated with perceived dance quality. Linear regression subsequently revealed that three movement measures were key predictors of dance quality; these were variability and amplitude of movements of the neck and trunk, and speed of movements of the right knee. In summary, we have identified specific movements within men's dance that influence women's perceptions of dancing ability. We suggest that such movements may form honest signals of male quality in terms of health, vigour or strength, though this remains to be confirmed.

Michael Chiappetta, attorney and senior editor in the Intellectual Property & Technology Group at Thomson Reuters Practical Law, explains that you can copyright a dance as long as it's "an original work consisting of the composition and arrangement of a related series of dance movements and patterns organized into a coherent whole."

"Most TikTok dances likely fall into the latter unprotectable category," Chiappetta says. "However, where there is a sufficient combination of body movement, spatial movements, and coordination with musical accompaniment, it is possible that a social media dance may be protectable."

"Similar to writing, copyright protection begins when a performance is fixed in a tangible medium of expression" like a video or dance script, says Joseph Mandour, an intellectual property attorney and managing partner of Mandour & Associates APC. ff782bc1db

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