Open the "Remote Connection" program to simulating that you're hacking a top secret governmet server. This automated hacker typer will trigger server responses and will show various programs and warnings on the screen.

Suspected Vietnamese government-linked hackers are behind a series of fake news websites and Facebook pages meant to target victims with malicious software, according to Volexity research published Friday.

Fake Hacking

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The hackers, known as OceanLotus or APT32, historically have targeted companies that have business interests in Vietnam. In this case, the fake sites and Facebook pages, which were set up within the last year, were intended for targets in Vietnam and across Southeast Asia, according to Volexity researchers.

I've created a new whoami command which requires a fake username and have put it in the PATH by adding it to ~/.profile . It is created in a way that whoami is called before actual the actual whoami from Linux.

In this event, the best (a term loosely used) suggestion would be to move the legitimate whoami executable and create a whoami shell script that goes in it's place. The custom script should validate the current user and if it's "hadoop", return whatever faked username you want - otherwise return valid output. Igor's answer would work in this case.

The latest malware campaign plays into users' concerns about protecting their security by offering a fake security tool called AntiHacker, which promises to provide "Auto-Protect & Auto-Detect & Security & Quick scan and analysing."[sic] EFF's analysis indicates that this campaign is the work of the same actors behind several malware campaigns that lured their targets in using fake revolutionary documents and a fake Skype encryption tool--campaigns that date back to at least November 2011.

Unlike the fake Skype encryption program, this fake program does not abuse Comic Sans, but it does feature several suspicious errors, including a pop-up that reads: "You Are Running On unprotected Conection You Maybe At Risk !!!!" [sic], shown in the screenshot below:

Disinformation operatives work under the radar. To find out more about 'Team Jorge', an Israel-based unit selling hacking and social media manipulation services, three journalists went undercover. They posed as consultants, working on behalf of a client in a politically unstable African country who wanted to delay a forthcoming election. The reporters secretly filmed several meetings with the group's leader, Tal Hanan, who uses the alias 'Jorge', and his associates between July 2022 and December 2022.

Yet, even this correction is not a true reflection of public facts as known. The utility indicated only that a laptop was found to contain malware that has previously been associated with Russian hackers. As many pointed out, the malware in question is actually available for purchase online, meaning anyone could have used it and its mere presence is not a guarantee of Russian government involvement. Moreover, a malware infection can come from many sources, including visiting malicious websites and thus the mere presence of malware on a laptop computer does not necessarily indicate that Russian government hackers launched a coordinated hacking campaign to penetrate that machine - the infection could have come from something as simple as an employee visiting an infected website on a work computer.

I got in a public fight with my ex the other night and ever since have been receiving really insane texts from unsaved numbers that are delivering as texts (telling me im a fat bitch, no one would miss me, i should choke, etc.) I know the obvious response is to assume it's him which is a possibility but he keeps saying it's not and I honestly just want the truth. The texts are about stuff that was said during our fight and my entire building heard so the suspects are slim. There's a girl whose boyfriend broke up the fight (it was just a verbal fight) and I swear she's never liked me and I think it could be her. I just want to know whose doing this so I can gauge if i'm in any real danger and also deal with whoever it is. Does anyone know how to trace fake numbers? I have two and it wouldn't shock me if more came in. Please help I really need answers

A commonly used hacking definition is the act of compromising digital devices and networks through unauthorized access to an account or computer system. Hacking is not always a malicious act, but it is most commonly associated with illegal activity and data theft by cyber criminals.

A traditional view of hackers is a lone rogue programmer who is highly skilled in coding and modifying computer software and hardware systems. But this narrow view does not cover the true technical nature of hacking. Hackers are increasingly growing in sophistication, using stealthy attack methods designed to go completely unnoticed by cybersecurity software and IT teams. They are also highly skilled in creating attack vectors that trick users into opening malicious attachments or links and freely giving up their sensitive personal data.

