All icons involving my Contacts have over time started being displayed in negative colours so that they are now pale pastel colours on a white background where I previously saw saturated colours on a black background.

Note this is not about my entire phone displaying negative colours, which can be fixed under Settings->Accessibility->Color inversion. Only my contacts default icons are affected (I don't have photos synced). Toggling the colour inversion setting doesn't fix it.

Download Contacts Icon


If I access my contacts via the contacts app directly, the contacts there are not the same as those from the contacts within the phone app. I do not know why I have 2 sets of contacts or now to resolve the issue. Is there a way to eliminate the contacts app and change it to the contacts from the phone app.

Try this. Open your contacts app. You will see the 3 horizontal bars on the left side of your screen. Click them. You will see a list of groups. At the top will be a Name of your list. Mine says Google. Click it. You will see a list, All contacts, Samsung account, Phone, Sim Card, Google, Microsoft Exchange... Your list might include none of these or just some of these. I had this happen once, where it was saving some contacts on Google, and some on Samsung, Some directly on the phone. Make sure that the list says "ALL CONTACTS" at the top. That will include everyone on every list.

I bought it unlocked but my current carrier is Verizon. This problem just happened after the andoid 10 and one UI 2.0 updates. Prior to this, it was not this way--whether I would access my contacts by pushing the contacts icon directly from the home screen or the contacts icon when at the phone keypad, they were the same screen. Now they are two different screens each with it's own look along with the contacts icon screen not having all of the contacts that the phone contacts icon has.

Ok here is my suggestion/request. Basically, I play on multiplayer servers that have realism on. I am training on navigation and the like. 1 thing I would like to ask pilots/devs is this. Do you know how to alter the icon settings so only a tiny icon appears for the plane? I find it unrealistic with the current graphical settings of not being able to identify airplanes at a certain distance. IMO, in real life you would be able to identify planes based on markings and wing shape etc but with the way the graphics work in this game, it is almost impossible.

For the devs, would it be possible to put tiny icons in the options [as a setting to swtich on/off] so you can tell if it's a friendly or enemy at obvious distances that would've been able to tell in real life? I find the fact that sometimes planes just dissapear to reappear again and the fact that its so hard to spot contacts from high above if they are low unless you see tracers. I mean I'm not too fazed about that so to speak but in certain instances it shouldn't be too hard and yet with a tiny black dot that by contrast appears the same as the background, it just isn't realistic.

I found these to be sufficient to brighten, decrease the gamma, thereby increasing the blackness of contacts which as per the video makes a bit of a difference to spotting contacts. However, if you add any more, it seems to affect the FPS.

I don't know if it will work on multiplayer, but have you checked out MOD(Icons) in the MODs section? This MOD allows a wide range of alternative options for icons. In my own case I have removed all details of the aircraft and simply have a small red (for hostile) or blue (for friendly) dot which shows above the aircraft. Much greater immersion than the vanilla icons!

Every one of my input fields has the little person icon with the arrow in safari. How to I disable that? By the way, I have any other similar page and that's not happening. I tried turning off all styles in the web inspector and the one page still has the icon.

If you want to hide it completely, you can use the following css tricks. Basically it detect that 'contacts-auto-fill-button' and move it away from your input field. Make sure you have 'absolute:position' to avoid extra padding from your fields.

Even with visibility:hidden or/and display:none Safari Ios keeps popping up icons and buttons. For me, the best solution was to set opacity to 0. This doesn't remove unwanted icons, but makes them completely transparent, and thus invisible. Furthermore, it works on whatever background color or img you're using.

the settings icon on yahoo mail is solid blue and the contact icon is solid blue cant get settings icon off cant access contacts have followed yahoo instructions emptied cache/cookies/etc browser updated addon/plugin/extensions okay what do I do next? set mozilla as default browser now cant log in to my email w/ yahoo what do I do now? 70 yrs old, not tech saavy and need specific instructions to access contacts thank you.

