We are currently using a Citrix Cloud environment, and control policies with Citrix Cloud Studio, WEM, and AD policies. I know this isn't the best practice, but it's what we've got. I've been tasked with finding a way to enable copying text and/or files from the client device into the Citrix ICA session, but not allowing the reverse of copying from Citrix to the local device. The only policy I've found seems to be a both directions open or neither are setting, so I figured I'd ask here. For extra info, we are using the following:

Hi, I have recently used XD and found extremely useful the possibility to copy/paste interactions. Is it possible in Figma to select an object with interactions, copy interactions and past them on a different object, even different type of object?

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I don't know if this issue has been addressed, but it still occurs in Ignition Platform version 8.1.28 (b2023060110). It seems to get worse as my project gets larger and larger, but the Designer will get to a point where it disables certain features. When right clicking on an object or when right clicking the name in the Project Browser, the following features are greyed out: cut, copy, paste, paste & replace, and delete. Strangely, duplicate is not greyed out and still functions properly. Keyboard shortcuts do not work either.

My use case as an integrator is what was previously described, I copy and paste quite a bit and I leave Designer running for long (1-5 days) periods of time. To fix the issue I have to close my Designer instance and reopen it. When I have multiple projects open in multiple instances, the problem is exacerbated. It also occurs to every instance at the same time and I have to reopen every one to fix the problem.

Still present in 8.1.33 but resolving is better (close all views and re-open).

Copy/Pasting a component within the same View works as expected. Pasting to another View is sometimes buggy (can't reproduce at will). When it stops working I notice Paste is greyed out if I try to copy/paste a label to another View. However, Paste & Replace isn't greyed out and works as expected.

I need to be able to copy/ paste multiple rows of data that have "multi-row (alt+enter)" information from Excel (and Smartsheet). Currently, when I try to copy and paste these "multi-row" cells, they spill into separate cells instead of staying together. It DOES work if I do them one at a time, but I have hundreds of rows of data - it's not a feasible solution to do it one at a time.

Is there a trick to being able to copy multiple rows and not have all of the information spill onto another separate row instead of the same cell? I've been using VLOOKUPs between Smartsheets to perform this task, but it is pretty painful.

I have the same issues than above and for some reason it was not happening before and suddenly it started. In my case I first export from a Smart-sheet into excel format in order to format the data to my liking, then i paste it into a smart sheet template or data source linked to multiple other sheets/graphs/metrics and reports which are actually feeding several different Smart-sheet Dashboards. This data source i update it manually by copy pasting the information in . Problem is that I have one column with Comments (it is the last one to the very right), which is a multi line cell. When before pasting the updated data source was fine, even though it has always been multi line, now all of the sudden data from comments column cell is split into multiple lines invading the rows below. I have multiple links to that data source smart sheet therefore it is a problem. Also trying different workaround, if I individually copy that column in, Comments remain in the same cell, but when copied as a full sheet it does not...I am getting very frustrated with smartsheet as I think something as simple as copy pasting information should be much simpler...

I found that uploading from Excel back into smartsheet, instead of copying from Excel and pasting into smartsheet, allowed the multi-line cells to come into Smartsheet with cell content intact, without invading the rows below.

When I Import from the Excel, it works fine...but then when I copy/paste from the new sheet back into my target sheet...same issue. So, the issue is that you simply can't paste line breaks...which doesn't make sense because in Excel you can paste these all over the place.

It seems to be triggered by attempting to copy the value in row 1 down to every row in the sheet. Once triggered, even the copy from one cell to just one other also fails. But, it triggers on other attempts to copy/paste as well.

I have the exactly same issue - tried on firefox and chrome - tried refreshing sheet - dragging the copy box works but not CTRL-V but dragging the formula down more than a few row is a tedious workaround when I need to perform on multiple sheets.

I'm having exactly the same issue. Copy & paste within 1 sheet doesn't work randomly. It always happens if I try to copy & paste multiple cells. Log out and back in fix it but it is very annoying. Glad I'm not alone. If anyone knows how to fix it please let me know.

Another copy/paste issue I am dealing with is when I am trying to update one Smartsheet that I am using as data source for multiple other reports and Dashboards. I update it by pasting some excel data with the inconvenience (or so it seems to be now) that the last column is a comments column or multi-line. Smartsheet tips workaround suggest to double click in the cell to avoid cell content breakingdown and invade below rows, but this is not a valid solution when dealing with large sheets of data. This issue was not happening before and my work around for now is to copy all the data up until the Comments Column, and then do this one individually, then comments stay in their cells when pasting it. This data I am copying in is coming from the export of Other Smartsheets that i then pull together to make one data source. Comments field has different lines as well as spacing between the lines but removing spacing does not help. Some other Comments cells with less comments lines seem to stay in the same cell but others dont. Very random malfunction i would say...

I have had the same thing happen [though I don't have a specific example to share]. I'll create a thing on one grid, then copy it to another and it displays an error. Both sheets are doing the same thing with functional references to rows named the same thing; if you look at them both at once on two monitors they're exactly identical but one is broken.

The solution I've found to this is to re-type the equation from scratch in the new document. Again, it looks identical to the one I copied over, but this one works now. It's completely inexplicable why this works, but it does. If I were to hazard a guess, smartsheet isn't recognizing the function syntax when it's pasted, but i have no idea why, nor way to test this.

the slash is a bit special as it denotes glyph names. If you copy text form the edit view that contains glyphs without unicode, it puts the glyph name in the string instead. You can see that in the title of the tabs, too. So if you copy text with a slash it adds another slash to make sure that it is a slash and not a glyph name.

I have Project 1 from which I wish to copy a schematic over to Project 2. I find that if this schematic is one of multiple identical occurrences, then in opening one and copying the page or individual symbols to Project 2, information about footprint, part numbers etc. are not copied over. How can I copy over all properties (knowing that RefDes will of course change)?

Thank you for the detailed instructions. However the first two lines pertaining to Capture (which is where the issue is) do not work when I try to copy and paste across projects. I tried updating the Design Cache using "Clean Up Cache" but no luck. I'll look up the Reuse Module stuff but that will be of limited help since I don't want to create Resume Modules when I just need to copy a part or two from one design to another including footprint etc.

Thank you for your reply. But duplicate is something different than copy - copy uses the clipboard ! Nomad Sculpt does not use the clipboard ! On Apple devices the clipboard is across devices, so using Copy would allow pasting on the Mac or Iphone or other app.

A copy in the clipboard would not be deleted by UNDO steps - a created duplicate will be deleted in Nomad Sculpt.

Yeah I agree, I have two files, a high res and a low res, I had to fix one piece of geometry in one but it is difficult to copy it to the other project to have it updated. Would be nice to see a copy/paste or export selected geometry as a native nomad file. On the topic of low res / high res, it would be great to see a switch in the main file that flicks between the two.

It is a known glitch, and the developers have promised to fix it. Meanwhile, as a workaround, go first into the destination model and copy something to the clipboard. Then you can go back to the source model and copy your items, and paste to the destination should now work.

I have had this issue off and on at work to the point where it's driving me insane. Sometimes the function works just fine, other times it acts like it's not possible. There are also times where I'll be having a problem copying and pasting, ask a co-worker about it, and then it instantly starts working and I'm pretty darn sure I took the same steps I had before asking for help, and it's really irritating. I've gone about this several ways:

1). Clicking on the note that I want to copy, doing a slow right-click, selecting "Copy", making the other window with the desired drawing I want to copy the note to active (I use dual monitors), then slow right-clicking again, but no "Paste" option shows up. I do this all without clicking off of the original note after copying it. 2351a5e196

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