This event also led Congress to pass several bills around computer crimes, but that did not stop the number of high-profile attacks on corporate and government systems. Of course, the concept of hacking has spiraled with the release of the public internet, which has led to far more opportunities and more lucrative rewards for hacking activity. This saw techniques evolve and increase in sophistication and gave birth to a wide range of types of hacking and hackers.

Black hat hackers are the "bad guys" of the hacking scene. They go out of their way to discover vulnerabilities in computer systems and software to exploit them for financial gain or for more malicious purposes, such as to gain reputation, carry out corporate espionage, or as part of a nation-state hacking campaign.

Webcams built into computers are a common hacking target, mainly because hacking them is a simple process. Hackers typically gain access to a computer using a Remote Access Trojan (RAT) in rootkit malware, which allows them to not only spy on users but also read their messages, see their browsing activity, take screenshots, and hijack their webcam.

"Admin" is one of the most commonly used usernames by IT departments, and hackers use this information to target organizations. Signing in with this name makes you a hacking target, so do not log in with it by default.

Other common hacker types include blue hat hackers, which are amateur hackers who carry out malicious acts like revenge attacks, red hat hackers, who search for black hat hackers to prevent their attacks, and green hat hackers, who want to learn about and observe hacking techniques on hacking forums.

For a year or so I have owned a nice fake-vintage radio/bluetooth speaker that originally caught my eye for sale in a FedEx office. The front has a quite nice VFD-style LED to show the status, a volume knob and four hard buttons. It has Bluetooth, USB, AUX and FM input. The radio and bluetooth was not bad, but there was nothing to be impressed about. It was definitely not "smart."

My original plan was to somehow figure out how to hijack all the external components and control them to make the front and back of the radio as neat-looking as possible. At least I hoped to hijack the speaker, the volume knob, and the buttons. The problem I foresaw was that those components are often not documented and there was little chance that I could get a datasheet for them. I was very worried that I might have to give up the fake-VFD LED screen.

I plugged in the contraption through a USB power sniffer-thingie and saw that the Arduino Pro Micro and the fake VFD LED screen consumped 0.02 A. Could I possibly squeeze more power from it? I tried everything I could with hardware timers/interrupts and nothing really drove down the power consumption.

The fake report said Sheikh Tamim, in a speech at a military graduation ceremony, was critical of renewed tensions with Iran, expressed the need for contextualising Hezbollah and Hamas as resistance movements, and suggested that Trump might not last long in power.

The daily looked at a hundred political news items that were often shared on social media. While some were misleading or exaggerated, none were actual fake news - in accordance with the definition of a fabricated, politically-motivated story disguised as news.

During an electoral campaign in the US, a country of 320 million inhabitants, the distribution of fake news with catchy headlines, accompanied by advertisements, can be an interesting business model. By contrast, the Dutch population of 17 million, who converse in a much less widely spoken language, may just be too niche.

While covert operations to hack elections are by definition difficult to prove or rule out, a source in the European Union's cyber-security agency said that political cyber attacks are not about directly hacking elections.

Americans rely on banks and financial institutions to protect college savings, retirement accounts, and livelihoods. But U.S. banks and financial institutions have been subjected to numerous attacks by Russian-based hacking groups over the past decade, highlighting key vulnerabilities in the financial security of everyday Americans.

Several hacking schemes have emerged that target personal devices, including phones and computers, in an attempt to obtain sensitive user data and security materials. The examples below illustrate the ways in which Russian hackers exploited programs most Americans use every day in an attempt to gain access to their personal files.

Russian hacking groups have successfully gained access to a variety of government agency and employee servers. In addition to the threats to national security posed by these attacks, the billions of dollars that are spent by the government to recover from attacks and protect information, particularly classified information, comes out of the pockets of U.S. taxpayers.

The Russian government has used different forms of cybercampaigning in an attempt to influence not only American elections, but also to provoke instability by creating feelings of fear and mistrust towards American governance institutions. Russian hackers and trolls have successfully used hacking schemes, propaganda, and well-timed information leaks to achieve their agenda, as evidenced below. e24fc04721

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