For completeness, the toolkit tools still exist and are now included in the installation of MEMCM / SCCM. These tools, which include CMTrace, are updated as required with each cumulative update (CU).

The toolkit is found under the Tools folder. In my case the path to cmtrace.exe is: 

E:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\tools.

Just wondering, could someone have any knowledge about how to disable the first-run dialog of CMTrace? The one which asks do you want to use cmtrace as default program for .log files etc? Any switches for cmtrace or registry patch?

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Hi Haider,

For x64 boot images, you need to add the dedicated x64 version of cmtrace.exe. Should be around 300-400 kb in size. The combined x86/x64 version, which is about 700 kb in size, will not work in WinPE x64.

What are you doing when you want to troubleshoot SCCM client locally on a computer? Connect your USB card with the cmtrace.exe on it? Copy the executable file from a network directory? Do you want to be smarter? Create an application with a file detection method that will copy the executable file automatically on any SCCM clients.

I tried deleting the cmtrace.exe from the existing location and copied CMTrace to different location but still, I get same error.I also tried opening the .log file with notepad and later change it back to cmtrace but still same issue.

The default application (cmtrace) settings are stored in the registry in HKCU. so in this case,the settings are stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Log.File\shell\open\command

Found that too, quite annoying. If you take the temp file it makes, rename it to cmtrace64.exe and move that copy somewhere that Applocker allows, you can run it. Make that version the default for .log files.

That is correct,

and that is why one of the most basic things we do when we configure SCCM server is to copy the cmtrace.exe to System32 or any other path and then make it the default .log FTA program

So, if you are working with SCCM 2012, make sure you use cmtrace.exe rather than the good old trace32.exe. And maybe like me, copy cmtrace32.exe to your local machine and use it from there rather than using it on the server.

The CMTrace log viewing tool is now automatically installed along with the Configuration Manager client. It's added to the client installation directory, which by default is %WinDir%\ccm\cmtrace.exe. Simply run the executable, there's no need to "install" it and if desired associate it with .log files. e24fc04721

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