I prefer the existing one, I feel like the circle/gradient style feels a bit dated. I do think the corner radius on the existing icon is wrong and makes it seem a little off.

Here is my recommendation :

Joplin icon10241024 15.8 KB

Just from looking at the screenshots I would say @uxamanda 's suggestion is rather clever. Just by altering the corner radius the Joplin icon keeps true to the main app icon yet looks perfectly at home on the dock.

That said, the corner radius is only one of the aspects of the icon design that doesn't follow the (updated and ever-changing) HIG. Icons are generally supposed to at least vaguely resemble physical objects while still implying a rounded rectangle. Might it be reasonable, say, for the Joplin icon to have a binding on the left-hand side in order to suggest the appearance of a notebook?

I actually started from scratch because I hadn't noticed the new icon. The first tweak I made was replacing the rounded rectangle outline with a "squircle", that is, the peculiar mathematical shape used by iOS 7 and later, as well as macOS Big Sur:

I based my outline on the template provided by Because I was working with the existing SVG file, I just took the gradient and glyph and scaled them to fit the new clipping mask. The template included a raster drop shadow, though I subsequently replaced it with the programmatic one used by the existing icon.

At this point I discovered the updated icon from three weeks ago, and one thing I noticed (in addition to the use of the rounded rectangle outline instead of a squircle) was the use of a bevel. My understanding with the macOS icon guidelines is that pseudo-3D detailing should generally only be used when a design represents a physical object. Also the beveling in the new icon was rasterized, so I was not able to recreate in SVG. The template I used had a much more subtle (rasterized) bevel, which I dispensed with, and the old Joplin icon for macOS also had a much more subtle bevel, so bevels are not necessarily completely verboten.

Another tweak I made, also based on the fact that the icon does not represent a physical object, was to replace the "J" glyph's drop shadow with an inner shadow, based on the example set by the macOS Apple Music icon:

I have an open merge request with the updated icon, though I am open to feedback, especially about the glyph's inner shadow (and any incidental changes I may have messed up). I uploaded raw vector versions in both SVG and PSD. The SVG version does not have the inner shadow because inner shadows are rasterized in SVG, which makes it un-editable, while the PSD version does. Feel free to make further modifications and upload them here or in the mac-icons branch if you're comfortable using GitHub!

This may be better in a different forum thread, but I actually started by tweaking the icon to fit the GNOME icon guidelines, which differ from the macOS ones. Among other things, GNOME icons use a different pixel grid; they are rounded rectangles with a specific corner radius; and they don't use integral drop shadows. Gradients generally aren't used, but I stuck with the existing one for consistency. Also GNOME prefers rendering directly from SVG, but I don't know how the application is packaged, so I included PNG exports, as well.

Anyway, let me know what you think of these, too! (Even if this isn't strictly the correct forum thread for them...) The images embedded in this comment are actually all SVG already, so they're ready to edit, but the gnome-icons branch is here, and my pull request is here.

book_icon|512834166 22.3 KB

To be clear, circular and oblong-rectangular icons are not uncommon in GNOME. Just the only one I have in my dock at the moment is Firefox. The Discord icon has slightly nonstandard corner radii, but it's barely noticable.

The more compliant thing to do would probably be to have a spiral-bound notebook with all four corners rounded to match the "squircle", but I'm being lazy about drawing a metal spiral from scratch, so this is literally just the GNOME notebook icon with the "squircle" instead of roundrect corners.

My wife has lost the Contacts icon on her iPhone 6. Contacts are still listed uner the telephone icon, but there is no Contacts icon. We have looked in the Extras folder and it is not there. We have done a sesrch for Contacts as suggested and there is no indication of what folder it might be in. We also re-set her home screen to factory settings and still nothing. Are there any other ideas?Thanks

Icons should be universal! AKA, user have spent hours if not weeks organizing their web links. One should be able select that icon to express them personally or Coda should allow us to select which software we use and it recognize our icons personal or business. AKA, same applies to personal user icons. If one uses one for Linkedin or Google a user should be able to choose that icon. ff782bc1db

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