First, curl tends to be very lenient, treating many abnormal conditions as success. For example, curl -non-existent-url-that-returns-404 actually has an exit status of 0. I find this behavior counterintuitive. To treat those conditions as errors, I like to use the -fsS flags:

Side note: The bash documentation is relevant not because you pipe to bash, but because (I assume) it is your remote user's login shell, and would therefore be the program that interprets the remote command line and handles the execution of the pipeline. If the user has a different login shell, then refer to that shell's documentation.

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Really! A password is being awaited - but somehow the prompt has got obfuscated by the curl stuff. If I press return, I get told the password is wrong and then prompted again (and if I supply the correct password - at this point or, by mystical intuition, earlier - all is dandy.) Can the command be modified so as to solve the problem.

EDIT: the curl command is recommended here, and it is my preferred way - apart from the problem - to install. And I don't fancy doing su beforehand, and indeed I think there might be another post about a problem with doing that.

In addition to my own computer, I sometimes use an Ubuntu cluster at my school. Rather than manually keep my .bashrc's in sync, I would like to make the school cluster's .bashrc source my personal .bashrc from DropBox via a URL. However, when I naively try source , I just get an error: : No such file or directory. How can I can get bash to source from a script located online?

so i am trying to solve this lab on but i cant figure out exactly how to create my bash file with the curl instruction in order to created a web traffic stream between the client and the server nodes by writing a script at the client that each second gets index.html from the server. The full purpose of this lab is to create a DOS attack and flood the created traffic after. The attacking part i can manage but the bash file with the curl i cannot.this is what i have so far:

We do not transmit or record the curl commands you enter or what they're converted to. This is a static website (hosted on GitHub Pages) and the conversion happens entirely in your browser using JavaScript.

Hi Guys. I have written a simple bash script for reserving/claiming ipnodes. I would like to ask how to limit (and/or offset) SWQL swiss query to exclude like first 10 IP's (ipnodes) and start with f.e. There's a "SkipScan" property which i'm checking to skip broadcast and subnet, should i use this to mark the nodes i would like to exclude? Is it the correct way? LIMIT 10,254 does not seem to be working in SWQL, and i can't find anything similar to my problem on Thwack. Thank you in advance.

That was exactly what i was looking for. I think I'm gonna look into porting your powershell stuff to bash, the verb stuff seems like a sane choice and I don't want to re-invent the wheel. Speaking of, have you ever tried running your powershell stuff on Linux? There's even a snap Install powershell for Linux, Linux apps in seconds | Snap Store so i'm going to investigate this little concept. I'm a litte bit curious if you guys ever tested it . Maybe it's a solution and configuring the ps library to run on unix like systems is less hassle than porting the whole thing to bash. On the other hand - i just love the idea of porting it to bash.

It is probably not worth the trouble to implement this kind of filtering in SWQL. Since this is happening in the context of a larger script, I would just use SWQL to fetch all or a chunk of the subnet (if you use mostly /24s this will work well; if /16s not so much) and apply your business logic to select the appropriate IP address in the script (bash or python or whatever) and then call the verb to reserve it.

This page is a heavily abbreviated selection of the full options, for more detail including return codes, run man curl

curl is a powerful tool, please use it responsibly, regularly and repeatedly downloading files from the same website can result in your IP being automatically flagged/blocked.

curl is a command-line tool to transfer data to or from a server, using any of the supported protocols (HTTP, FTP, IMAP, POP3, SCP, SFTP, SMTP, TFTP, TELNET, LDAP, or FILE). curl is powered by Libcurl. This tool is preferred for automation since it is designed to work without user interaction. curl can transfer multiple files at once. 


DICT protocol: The Libcurl defines the DICT protocol which can be used to easily get the definition or meaning of any word directly from the command line. 


If you are writing a bash script to call a curl command and you want to pass variable values to it, you may find a hard time determining how to go about it. I did!! I consulting with lots of pages, and nothing seemed to tell me what I want.

In bash, I have created a function. In this function, I am constructing an URL that will be used to download a selected chromosome, unzip it and save it as a fasta file using curl. The following is my code.

echo "$FINAL", gives | gunzip -c > chr20.faIf I copy and paste on the terminal it works fine. However, the line curl "$FINAL" in the function causes this error:curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL

you should add single quotes to the variable substitution, so it can actually detect it. Also when writing curl it's better to use an editor such as it will give you syntax highlight, so you can know what's wrong.

The line /bin/bash: line 1: nvm: command not found in the above output is different than the line /bin/sh: 1: source: not found in the output shown in my original post. The build fails but (seemingly) for a different reason.

In bash single quotes are used to preserve the literal value of each character inside the string. To fix this, change the single quotes to double quotes, and escape the double quotes inside the string, like in the example below.

curl -LO " $(curl -L -s )/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl" curl -LO " $(curl -L -s )/bin/linux/arm64/kubectl" Note:To download a specific version, replace the $(curl -L -s )portion of the command with the specific version.

However, the completion script depends onbash-completion,which means that you have to install this software first(you can test if you have bash-completion already installed by running type _init_completion).

The above commands create /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion,which is the main script of bash-completion. Depending on your package manager,you have to manually source this file in your ~/.bashrc file.

The bash uploader detects all CI providers through environment variables. This process helps to identify the source of the build and maintain a relationship back to the source of the coverage collection.

I often suggest to people here to provide as much detail as possible, when asking questions. This helps readers (like me) understand clearly what the person is asking about. And the curl command might be exactly the command the person has run in their own terminal session, and it's helpful for people here on community to know the exact command. But not credentials!

Be aware that if you use curl -v, your terminal session will show headers including the authorization header, which means your credentials. Be careful showing any output of curl -v in email or community posts or screenshares!

You can include multiple stanzas like that, one for each API endpoint. When you pass the -n option to curl, instead of -u USER:PASS, it tells curl, "if you ever connect with, then use THESE creds" . This also works with OPDK, or any HTTP endpoint curl can address. I have creds for Jira, various devportals, heroku, and other things all in my .netrc.

Using .netrc to store creds lets you use curl in terminal sessions, without ever revealing your password. This means you can invite anyone to view your screen, with no risk. You can screenshot, no problem. Screen share, no problem. Copy/paste, no problem!

If you are behind a proxy, these shell variables must be set to connect to Azure services with the CLI.If you are not using basic auth, it's recommended to export these variables in your .bashrc file.Always follow your business' security policies and the requirements of your system administrator.

When a certificate is broken or outdated on a machine, you might receive an error indicating that curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server, and therefore couldn't establish a secure connection. Update your certificate to correct the problem.

The easiest way to install the Azure CLI is through a script maintained by the Azure CLI team. This script runs all installation commands in one step. This script is downloaded via curl and piped directly to bash to install the CLI.

Download the pkg installer using the curl command. The -o option specifies the file name that the downloaded package is written to. In this example, the file is written to AWSCLIV2.pkg in the current folder. e24fc04721

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